My new blog, the sister site to AtlanteanConspiracy.com, Eric's Esoterics, is now up and running. This site is dedicated to those walking the spiritual path, dedicated to inspirational teachers, messengers, researchers, yogis, gurus, channelers with exciting new ideas about the conscious creation of our reality. Eric's Esoterics will be delving into a wide array of subjects from exercises like Meditation, Yoga, Deep Breathing (Pranayama), Tai Chi, and Chi Kung (Qigong), to ideas like Law of Attraction, Positive Thinking, the Power of Now, Entangled Minds, and Holographic Universe, to experiences like OOBE's (Out Of Body Experiences), NDE's (Near-Death Experiences), shamanistic and entheogenic religious experiences to ancient divination practices like Tarot, Kabbalah, Astrology, and Numerology. Stay tuned for daily updates of videos, books, links, original writings and more.
Visit Eric's Esoterics Site