Christopher Columbus |
“We may fairly agree that the subject of history, as commonly taught, is one of the most boring of all subjects. However, the study of how the subject of history has been manipulated is surely one of the most interesting of all subjects.” - Michael Tsarion,
Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
“The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind.” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“History is the lie commonly agreed upon.” -Voltaire
Our government-issue textbooks tell us that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. The dictionary says “to discover” means “to learn something unknown,” but the tens of millions of indigenous “Indians” would certainly contest Columbus’ discovery of anything. Perhaps the occult meaning of “discovery” coincides with Columbus’ occult knowledge of exactly where he was going. Perhaps the word dis-cover, means just that: “to take the lid off something that has been covered up.”
“The Phoenicians were not confined to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. They landed in Britain around 3,000 BC and unmistakable Phoenician artifacts have been found in Brazil, as well as possible Egyptian remains in the Grand Canyon in America. The Phoenicians landed in the Americas thousands of years before the manufactured ‘photo opportunity’ better known as the journey of Christopher Columbus. The reason that the native legends of the Americas speak of tall ‘white gods’ coming from the sea bringing advanced knowledge is because that is precisely what happened, if you forget the gods bit.” -David Icke, “
The Biggest Secret” (63)

When critics objected saying
Columbus’ mission was impossible, he often countered those objections saying he “
might discover some very beneficial island or continent about 750 leagues to the west.” At this point the ships would be able to re-stock on food/supplies and continue on towards
Asia. Then low and behold
Columbus discovered a “very beneficial continent” precisely 750 leagues to the west.
“In the agreements signed on April 17th, 1492, (The Capitulo) and on April 30th, 1492, (The Titulo) the strange fact is that more attention is given to the rulership and jurisdiction of problematical lands that might be discovered en route than to a division of spoils from wealthy Asia.” -Alex Christopher, “
Pandora’s Box – The Ultimate Unseen Hand Behind the New World Order,” (42)
In Scotland's Knights Templar Rosslyn Chapel, there are clear depictions of corn and aloe cactus found on the archways and ceiling. These plants were officially discovered in America and first brought to Europe in the 16th century. How then did the Masons building Rosslyn Chapel, completed in 1486, know about these plants at least 6 years before Columbus set sail?
“The official story that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas is ludicrous. A few miles from Edinburgh in Scotland today still stands Rosslyn Chapel, that holy grail of the Brotherhood Elite. It was built in the shape of a Templar cross by the St Clair-Sinclair family and is a mass of esoteric symbolism. The foundations were laid in 1446 and it was completed in the 1480s. How remarkable then that the stonework at Rosslyn includes depictions of sweetcorn and cacti which were only found in America and Christopher Columbus did not ‘discover’ that continent until 1492! How could this be? There is, in fact, no mystery. Christopher Columbus was not even nearly the first white person to land in the Americas. The Phoenicians, Norse, Irish, Welsh, Bretons, Basques and Portuguese, all sailed to America before him and so did Prince Henry Sinclair of Rosslyn, as documented in a rare book by Frederick I. Pohl called Prince Henry Sinclair’s Voyage To The New World 1398. Sinclair made the journey with another Brotherhood bloodline, the Zeno family, one of the most prominent Black Nobility families in Venice. Sinclair and Antonio Zeno landed in what we call Newfoundland and went ashore in Nova Scotia (New Scotland) in 1398 … The Brotherhood had known about the Americas for thousands of years and Christopher Columbus was used to make the official discovery so that the occupation of the Americas could begin.” –David Icke, “
The Biggest Secret” 178-9
Catherine de Medici |
Columbus’ supporters were European royalty and the Templars. His father-in-law was a former Templar Knight and Catherine de Medici of the Illuminati bloodline (along with others) financed his voyage. Columbus’ three ships sailed under the Templars Red Cross flag, used today by the Red Cross and Switzerland. The royals also sent out fleets of conquistadors and swash-buckling pirates flying the Skull and Bones flag - their orders to rape, kill, and pillage all they could from the New World.
“The Skull and Bones cross used by the secret society comes from the pirate skull and cross bones. They weren’t just a bunch of swashbucklers like you’ve seen in the movies. No, these were agents sent onto the high seas by the British royal family to colonize the Americas.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture, Conspiracy Con 2003
In high school, studying the Renaissance art paintings, I noticed the hand positions and how many paintings had the same hand position. I tried it myself, and it was unnatural to hold the middle & ring finger closed together.
To me, it looked "crooked", but they did have slender fingers.
I couldnt hold that hand position for long, much less how they did sitting for a portrait painting.
We were always taught that Columbus "discovered" America, then in high school, we were taught that it was Amerigo Vespucci had come before Columbus, and hence the name America, came from him.
Another issue that the Rockefeller textbooks don't tell us and even most conspiracy and alternative history books don't tell us is that Columbus was Jewish and came to America with Jewish money after the kings of Spain started the Jewish expulsions from Spain.
This is of topic, but I must comment :). I find youre site and was very suprised to see a Plitvica Waterfalls in Croatia on your banner :)) I*m from Croatia, thank you so much to put them on your blog :))
Sorry to leave comment here :))
Regards, Dubravka
Talk about changing History,
Talk about changing RELIGION
No wonder the vatican has so many buried secrets it won't share (yet):
25. However, ancient records long hidden in the depths of the Vatican eventually will come to light, and those will prove that much of the biblical Jesus story, including his birth in a manger, crucifixion and resurrection, was conceived by early church leaders. They had to retain some of the records, some of his teachings that would appeal to the populace, but they expunged Jesus’ explanation of how others could develop the same powers that he had, which the record-changers, not Jesus, described as miracles that he alone, as the only son of God, could perform. Later groups of self-serving leaders destroyed all passages in the early Bible editions that mentioned multiple lifetimes and reincarnation, and still later editions added passages to portray God as a fearful being, Jesus as his only son, the Immaculate Conception and the virgin birth.
I really hope truth come out one day soon , this is a joke , but where is the gold??all the stolen spanish gold gone?? , it had to be loads , Greece still claiming theirs:
This is what Alex Jones doesn't want us to know. He always says "1776 is the answer to 1984". It's a trap to think the settlers were rebels aganst England because they were and still are allies. I wish you would have quoted this part Eric, if you read it from a book or another source: "Columbus’ supporters were European royalty and the Templars. His father-in-law was a former Templar Knight and Catherine de Medici of the Illuminati bloodline (along with others) financed his voyage. Columbus’ three ships sailed under the Templars Red Cross flag, used today by the Red Cross and Switzerland. The royals also sent out fleets of conquistadors and swash-buckling pirates flying the Skull and Bones flag - their orders to rape, kill, and pillage all they could from the New World"...It's a great piece of information, much appreciated. Have you noticed the symbolism in Christopher Columbus's name? "From the Late Greek name Χριστοφορος (Christophoros) meaning "bearing Christ", derived from Χριστος (Christos) combined with φερω (phero) "to bear, to carry". It was used by early Christians as a metaphorical name, expressing that they carried Christ in their hearts. In the Middle Ages, literal interpretations of the name's etymology led to legends about a Saint Christopher who carried the young Jesus across a river. He has come to be regarded as the patron saint of travellers"....Travellers. The name Columbus roughly translates to dove, doves fly and flying is a form of traveling, the dove is also a holy symbol in Christianity and a symbol of peace. I think it was crucial for ritual purposes for this to be his name and it was also very necessary for him to spread CHRISTianity like the wings of the English Empire's double headed eagle instead of Freemasonry so christianity can be seen as another controlling Religion who's leaders have others kill in the name of their God unlike the new age religion that will not be forced on the people, but desired by the people when they become tired of the corrupt ways of ancient religions...So, do you remember the source of that statement i quoted from this blog? Thanks, it was a great post by the way, is this your only one on Christopher Columbus?
In the Name of Charities, but for whom?
Tax Exemption for "Charitable" Objects in a Business:
Truly enlightening article Eric, christopher columbus sailed to america and murdered many native americans to acquire their land and impose christianity on people.
In a similar way the masonic European and British monarchs from 17th to 19th century traveled to africa, middle-east, India and many other Asian countries to impose freemasonry and Christianity on them through massacres and genocides.
How about the Knights of Columbus -- a Christian Fraternity. Well, God bless us.
Great Post
Eric you love to write but half this is David Icke... Would love if you wrote about this subject.
hi this is royce and i know exactly why columbus came here,he came to find the direct bloodline of jesus christ from mary and mix with that blood of ours to wash away there sins which did not turn out that way it could only be done thru a medical procedure which have become the cure for aids so instead they led away pocahontas and threw our indian forefathers and african forefathers and children into slavery this is atlantis we are 1 blood the new kingdom dropped dec 21, 2012 and we the people are tired of reservations and poverty and jail signed royce gaylor holygrail is the bloodline of jesus christ here in chicago
when christopher columbus came to america he was following those 3 stars which is the holy trinity which was shown when jesus christ was born and the bloodline of christ always migrated and traveled to worship and find new land to build on thats why in dians where here first which was carrying the holygrail which was the direct bloodline of jesus christ thru mary her other offspring and thanksgiving was about peace over the crucifixion of jesus christ and then they built everywher and our forefathers was once servants of the white man until they brought over african slaves so they put indians in slavery also and we became thee lost bloodline of jesus christ the mayans,the lost tribe of atlantis,and they kept the treasure of atlantis which is known as the national treasure to this day and dating back from jesus christ to noah and to adam and eve we the people of this earh are one blood and december 21st 2012 was the day of tha resurecttion of jesus christ signing off is royce gaylor
AD 1451-1506-Christopher Columbus, Italian navigator and explorer, unable to obtain funding for his expeditions to a new route to India obtains help from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, and in exchange for three small caravels, small sailing crafts that can sail against prevailing winds, Columbus agrees to keep only 10% of any of the riches he discovers and promises to use the treasures he finds to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims and build a shrine there in honor of the Christian King and Queen of Spain. It is written that Columbus lasciviously abducted 12 young Indian women on his first voyage without making the slightest reference to the children he then left motherless. In Columbus' journal, he focuses on whether or not the women were strikingly attractive, or lighter or darker than the Guanches of the Canary Islands, and whether they covered their shame [privates]. ~Man's Search For Spirituality by E Christopher Reyes.
The Christian: Christopher Columbus: Authorized to either exterminate the native clientele and replace their culture, as the natives are either killed or enslaved. The good Catholic thinking Columbus commented in this regard, that the natives “Ought to be good servants... And would easily be made Christians.”
God’s Will(?): because Columbus saw his affairs as the “Fulfillment of prophecies in Isaiah.” To any objections from the natives, Columbus responded with, “…With the help of God, we shall … Make war against you in all ways and manners that we can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of Their Highness. We shall take you and your wives, and your children, and shall make slaves of them.”
Eyewitnesses recall, “Once the Indians were in the woods, the next step was to form squadrons and pursue them, and whenever the Spaniards found them, they pitilessly slaughtered everyone like sheep... So they would cut an Indian's hands and leave them dangling... Some Christians encounter an Indian women, and since the dog they had with them was hungry, they tore the child from the mother's arms and flung it still living to the dog...” “After all, the Indians were only infidels.” ~Christopher Columbus, Excerpt of the Requerimiento. ~Man's Search For Spirituality by E Christopher Reyes.
Columbus fools the Native American people into thinking that he was a God, and upon his return he applies to the Papacy in Rome [Pope Alexander VI for control of the new lands he found on behalf of the King and Queen, which is basically a license to steal anything that is not owned by a Christian nation or people]
His request is granted and the King and Queen of Spain are given permission to spread Christianity amongst the natives. He made a total of four trips to the New World and attempted to convert the natives to Christianity, but the brutal treatment by the Europeans did not go well with the natives. One does not read of “… Papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion.” ~The Glorious Reformation by S. S. Schumucker, D. D., Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the Sixteenth Century; delivered before the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of West Pennsylvania, by the Rev. S. S. Schmucker, D.D., Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Published by Gould and Newman. 1838, citing Dr. Brownlee’s Popery An Enemy To Civil Liberty, p. 105. ~quoted in Man's Search For Spirituality by E Christopher Reyes
In 1501 Christopher Columbus, now a lonely man, declares himself the Messiah as prophesied by Joachim. He believed the Italian Calabrian Abbot, Joachim, in that he, Columbus, was selected for a providential destination. During his travels to the New World, Columbus encountered the practice of cannibalism by Central and South American natives. Columbus wrote of the Carib Natives and their cannibalism in his journal.
The Catholic Church continually denies persecuting women and children, yet, even in the conquests of its Christian explorers, deplorable, and heinous crimes continue to be committed in the name of Jesus, “Other infants they put to the sword, along with their mothers and anyone else who happened to be nearby... They made some low wide gallows on which the hanged victim's feet almost touched the ground, stringing up their victims in lots of thirteen, in memory of ‘Our Redeemer,’ and ‘His twelve Apostles,’ then set burning wood at their feet and thus burned them alive...To others they attached straw or wrapped their whole bodies in straw and set them afire...” ~Bartolome de las Casas, who traveled with christopher Columbus, General History of the Indies, published in the 1540's.~quoted in Man's Search For Spirituality by E Christopher Reyes
Christopher Columbus set out to conquer and subjugate, not so much as to enlighten, than to enslave, all in the name of Catholic King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, and the notorious Playboy of Rome, Pope Alexander VI, “On the island Hispanola was where the Spaniards first landed. Here those Christians perpetrated their first ravages and oppressions against the native peoples. This was the first land in the New World to be destroyed and depopulated by the Christians, and here they began their subjection of the women and children, taking them away from the Indians to use them and ill use them, ‘And they committed other acts of force and violence and oppression, which made the Indians realize that these men had not come from Heaven. And some of the Indians concealed their foods while others concealed their wives and children and still others fled to the mountains to avoid the terrible transactions of the Christians.’” ~Bartolome de las Casas' General History of the Indies, published in the 1540's.
“O miserable and too sad life! … We have war, death, famine. Cold, heat, day, night erode our strength. Fleas, scabies-mites, and so many other vermin combat us. Simply have mercy, Lord, on our wicked bodies whose life is very short.” ~Jean Meschinot, 1500.
Columbus left his mark on the New World; wherever he went, his men raped, pillaged, and massacred the indigenous people, “The island of Cuba is now almost completely depopulated… San Juan and Jamaica are deserted and devastated… On the northern side of Cuba and Hispanola lie the neighboring Lucayos, comprising more than sixty islands, some small, some large. They have the healthiest islands in the world, where lived more than five hundred thousand souls; they are now deserted, inhabited by not a single living creature.”~Ibid.
Hey Eric. I noticed Hitler flashing the masonic M on this article. I've watched your holocaust hoax video and totally agree. I know you posted this years ago. Just trying to clear this up. Was he a freemason or a good guy? Thanks.
Hey, good guy, closer inspection of the original looks fake/tampered with. I've taken down Famous Freemasons Exposed book/video because of that error. Peace
Oh cool thanks. That was bothering me. I noticed you had several other article portraying him poorly. Live and learn right. Thanks for responding.
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