Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Kevin Trudeau on the Alex Jones Show - What the NWO Doesn't Want You To Know
I've been a fan of Kevin Trudeau since before I'd heard of Alex Jones and promoted his book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" in the health section of my book The Atlantean Conspiracy. Today's conversation between these two great minds is a must-see. It's six parts with the other 5 links below:
Robert Gallo - The Man Who Created AIDS
For more information on the intentional bio-engineering of the AIDS virus for the "depopulation of undesirables" click on the AtlanteanConspiracy "Health" tag, or visit
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Alex Jones - Bilderberg Club's Plan
The Bilderberg Group just finished it's annual meeting, this year near Athens, Greece. 130 of the world's most powerful people, royalty, industrialists, bankers, and other power brokers meeting behind closed doors and armed guards with near complete media blackout. Their 2009-2010 agenda has been set and leaked via trusted sources. Watch Alex Jones on Russia Today explaining the history of the Bilderberg Group and their current plans.
Alex Jones,
New World Order,
Secret Societies,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Effective Activism - YouTube Censorship

Having said this, do NOT underestimate the power of YouTube in spreading this information and waking people up to the New World Order! More people wake up to 911, the Federal Reserve, and the rest of the agenda through YouTube videos than any other method, period. So do not abandon YouTube because of this move! It is more important now than ever to start your own YouTube Channel and upload as many important clips as you can. If you are deleted, don't be discouraged, it means you are effective, just start up another channel.

Also as a side note, one of the most important things when you upload these videos is "tags." Make sure to write as many relevant tags as you can think of so your videos show up in searches. Once you run out of relevant tags, you can even throw in some semi-relevant or irrelevant tags as well in order to get ranking on searches that aren't directly related to the material. This is a great way to wake up sleepy sheeple who would never come across such material except that you, say perhaps, put "American Idol" as a tag for an Alex Jones video ;-)
Warning - We Are Right Now In Nazi Germany
An Alex Jones caller today gave this great acronym that would make excellent stickers or T-shirts if anyone's looking for good ideas:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
FKN News - Debt For Ever
Here's an hilarious and informative recent edition of the FKN Newz. If you haven't seen any of these, you have to take a look at this guy's YouTube channel. He'll keep you informed and laughing for hours: The FKN Newz
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Asbestos Head on American Politics

America's an aristocracy of plutocrats promoting autocracy via democracy. But voting's a joke and everyone knows it, the nepotism and corruption is out of control, the bill of rights has been bullet-holed with strategic legalities, the president is the commander-in-chief of the military, though some call this fascist dictatorship. Less than one percent of the population owns over twenty percent of the wealth. The government maintains eminent domain over all property. There are natural plants that if grown will land you behind bars for decades. They’ve created situations in which inaction is illegal. As the balance of wealth and power continues its logical progression into oligarchy, We can see ever more clearly that the current state of capitalism is destroying democracy, because beneath their undeniable benefits, one promotes equality and the other class exploitation. If there exists a wealthy elite, there exists a class with the means to control both the political and economic functions of society.
The problem isn't necessarily that this class exists, but that through the current system, members of this class must engage in immoral selfishness to achieve and maintain such power. The problem with politics are the politicians - they’re not a varied selection of the population, they’re not the voice of the people; republicans, democrats, they’re a very small selection of like-minded individuals back to back staring at similar futures. All important political decisions should be decided by panels of poor people, farmers, philosophers, environmentalists, sociologists, poets, businessmen, white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, historians, anthropologists, priests, and everyone else who wants to participate. In this world wide web of instant information, politics should be a hobby for conscientious citizens, not an occupation for power hungry money grubbers.
In it’s current state, Our Democratic Capitalism empowers liars, cheaters, and stealers alike - selfish, business-minded, bottom-dollar, bizzaro-Robin Hoods, bent on squeezing out a little more benefit from others, at less cost to them. Millions of poor struggle to stay alive and provide, while the rich have plenty of free time to find ways of taking even more money through advertising, institutionalizing, forcing insurance, reasons for registering or renewing this or that possession, regulating, licensing, fining, taxing, etc. etc. I say once they can create symbolic currency based on love or selflessness, only then will Capitalism have achieved the nobility its so quick to claim and enforce around the world.
Buy Asbestos Head Now
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Emergency! New World Order Ahead!
This is the most impressive short-cut to awakening I have ever seen! Show and send this video to everyone you possibly can, especially those whose attention-spans have never before allowed them to entertain "conspiracy theories." I guarantee in 10 minutes their eyes will open at least enough so that they will never be able to feign ignorance again. This is the tiniest (10 minute) red-pill out of the matrix I have seen compiled.
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