This week on the show we're joined with my parents Roger and Kim Dubay, my cousin Jen Titus, my aunt Debbie Powers, and my grandparents Ron and Pat Dubay to discuss topics such as fluoridated water, mercury in vaccinations, engineered AIDS, natural cures for ADD/ADHD, our "friend" the FDA, how to naturally clean vegetables, FEMA concentration camps and quarantine facilities their construction and use, militarized police and army troops on the streets, natural toothpastes and shampoos, Victoria's Secret formaldehyde in clothes, mercury in mascara and lead in lipstick, natural detoxing and some very "shitty" toilet humor, soft-kill weapons, chemtrails, Morgellon's disease and more
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Eric - I have to take exception with your description of autism as a neurological disorder caused by vaccinations! Autism is neither a disease nor a disorder but a configuration of the brain/psyche that allows for vastly increased openness (psychism) and for unfocused (nonlocal) awareness. This openess is what puts "autists" in natural opposition to neurotypical consensus reality (and the NWO!). Autists are physiologically hardwired differently from NTs (neurotypicals) with a capacity to distinguish bodily between truth and falsehood, and a corresponding incapacity to lie without doing sever damage to themselves. You might even say autists are the first wave of a new strain of infinity-bound individuals who are not merely able to think outside the box but cannot be confined to the box at all - not at least without serious persecution ("treatment") such as advocated by Scientology - whose theory of autism as vaccination-caused brain injury you (i hope unwittingly) parrot on your show. This theory has been discredited many times over. Please check your sources!
see Kevin Leitch's site for more on this:
Interesting take on Autism. So you think that Autistic kids are MORE advanced in their consciousness than us "normies?" Why do so many children show the first signs of Autism shortly after vaccination? Why isn't there a single case of Autism among the 200,000 unvaccinated Amish? You say Austistics have "vastly increased openness (psychism) and for unfocused (nonlocal) awareness" and that sounds like a glorification of their subdued state. You may be correct, but I don't think it's so cut and dry as being some wonderful gift of consciousness.
Are you denying also that there is Mercury and Formaldahyde (Thimerisol) in the Vaccines? These which have already been linked to many other neurological diseases? What's your take on Vaccinations as a whole? Peace
i deleted my comments because 1) they were on the wrong article 2) i have managed to write my point more clearly elsewhere.
now time to go and see what all this autism debate is over, i think i missed a show somewhere....
i have no doubt at all that vaccinations are being used to sabotage our nervous systems. It may even be that some of poisons being used cause symptoms similar to what is being diagnosed as "autism." But my own personal experience of autism and autistics is that the suffering and dysfunctioning is more a result of the "condition" being misunderstood (and the strain caused upon autists when they try to connect to NT parents and teachers, who simply cannot function at the level auties operate) than of autism itself.
Also, if autism is, as i suspect, a form of mutation in the species, then it's possible that certain chemicals might cause a distorted manifestation of this mutation process. I am not arguing that all autists are advanced (psychic) human beings, only that many of them are - or would be if they were allowed to develop their abilities. Instead they are being diagnosed and treated as retards. Since autists who attempt to function as NTs, or communicate on the NT level, often experience meltdown, the diagnosis then becomes self-fulfilling.
all for now
Hey Aeolus, thanks for the clarification. In that case then I tend to agree with you and what you're saying rings true. I'll look more into it before mentioning on the show again. Thanks, peace
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