Unbelievably, with all these warnings, relationships, covert ops, and examples of foreknowledge, the Bush administration claimed (and continues to claim) complete ignorance regarding the 9/11 attacks. On that very morning, once again NORAD and the FAA were running suspicious drills. Operation Vigilant Guardian and Northern Vigilance moved NY/DC fighter planes hundreds of miles away where they performed training exercises involving hijacked planes! British MP and Blair cabinet minister
Michael Meacher in the
London Guardian said,
“The first hijacking was suspected at not later than 8:20am, and the last hijacked aircraft crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:06am. Not a single fighter plane was scrambled to investigate from the US Andrews air force base, just 10 miles from Washington DC, until after the third plane had hit the Pentagon at 9:38am. Why not?” The FAA and NORAD
essentially stood down that morning. Any other day, when planes go off course, fast-movers are scrambled within 10 minutes to liaison. That is standard procedure and had already happened 67 times in 2001 alone. Why was 9/11 any different?
When giving evidence to the 9/11 Congressional Commission, Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta stated that Dick Cheney knew of the plane heading for the Pentagon, but purposely ordered the stand down: “There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, ‘the plane is 50 miles out, the plane is 30 miles out,’ and when it got down to ‘the plane is 10 miles out ,’ the young man also said to the vice president, ‘do the orders still stand?” And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, “of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?’ Well, at the time I didn’t know what all that meant.” Norman Mineta’s testimony was completely ignored by the Kean Commission report.
Former White House counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke told Vanity Fair that on the days following 9/11, when all commercial flights were down, the Bush administration allowed at least four private flights with about 140 Saudis, including over 20 members of the bin Laden family to escape the US without being interviewed or interrogated by the FBI. Not long after, it came out that many of the supposed hijackers were/are still alive.
“As is now well known, at least eight of the September 11 ‘suicide hijackers' either died before the event or are actually still alive. This isn't some kind of Internet conspiracy theory; it's been reported in mainstream media across the world. Furthermore, four of the five named Flight 11 hijackers are still alive and could not have been on the plane that hit the north tower. Beside the fact that according to their flight school instructors they could barely fly a Cessna, never mind a Boeing 767.” -Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos (98)
It has been confirmed that 7 of the alleged hijackers are still alive and well. Another one had died already in 2000. The Bush administration and Kean report have nothing to say on this matter. On top of this, September 15th, 2001 it came out in Newsweek that 5 of the, “Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained at US Bases.” Shortly after, the Pensacola News Journal confirmed that 3 of the hijackers were trained at the Pensacola NAS in 1999. In the following months it got out that the CIA had been tracking 2 of the hijackers for 4 years and had actually helped getting visas for all 19.
“It emerged in May of 2002 that the Central Intelligence Agency had officers and assets shadowing two of the hijackers. Newsweek ran the headline, ‘The Hijackers We Let Escape,’ reporting the fact that the CIA followed these two men into Malaysia where they had a meeting with senior leaders of the Al-Qaeda in 2000. The CIA flew out of Los Angeles closely tracking Al-Qaeda-Pakistani Intelligence useful idiots Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar. Both men attended what the FBI called an Al-Qaeda summit. The American people were shocked to learn that the CIA had been following the hijackers for four years. Even after their meeting in 2000 with the leadership of the Al-Qaeda, Alhazmi and Almihdhar were allowed to return to the United States and to enroll in flight schools. Reports in the BBC and the Washington Times confirmed that the CIA had pressured US Embassies abroad and the INS to issue visas for all 19 of the hijackers.” -Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
The government claims that the lead hijacker, Mohammad Atta’s suitcase was accidentally not loaded onto the flight that day. Inside it, investigators say they found the Quran, a video on how to fly commercial planes, and a fuel-consumption indicator. The night before he also accidentally left a Quran in a Florida strip club. Then another Quran and Arabic flight manuals were found in his rental car. Why didn’t he take a taxi? If he was such an Islamic extremist, about to take his life for his religion, why was he at a strip club? And why did he bring his Quran inside? It also came out that that Mohammad Atta was wired $100,000 by the CIA through the ISI.
“One of the biggest smoking guns to indicate that the terrorist attack was an inside job is the CIA’s direct connection with the hijackers via Pakistan ISI Director General Mahmoud Ahmad. General Mahmoud Ahmad instructed Ahmad Umar Sheikh to hotwire $100,000 to the 9/11 lead hijacker, Mohammad Atta. On September 11th, Ahmad was a guest of former clandestine CIA officer and CFR member Rep. Porter Goss and Skull and Bones/CFR member Senator Bob Graham. Since September 4th, he had met with top brass at the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House, including Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Joseph Biden and George Tenet.” -Paul Joseph Watson, “Order Out of Chaos” (93)
In a statement issued to Al Jazeera just days after the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden said, “The US government has consistently blamed me for being behind every [attack]. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seem to have been planned by people for personal reasons.” Weeks later Japanese, Chinese, and Indian news reports all confirmed Osama’s death, but then on December 14th, 2001, the US government came out with “The Bin Laden Confession Tapes,” starring someone whom we are told is Osama bin Laden, yet looks and acts nothing like him. His beard changes color, his skin darkens and his face fattens. He is actually seen signing a paper with his right hand, even though Osama bin Laden is left handed. He claims responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and said he did so because he “hates our freedom.” This fake Osama is still alive and well hiding in the caves of sheeple’s minds world-wide.

“Now President Bush is seeking to restrict Capitol Hill probes. He had Dick Cheney call six separate congressional committees and threaten them, telling them not to investigate September 11 (Washington Post, January 30, 2002, “Bush Seeks to Restrict Hill Probes of Sept. 11”).” -Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
It took 9 days until an investigation was ordered into Pearl Harbor.
It took 7 days until an investigation was ordered into JFK's Murder.
It took 7 days until an investigation was ordered into the Challenger.
It took 6 days until an investigation was ordered into the Titanic.
It took 411 days until an investigation was ordered into 9/11.
$75 million was allocated for the 1986 Challenger investigation.
$50 million was allocated for the 2004 Columbia investigation.
$40 million was allocated for Clinton-Lewinsky investigation.
Only $14 million was allocated for the 9/11 Commission.
Is this the kind of effort shown by a government in support of a thorough investigation into these attacks? Once the government finally agreed to an “investigation,” Bush originally appointed war criminal Henry Kissinger of all people to lead the commission! This alone should have been a red flag as to how “investigative” the commission whitewash would be. Kissinger quickly stepped down due to public pressure and CFR member Thomas Kean took his place.
In June 2002, Lt. Col. Steve Butler, the Dean of the Defense Language School in Monterey, California, claiming he was forced to train lead hijacker Mohammad Atta, wrote a letter to the editor of the “Monterey Herald.” He also wrote regarding Bush’s prior knowledge and motive for the attack, stating, "Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama.” He said that the 9/11 events were engineered to work the American people into a frenzy which would in turn allow the Bush administration to further its political goals. After making that statement he was suspended from duty and motions were made to court marshal him under Article 88.
“Why would the globalists in control of our intelligence community orchestrate such terror? Right after the attacks, Bush’s approval rating went from forty-five percent to ninety-plus percent. The U.S.A. Patriot Act, which effectively eviscerated the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, was passed, radically expanding the scope of the already colossal police state complex. Their cashless society, compact city, control grid is accelerating into place as Americans scramble for ‘security.” -Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”

“Indeed, it almost seems to be a requirement or admission into public discourse to announce that one rejects conspiracy theories. What is the logic behind this thinking? It cannot be that we literally reject the very idea that conspiracies occur. We all accept conspiracy theories of all sorts. We accept a conspiracy theory whenever we believe that two or more people have conspired in secret to achieve some goal, such as to rob a bank, defraud customers, or fix prices … It is false to suggest that those who allege that the attacks occurred because of official complicity are ‘conspiracy theorists’ while those who accept the official account are not. People differ on this issue merely in terms of which conspiracy theory they hold to be true, or at least most probable. According to the official account, the attacks of 9/11 occurred because of a conspiracy among Muslims, with Osama bin Laden being the chief conspirator. Revisionists reject that theory, at least as a sufficient account of what happened, maintaining that the attacks cannot be satisfactorily explained without postulating conspiracy by officials of the US government, at least in allowing the attacks to succeed. The choice, accordingly, is simply between (some version of) the received conspiracy theory and (some version of) the revisionist conspiracy theory.” -David Icke, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center
How the media manipulates through NLP and other techniques
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