In 1998 we also have Bruce Willis saving the world in Masonic Disney/Touchstone’s Armageddon. Toward the end of the movie there is a countdown which passes 9:11 minutes just as the camera pans past.
In another 1998 Disney/Touchstone film, Enemy of the State, a politician played by Jon Voight has his birthday on September 11th.
In Warner Bros. 1990 film Gremlins 2 there are two reporters from channels 9 and 11 holding microphones with those numbers juxtaposed.
In the 1990 Universal film Problem Child the Healy’s live at house number 911. The actor in this movie, John Ritter, in real life had a baby girl, Stella Ritter born on 9/11/98, then 5 years later suddenly and suspiciously John died on 9/11/03. At first glance these synchronicities may seem like mere coincidence until you realize their Masonic significance, and Hollywood’s Masonic dominance.
In the 1993 Super Mario Brothers movie the

In 33rd Degree Mason James Cameron and Columbia Tri-Star’s 1991 Terminator II, Judgment Day, there is an overpass that warns “Caution 9-11.”
In the 1996 film Ind ependence Day, there is also a countdown which just happens to pass 09:11:01 (9/11/01) as the camera pans across. At the start of another Columbia Tri-Star Picture, 2000’s The 6th Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger looks at his schedule which has only two times: 9:00 and 11:00.
The same year in Columbia ’s The Patriot, Mel Gibson’s first words, weighing a chair, in the film, are: "9 pounds, 11 ounces, perfect." Here we have 911, the “patriotic” concept of the post-911 “Patriot Act,” a Masonic production company, a Masonic measuring device and symbol of the mystery schools, ounces or OZ (77) revenge of Lamech, and the closing word, “perfect.”
In 1997 DreamWorks’ first film, The Peacemaker, George Clooney is shot perfectly between aisle 9 and 11.
In a 1997 episode of the Simpsons, Lisa holds up a magazine that reads “New York $9” with a picture of the Twin Tower s after the 9 which looks like 911.
In 1998’s Godzilla the camera cuts to a wrist-watch showing 8:55 with the little hand on the 9 and the big hand on the 11.
In 1999’s The Thirteenth Floor a wall clock shows 11:45 with the big hand on the 9 and the little hand on the 11. In Universal/Columbia’s 1999 The Bone Collector, Denzel Washington finds a piece of paper from page 119, and the date is 11/9, November 9th.
In Warner Bros. 1999 film The Matrix, Neo's passport expires on exactly Sept. 11, 2001!
In 2000’s Traffic, a large delivery truck is shown full of boxes, and on every single box are a Scorpio/scorpion symbol and the number 911.
In March, 2001 (6 months before 9/11) the pilot episode for The Lone Gunman aired on FOX with the plotline of terrorists hijacking a plane and crashing it into the World Trade Center! Let me guess, these are all just coincidence, and I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist, right?

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I remember reading on PrisonPlanet a couple days ago. "11th bank closed....", It kind of caught my eye, especially when I saw that McCain's son just stepped down as chairmen. Keep it up man.
WOW Man this really makes you think about how someone at the top is just putting it in our face and Laughing, I bet as they do it....
nice collection. you missed neo's passport in the matrix neo matrix passport date :)
which of course means (as passports last 10 years) that it was issued the date GB senior gave the NWO speach.
Nice catch Tao, you're right, I forgot about that one. Neo's Passport was 9/11/91, same day as Bush's 1000 points of light New World Order speech. Lovely.
Maybe there are some hints like these about something that maybe will happen in the future? Something related with aliens and a date?
very interesting
you forgot 3 days of the condor...
or explaining that sept 11-13th refers to the 3 days of Jesus's birthday, or that english is based on the mathematical symbology that gives reference to 'it'.
engl = 29/36 ish = 29/36
i am sam = 9 113, 19113
US = 2119.. different ways of saying 9 11-13.
guardians speak in 'good old' english
learn to fly & teach jack 1thess 5:22
or lebowski in line buying milk he writes the check out for like 69 cents but more importantly the date is 9-11-01 and you can hear bush in the background with his "this agression won't stand bit
Yeah there's lots more. Check out Vyzygoth's 9/11 predictive programming image gallery at www.beyondthegrassyknoll.com
Man this is sick stuff...I've learned so much from this site, but it's starting to make me paranoid...when the masons know so much, how can we be sure they aren't somehow manipulating us using this website?...Gah.
Hmm Well I was just searching on Google for some Tarot readings of some Tarot reader
and just came across your blog, generally I just only visit blogs and retrieve my required
information but this time the useful information that you posted in this post compelled me
to reply here and appreciate your good work. I just bookmarked your blog
My Grandfather was a Mason. I can tell you that it isn't the Freemasons behind any of this. There are much better candidates to consider and I would suggest starting with initials.
"Vengeance is mine says the Lord"
Now we have the same pointing towards 26.06.2011 berlin germany....
The average Freemasons have no idea about masonic symbolism in movies and mainstream music videos.
Charles W Lead beater a 33rd degree Freemason openly stated in his book " the hidden life " in freemasonry that spirits \ angels \ devas are attached to Freemasons during higher degree rituals. Freemasons are possessed by malevolent entities, these entities animate them like puppets.
A few excrepts from charles w leadbeater - the hidden life in freemasonry :
" Yet when one of these bright Spirits is attached to us by a Masonic ceremony we must not think of him either as director or as an attendant, but simply as a co-worker and a brother. "
" The 30° brings its Angel also, of appropriate character - a great
blue Deva of the First Ray, who lends his strength to the Knight K.H., somewhat as the crimson Angel assists the Ex. and Perf. Bro. of the Rose-Croix. The 33 ° gives two such splendid fellow-workers - Spirits of gigantic size as compared to humanity, and radiantly white in colour.
He who stands usually on the right hand of the Sovereign Grand
Inspector General has an aura of brilliant white light shot with gold, and represents Osiris, the sun and the life, the positive aspect of the Deity; she who stands on the left has an aura of similar light veined with silver, and represents Isis, the moon and the truth, the negative or feminine aspect of the Divine Glory."
Check out Pink Floyd... the song:goodbye bluesky...predicting chemtrails 30 years ago...It's part of their video "the wall"
Hi Eric,
I noticed something on the tarot ‘Tower’ card that you have in your latest article. If you look at the lightning bolt, it forms a ‘W’ (dubya), the point on the arrow looks like a delta wing plane, and the crown that is falling off the tower resembles the crown that Laura Bush had installed over the Lincoln bed in the White House. Or maybe it represents the first American 'King', since we're heading towards dictatorship and that was the pretext.
Maybe just coincidence, but it’s been nagging me for a while.
Love your site, keep up the great work.
Pink Floyd plays a major role in not only helping in implanting subliminal suggestion, but also in waking us up from the subliminal sick game of the elite. Pink Floyd seems to play a double-role - after all, that is no surprise, as everyone has their own yellow submarine, besides the dark side of the moon, viz a viz Wizard of Oz mind control programming.
I noticed one the other day in the movie Idle Hands. Where Vivica Fox is ritually about to kill Devon Sawa, she's checks the wall clock that has the hands pointing at 9 and 11, then checks her wrist watch which has a picture of a hand with one eye on the palm!
That's a good compilation you've collected.
Thanks for posting them.
you did not put in " Hackers "(1995)
is FULL of 9/11 symbolisms!
At the end when they are in a pool they see the twin towers light up Crash and Burn.
also.. what they say at the end .. if you have the sud tiles turned on you will see more then just crash and burn.... to see that movie now with open eyes is .. mind blowing...
What the movies are programing us now since 2001?
Alien invasion
Sun exploding
I hope that real aliens came to earth and clean this place
can you give mi link for download this film ,.,.,!!!! please
if you can't giv link in my email : wong.atlantik@gmail.com..OK .....
If you type in "911 Hidden in Hollywood" you'll find a many part series.
I just watched Beverly Hills Cop 2 last night and there's a screen full of 9/11's, then we learn that the majority of the film is taking place on Sept. 11, during which some terrorists are robbing the Federal Reserve. Interesting....
Beginning of City of Angels (1998) camera zooms towards Nicolas Cage, behind him is EMERGENCY 911 EMERGENCY.
then why you people killing muslims?
It's also interesting that in Islamic Theology, the AntiChrist is the one with the "one eye".
Whats even crazier is the fact that on November 6th 2001, the world was introduced to Jack Bauer, and there has not been a terrorist attack on the U.S. since. Really makes you think.
If you haven't yet, you should watch 'shooter' with Mark Wahlberg. *Notice the 9/11 raport while the main caracter says 'Let's see what lies they are trying to sell us today'. Some other funny features in the movie aswell, like the mentioning/ importance of a tripod in the whole sceme of the movie.
In a lot of films people shouts Call 911... Scary...
Actually, George H. W Bushs speech was on 09/11/1990...11 years before 09/11/01 and according to Tom Horns Appollyon Rising 2012 this is exactly why we should be keeping an eye out for the 11 year anniversary of 09/11, which is 09/11/2012...
9/11/12 nothing happened. the end. Next stop, 12/21/12! Doomsday, here we come!
You are just seeing things now that you have something to look for. Like when you purchase a new car you start to see the same one that you just bought everywhere (unless its a lambhorgini lol) or another example that I can think of is when I began running I bought a new pair of asics which I had never even heard of or seen before but then I just noticed it everywhere. You really need to stop obsessing and enjoy life otherwise all of these dates will pass you by and all your doomsday preparation will be shown to be for naught, besides if it really is going to be the end of the world there is nothing that can be done anyway so it just happens.
They threw so many hints out there. Now 10 years later, it's just crazy how they pulled that off. One building fell down and wasn't even reported by the media, and no plane hit it. The WTC Tower 7, I guess that was an oops!
Hollywood throws this stuff out there as hints and answers. It's the greatest trick of all time. The Television, it was created to brainwash and manipulate. They don't want you outside doing things or socializing. They want you on the couch starring at their TVs. I've seen so much propaganda in my life and trying to explain to people that they are being tricked and fooled is just impossible. It's like a woman trying to explain to a man about her monthly period. No matter how much detail and so forth she explains it, the man isn't going to know cause he's never been through it. That's how most sheep are with their TVs and being lied to. "I seen it on television, you're wrong!" or my favorite one "Our country is just so great, they would never lie to us on TV"
That is why most American sheep have the ego the size of a globe and think they are the greatest thing ever made. That's why they don't care when our country pulls something off to go to war and slaughter millions of innocent people overseas. it don't concern them individually, so they don't care at all. That's also the excuses they'll give you when speaking of the American Indian Genocide.
It's so clear now that 9/11 was an inside job that they engineered, like the WTC 7 tower being ignored. All people have to do is open their eyes, but the majority of Americans are too busy watching football or their narcissistic reality TV shows to really give a shit about what is really going on.
This is like the fall of rome, where the Romans kept the masses entertained with sports and a craze for sex, to the point they didn't have a clue what was going on around them as their freedom was being destroyed.
I would do anything to go back to the days before 9/11 :( that was their excuse to basically punish us and constantly act like we are terrorists.
That's how most sheep are with their TVs and being lied to. "I seen it on television, you're wrong!" or my favorite one "Our country is just so great, they would never lie to us on TV" That is why most American sheep have the ego the size of a globe and think they are the greatest thing ever made. That's why they don't care when our country pulls something off to go to war and slaughter millions of innocent people overseas. it don't concern them individually, so they don't care at all. That's also the excuses they'll give you when speaking of the American Indian Genocide.
This is so true and I've felt the same as you trying to awaken some morality and concern into people. Keep on speaking the truth! Peace
Impressive collection! I wonder if the emergency phone number has been mentioned somewhere in this connection. I live in Europe but if I'm not mistaken in USA it's 911.
Also in Terminator 2 after we are seeing Caution 9-11 the car crashes into one of the bridgs towers and explodes, just like the plane that hit wtc , foreshadowing ?
also in The Peacemaker which stars George Clooney, they traced the elder brother in New York and in a Hotel scene, they were coming up the elevator while panning in the number 9 and 11 while going up...
This is the first time i have visited this site. Very interesting the use of 9/11 . Now i will watch every movie looking for the reference and failing to find a 9/11 reference, take note of other numbers that might repeat them selves.
Thanks for the research.
I tend to veer in the direction that its NOT Predictive Programming, but rather, a way for the perpetrators to avoid KARMIC RETRIBUTION.
Much like the warning on a cigaretted package saying this product can cause health problems or even KILL YOU, but since we warned you, you proceed & ingest at your own risk, and remove all risks & guilt from the manufacturer of the deadly product.
I tend to think the perpetrators could give a rat's ass about the gentile chattel--afterall, they are the ones MAKING the deadly product to begin with!
Its more like they dont want any strings attached to any bad karma arising from people getting hurt & killed from something they put out there as death traps.
Good point Anonymous, I think you may be right about that! Predictive programming and lack of karmic responsibility kind of go hand in hand like that. Desensitization through gradual revelation of the method, absolves the propagandist of karmic responsibility... supposedly... still seems like a cop-out to me though. There's still karma attached to brainwashing people.
I just don't think they would even care to desensitize anyone--far from it. They WANT us to die, and clear a path on this earth just for them.
They lay out the warnings in FINE PRINT, or something so childish such as a CARTOON or FICTIONAL movie/book that they figure no one will take the warning seriously, and thus, not heed their (intentionally) weak ass warning.
Somehow, they must feel they are not brainwashing us IF the warning is all spelled out (albeit crytically, subliminally, and darn near invisibally in their fine tiny print or coded messages).
They must figure--if we can't figure it out, we deserve to die for our stupidity alone.
Sounds like the reasoning and logic of a psychopath.
Psychopaths are tricky and mean-spirited. I've had one tried to poison me recently--twice.
PS, the captcha are hard to read...they must be trying to discourage me from posting with their wavy characters and oh-so-blurry numbers. Much like the fine print on warnings using text that is MICROSCOPIC, NARROW, THIN, and SANS-SERIF, and in some cases, UPSIDE-DOWN!
Might I add their "warnings" are split & divided amongst movies, so you never get the whole warning in one place.
PPS, this next captcha has one number completely CUT OFF at the bottom. Let me guess, could be "2" or "3"...
...2nd try on the captcha!!!
Who are those „they“ you're all talking about?
The people who own the mass media who produced these "prophetic" images
Secret Society Media Manipulation
Jewish Control of the Media
Hi Eric, can't recall whether this has been shared here already, but if not it may be of interest: Comprehensive ongoing collection of 9/11 synchronicity in art and media by Cartamandua (600+ images and gifs). Link: http://goo.gl/ZdYHx
In the 6th Day (2,000), Arnold is in a police holding room. On the wall is a poster that says "United We Stand" and shows the twin towers with smoke pouring out and white line heading into one of the buildings like a chemtrail. Then when they show the same poster later it shows a line of police in riot gear. They try to make the white of the police helmets match up to look like the white smoke in the original poster scene but when you put them next to each other in photoshop you can clearly see they're two different posters. It's clear as hell. This is just bragging by the scum who did it! These people deserve the worst kind of payback.
In the same Simpsons episode featured here, when Homer is at the top of the WTC tower to pee, he looks at his watch and goes "9:11?????" and looks down the window and sees the cop giving him yet another ticket before going D'OH!. This one was found by a good friend of mine and I find it funny nobody found it yet.
Wow, hadn't heard about that one, thanks for sharing!
The 9/11 symbolism continues to this day. There are now thousands of examples of 9/11 subliminals and synchronicities in movies, art and the media, many building up to September 11th 2001, peaking around the event itself and then continuing afterwards to a lesser (though noticeable) degree.
We've stumbled on dozens of examples ourselves that have not yet been documented anywhere, though a handful of interested folks have made valiant attempts, the best we've found being this Photobucket collection by user cartamandua (600+ images): http://goo.gl/ZdYHx
Thought I'd post it here for the record! Enjoy. Love your work Eric. :)
I believe all this...and what's crazy about this but I started to watch movies more and more and i honestly believe i broke a code from a movie scene lol and trust me it's worth knowing what my theory is about it
It would be interesting to calculate the odds of the numbers 9/11 appearing on a clock in a movie.
I suck at math, but I believe there are a minimum of some 3,540 permutations on a standard 12 hour clock (i.e. for each small hand position, the large hand can be in one of 60 positions).
Seems to me that the odds of having 911 appear on a clock anywhere are in the thousands to one category - meaning for every 3500 movies, you might expect to see 911 one time.
I wonder if anyone can research the number of movies times the appearance of 911 on a clock. If the appearance is more than one in 3500, then statistically someone is manipulating the appearance.
And when Teminator tells about die of billions of people, at house of that scientist, we may see picture with masonic checquered floor, and the statue of Anubis. And below the picture - is there an owl?
Also in the movie Terminator II, there is a close up of a "pin identification number", and the number is 7256 which appears on a small hand held device. 7+2=9 and 5+6=11.
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