Thanks to Lordx101 for recommending the Illuminati Matrix and works of Bryan Kemila. The above video is a good introduction to his work which combines religion, symbolism, numerology, mythology, science, geometry, and many other disciplines in an attempt to describe how the entire 3D material universe is basically illusory light generated by "luciferian" thought forms. The information in the video and website is very right-brained and discordant. It is not presented in a logical, methodical manner, but instead in a stream of consciousness connect-the-dots type manner, which I'll admit is quite difficult to follow. However, I enjoyed the video and the website presents a unique viewpoint well-worth checking out. Bryan Kemila's artwork is pretty cool as well (example below).

To me it seems really funny that the polish president died in an "accidental" plane crash. Just 3 days before the Polish national holiday in rememberance of the Katyn Massacre. we all know by now that the "allies" defeated the "axis of 'evil'" because the allies (illuminati and thier puppets) were poised to seize control of the most tecnologicaly and industrally advanced region of the world, europe. The first attempt (the katyn massacre) they made to impose thier selfs on the europeans, but didnt work. think about it, as long as the polish president is alive they can revere the day of the massacre, now they are trying to wipe thier slate clean by making poland start over. All i can say is to the polish people is that you need to stay strong and keep in mind what they did to you, never forget! and keep fighting for the truth.
Excellent coverage. The Illuminati and their puppets are obviously more than aware of all this going on, hey?
The Invaluable Disk - the Illuminati puppets are the most lunatic and lost 3D conjured up notions ever. They have no awareness or wisdom. Not a drop.
Bryan Kemila has been an amazing find! The info sure is a wake up call when one finds out how much we've been duped! Sure can't wait to wake the hell up in full awareness.
Thats a good collection of Masonic hand sign in the slideshow. It seems the'Stars' are forced into making the sign if they want to stay in Hollywood, but I'm sure that not all want to, but sell out just to stay in Hotel California.
bryan kemila has provided some VERY interesting material for mass consumption. the illuminati matrix poses some challenging concepts to say the least... be patient and read through the entire works. for the end result will dazzle you...
know that these works are educated OPINION. so sort through the info and make attachments with other learnings before allowing the FULL POWER to BELIEVE to take over...
bryan may be able to give insight into what we have been trained to accept. ultimately, his words can lead to DEprogramming and that is his goal...
bryan kemila is either an occultist weirdo or a 4th dimensional prophet. either way, his works are held in high regard by this gentile...
Hi Eric,
I'm struggling a bit with Bryan Kemila at the mo....Its seems he is great for de-programming and his theory of creation makes some kind of sense to me. The purpose of this creation being a ludiferic deception to steal our power and decieve us with light and that our lives have no validity...well, thats what I'm struggling with. He knows so much I wonder if he isn't disinfo to keep us from the light, and thus away fom the "god source" and in a state of void after death, which he says is all there really is. Or am I just unwilling to experience ego death?? I'm new to a lot of this. Loved the Atlantean Conspiracy and would really appreciate some of your thoughts on this.
Peace, Rebecca
Hey Rebecca, thanks for the message. I've got plenty of doubts regarding Bryan Kemilla, his work, and especially his psycho follower Xinyu Hu who has literally made it his mission to cause as much disruption in my life as possible.
The universe and life is a creation of the One, God, infinite consciousness, or whatever you want to call it... Kemilla calls it the Wisdom or Awareness state. The physical/material light/sound world is Maya, illusion, or as he strangely and confusingly calls it, "the Luciferean egregore thought-process." In more integral, uplifting philosophies, consciousness is the Father and maya/physicality is the Mother. But in Kemilla's nihilist dark philosophy, the Father is still consciousness (i.e. wisdom/awareness state) but the mother (physical/material world) has been degraded to a "Luciferean usurper" trying to deceive you at all times.
You can look at the physical world as a prison or a playground. Kemilla promotes the former and I prefer the latter. Our Maya matter mother may ultimately be an illusory emanation from the father (consciousness), but as long as we know that, it's our choice to view her as the constant enemy or a whimsical, fantastical, playground of possiblilities. Thanks for the comment. Glad you enjoyed AC! Peace
Hi Eric :)
Thank you for so prompt a reply. It was unexpected but most appreciated and very helpful in assisting me to assimilate and filter all of the information and concepts I have been trying to wrap my head around!! After many many months of research, pondering, dreaming and searching, I have a good radar now, I feel, for what I can accept and apply to my life right now. I have found your blogs and books an immensely valuable resource. I appreciate you humour and honesty and the way in which you present information. And can also at times say "I don't know." I have found both Bryan K and your friend Xiung Hu, a little difficult to digest at times, although I respect all opinions. I lost my younger brother to suicide as a result of schitzophrenia (I think enlightenment and fourth dimension invasion after some acid trips) a few years ago, and my little daughter through disability last year. She would have been five on the 2nd oct. I believe one gift they have both given me (among many) is an insatiable desire to truth seek. Although, I have always been a bit out of the box I guess. Your work is so valuable, and I recommend your site and books to anyone who is interested and willing to consider. Thank you again so much - Kemila and Xiung (spelling?) left me feeling a little dark. You uplift my spirit and playground it is!! Peace, Rebecca :)
Sorry to hear about your brother and daughter Rebecca, but happy to hear you've creatively transformed the energy void they left into a desire for truth. Thanks for all the kind words and helping promote my work, I really appreciate it. Peace
Thank YOU, Eric, more than you can know :D
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