✦ Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Message for Alex Jones About NASA and Buzz Aldrin
I've contacted Alex Jones twice now in the past couple weeks about the moon landing hoax, and since an initial response from his producer Rob Dew, I haven't heard back. Now today he had on the show 33rd degree Freemason, and 2nd man to lie about going to the moon, Buzz Aldrin. Now I will say I'm glad Alex asked Aldrin and Schmitt some good questions about the Van Allen belt, lack of stars etc., and I appreciate that. However, there is so much evidence against the official NASA story (much like 9/11) that it is impossible for the serious researcher to accept. Please take a look at this Huge List of Moon Landing Hoax Evidence I recently posted on David Icke forums and sent to Alex Jones.
Alex: "What is the Masonic influence on NASA?" Buzz: "As far as I can tell, zero."
The admitted 33rd degree Freemason responds that there is zero Masonic influence on NASA. This is a completely untenable position as evidenced in my article The Masonic Moon Landing Hoax. Now watch below as a prominent moon hoax researcher calls out Buzz Aldrin on lying about the moon:
Is this the reaction you would expect from someone who actually walked on the moon? If I walked on the moon and someone called me a liar, I wouldn't punch him, I would unflinchingly smile and know in my heart that I'm not a liar, and such claims couldn't phase me or detract from my privileged experience.
Earlier in the interview Alex and Buzz talk about a monolith on Mars' moon Phobos. Buzz and other astronauts are now coming out saying they saw UFOs out in space. Ex-NASA Richard Hoagland and his (masonically titled) Enterprise Mission have been going on for decades about pyramids and a sphinx face on Mars. Buzz even speculates about Martians building the pyramids in Egypt. This is all part of the next phase of our masonic indoctrination into the belief that UFOs, crop circles, and Moon/Mars structures are an extra-terrestrial phenomenon.
Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati wrote, “Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible; and if once a man has taken it into his head that there is a mystery in a thing, it is impossible to get it out, either by argument or experience. And then, we can so change notions by merely changing a word. What more contemptible than fanaticism; but call it enthusiasm; then add the little word noble, and you may lead him over the world." This is exactly what has been going on since the 1947 "alien" crash at Area 51 in Roswell, New Mexico. Let me sum it up once again:
In the 30s Hitler was experimenting with anti-gravity technology and you can see pictures of these old clunker flying saucers. In 1946 Project Paperclip (using Vatican issued passports) brought hundreds of NAZI rocket-scientists into America, including the first director of NASA, Werner Von Braun. One year later in 1947 a UFO crash lands at exactly 33.33 degrees (33 the Masonic number) north latitude in Roswell. As time goes on UFO sightings increase and the technological level of these crafts mysteriously advances at the rate of human development. Decades later crop circles begin appearing, and these too slowly advance from simple circles to nowadays the most complex geometrical designs. Then with the Viking mission in 1976 NASA shows shadowy images of a face and pyramids on Mars. Erich Von Daniken, funded by the Rockefellers and caught with fake artifacts, postulates "ancient astronauts" as humanity's alien progenitors. As Adam Weishuapt, founder of the Illuminati wrote, they are creating "a concealed mystery." We are under mass mind control in a long-term propaganda campaign to get us to believe in aliens. For much more information on this read my article The Masonic Truth Behind Aliens/UFOs.
The United Nations has stated that even if world government were achieved, it would quickly be disbanded absent some widely perceived external threat to the entire world. This is why the UN has instigated this whole global warming hoax as an excuse for the first ever world-wide tax! They need a global problem that demands a global solution. Aliens are another such global problem which NASA and the UN are preparing to deliver us from. Henry Kissinger at the Bilderberger Conference in Evians, France, 1991 is reported to have said, “Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e. an ‘alien’ invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government." “The UFO investigator andlecturer Nono Hayakawa says this plan is called ‘Project Panic’ and that high technology equipment will be used to create an optical illusion of a UFO invasion. This will give governments and the United Nations the excuse to call a global state of emergency and all those emergency powers and executive orders will be implemented.”-David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (486)
For more information about the NWO's planned fake alien invasion, look into "Project Bluebeam" and read the research of the late Rik Clay. The man who exposed Project Bluebeam mysteriously died of a heart-attack one month after his whistle-blowing, and Rik Clay, a 26 year-old NWO researcher was "suicided" the day after going public with his findings on Red Ice radio.
For Alex and his producers: Please look into the links provided in this post and get back to me about coming on the show. You're having these astronauts on to provide the official NASA story, now let's hear about the other side of the debate. I'm drowning in Moon Landing Hoax Evidence and Alex is still swallowing the NASA fable hook, line, and sinker.
Just one thing... if I'd spent my life preparing to be one of the first human beings to set foot on alien soil, risked death in ways no one has ever risked before, and then some asshole had the gall to tell me to my face that I was a liar, I can totally see why I might want to punch him in the face.
Some of the photos you linked are pretty suspicious though. The lighting effects don't really worry me too much, but some of the shadows do seem impossible.
You certainly are entitled to your opinion but I can't help but wonder what color the sky is in the little world you live in. Bet you've got a heck of a JFK theory too.
I left Alex Jones about a year ago.. the merry go round got tiresome -- he definitely keeps people entertained and "busy" in the mind, without any directed action...think of it, this guy could get thousands to focus and do something --but he keeps it on selling videos... It's great to hear somebody rant about building 7 and hear him preach to us in choir -- but the guy is just another gate that autonomous truth seekers need to move past -- look inward instead of projected onto "saviors" like Jones...he's shown his colors: Jones will be selling you more "explosive evidence" videos and keeping the gates up on the now obvious media role in 9/11 video manipulations, and only playing into the "alien" conspiracy side with regards to NASA/moon/mars, etc... RIK CLAY was and still is the guy to check out! (just read that Prince William has an "agreement" to become engaged/marriage in 2012 - msm article- right on schedule eh!)
Interesting that regarding the Apollo program moon hoax, the "everybody at NASA couldn't keep a conspiracy like this secret" is being surpassed by these so called "cosmic patriots" talking about seeing aliens, structures, etc --- EXACTLY playing into the agenda -- how will the public "moon believers" adjust as the campaign continues and it gets more "nutty" (their own label!) and they're forced to continue to defend armstrong/aldrin/ other liars on their moon dance, and support their "aliens/ufos are out there" campaign... Sticking to the truth keeps your sanity -- good luck to those carrying water for the agenda, it's going to only get "nuttier" for you regarding what's in store... obviously, at least some parts of Bluebeam are going to be carried forth and implemented - it's getting pretty obvious when masonic astronauts are talking about little green men!
For Anonymous1, nice points, I still adore Alex but I also agree with your criticism. For Anonymous2, the "crop circles" that existed before 1945 certainly do not warrant extra-terrestrial origin. In fact, the older circles could easily be a "Doug and Dave" type phenomenon man-made without any satellite/microwave technology. The newer ones of the past couple decades have slowly become more advanced from simple circles to nowadays super intricate complex designs.
"Aliens" are the new "God." Anything immediately inexplicable used to be the result of "God," and now it's "aliens." How were humans created? Aliens. How were the pyramids built? Aliens. Who is inside UFOs? Aliens. What's the origin of the crop circle phenomenon? Aliens.
Personally, I doubt it. I think it's Masons with NASA/HAARP satellite/microwave technology following an occult script to indoctrinate the world into a belief in aliens, but we're all entitled to our opinions, and hopefully we'll know the truth soon. Peace
Your right! that isnt the reaction id expect. Buzz should have put a bullet in his forehead. Swimming in evidence? Disgruntal employees with kindergarten level drawings dont count. Computer generated image altering dont count. There is alot of crap goin on in secret, but this dont pass the smell test. You conspiracy douchebags are not helping. As a matter of fact, your disinformation campaign is 100 times worse then what you accuse the govt. of. If your the type of idiot we send overseas to teach foreigners, then no wonder we are hated.
I doubt that is the first time someone has accused him of being a liar about the moon landing and being quick to get angry is not a good thing. Many men his age have realized being a hothead is problematic. Also, People who are on the correct side of an argument are the cooler heads, its the ones who cannot defend their belief that get mad and usually try to win arguments by being louder than the other person.
Just one thing... if I'd spent my life preparing to be one of the first human beings to set foot on alien soil, risked death in ways no one has ever risked before, and then some asshole had the gall to tell me to my face that I was a liar, I can totally see why I might want to punch him in the face.
Some of the photos you linked are pretty suspicious though. The lighting effects don't really worry me too much, but some of the shadows do seem impossible.
You certainly are entitled to your opinion but I can't help but wonder what color the sky is in the little world you live in.
Bet you've got a heck of a JFK theory too.
Hello. The sky is blue and the CIA killed JFK. Peace.
I left Alex Jones about a year ago.. the merry go round got tiresome -- he definitely keeps people entertained and "busy" in the mind, without any directed action...think of it, this guy could get thousands to focus and do something --but he keeps it on selling videos... It's great to hear somebody rant about building 7 and hear him preach to us in choir -- but the guy is just another gate that autonomous truth seekers need to move past -- look inward instead of projected onto "saviors" like Jones...he's shown his colors: Jones will be selling you more "explosive evidence" videos and keeping the gates up on the now obvious media role in 9/11 video manipulations, and only playing into the "alien" conspiracy side with regards to NASA/moon/mars, etc... RIK CLAY was and still is the guy to check out! (just read that Prince William has an "agreement" to become engaged/marriage in 2012 - msm article- right on schedule eh!)
Interesting that regarding the Apollo program moon hoax, the "everybody at NASA couldn't keep a conspiracy like this secret" is being surpassed by these so called "cosmic patriots" talking about seeing aliens, structures, etc --- EXACTLY playing into the agenda -- how will the public "moon believers" adjust as the campaign continues and it gets more "nutty" (their own label!) and they're forced to continue to defend armstrong/aldrin/ other liars on their moon dance, and support their "aliens/ufos are out there" campaign... Sticking to the truth keeps your sanity -- good luck to those carrying water for the agenda, it's going to only get "nuttier" for you regarding what's in store... obviously, at least some parts of Bluebeam are going to be carried forth and implemented - it's getting pretty obvious when masonic astronauts are talking about little green men!
crop circles existed before 1945 - ancient ruins prove existence of inteligent presence in the past.
For Anonymous1, nice points, I still adore Alex but I also agree with your criticism. For Anonymous2, the "crop circles" that existed before 1945 certainly do not warrant extra-terrestrial origin. In fact, the older circles could easily be a "Doug and Dave" type phenomenon man-made without any satellite/microwave technology. The newer ones of the past couple decades have slowly become more advanced from simple circles to nowadays super intricate complex designs.
"Aliens" are the new "God." Anything immediately inexplicable used to be the result of "God," and now it's "aliens." How were humans created? Aliens. How were the pyramids built? Aliens. Who is inside UFOs? Aliens. What's the origin of the crop circle phenomenon? Aliens.
Personally, I doubt it. I think it's Masons with NASA/HAARP satellite/microwave technology following an occult script to indoctrinate the world into a belief in aliens, but we're all entitled to our opinions, and hopefully we'll know the truth soon. Peace
Your right! that isnt the reaction id expect. Buzz should have put a bullet in his forehead. Swimming in evidence? Disgruntal employees with kindergarten level drawings dont count. Computer generated image altering dont count. There is alot of crap goin on in secret, but this dont pass the smell test. You conspiracy douchebags are not helping. As a matter of fact, your disinformation campaign is 100 times worse then what you accuse the govt. of. If your the type of idiot we send overseas to teach foreigners, then no wonder we are hated.
I doubt that is the first time someone has accused him of being a liar about the moon landing and being quick to get angry is not a good thing. Many men his age have realized being a hothead is problematic. Also, People who are on the correct side of an argument are the cooler heads, its the ones who cannot defend their belief that get mad and usually try to win arguments by being louder than the other person.
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