Thursday, September 30, 2010
Fake Birds and Fake Planes
Have a look at this first clip of amateur video taken of WTC tower 2 on 9/11. You will notice a flock of "birds" flying by the screen at speeds faster than any bird you've ever seen. When the video is slowed down, it becomes apparent that these "birds" are likely not real birds at all, especially the one that has no wings! Yes, there is one "bird" which is just a long flying cylinder in amongst a group of fake birds (Also note, this video has been censored, taken down, and re-uploaded so many times I've lost track. Someone doesn't want you to see this).
These three clips show planes dumping massive amounts of chemtrails. In all 3 clips the planes seem rather translucent and have no windows or identifying markings. In the first clip, the plane has an unexplainable anomaly in the tail section, and the third clip shows one of the planes' engines well off-kilter. If these were real planes (and not holographic projections) there is no way they could fly normally with these tail/engine anomalies.
In this clip, John Lear (son of Bill Lear, founder of Lear Jet Corporation), an experienced pilot of 40 years, explains why he believes the government has fake/hologram planes and likely used them on 9/11.
Here is a slow-motion replay of one of the planes flying into the World Trade Center. Notice how the left wing mysteriously disappears into thin-air just before impact. Where did it go? Also note how the plane just melts into the side of the building without any substantial falling debris, collapsing metal or indentations. Is that really all that happens when speeding titanium engines meet a steel framed building? The "plane" simply disappears into the building with a mysterious flash (at the point where there was likely a real missile, concealed by the holographic plane).
This final clip is the first part of an excellent documentary called "September Clues" exposing the TV fakery and hologram technology used on 9/11. Have a look and click the links to view more evidence. Leave comments below with your thoughts on these holograms, planes, and birds. BTW, If you think this is crazy, do yourself a favor and click this link here to Project Bluebeam, which is a leaked classified NSA plan to deceive the whole world using holograms! Now that's crazy, and comes straight from the horse's mouth.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Are you Ready for the Fake Aliens?
Here is an excellent compilation of news clips from 2010 showing how the government and mainstream media is really ramping-up the predictive-programming machine in preparation for the Project Bluebeam / Fake Alien UFO landing event, that myself and others have been warning about for years. Please send this link on to anyone in your email boxes that is not aware of Bluebeam or the UFO events being prepared. Foreknowledge is important in exposing this. Your friends and family may call you crazy now, but they will remember what you told them, and will not be fooled by the government/media lies in the future. Peace.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Lou Corona and the Four Principles
In the video series above, Dan the Man with the Master Plan introduces us to Lou Corona, a 58 year-old who looks about 40 and has the strength/energy of a 20 year-old athlete. At the age of 21, Lou was suffering from a myriad of health problems including: Candida, chronic Asthma, Arthritis, severe Allergies, and a huge tumor on the back of his neck. Having given up on life, Lou clinically died for a short period of time and had a Near Death Experience, during which he was spiritually guided on how to cure his diseases, regenerate his body, and rejuvenate his vitality. He did this through 4 principles he refers to as cellular communication, cellular environment, cellular exercise, and cellular nutrition. After 6 months on this regiment of breath-work, yoga, forgiveness, positive-thinking, and eating 100% raw vegetarian living foods, he was cured of all his ailments. Now, 37 years later, Lou still lives according to these principles and shares them with us here.

Spiritual: Attitude of Gratitude. Conscious Breathing. Stay Present.
Mental: Realize we are spiritual, electrical, unlimited beings. Every experience is a lesson and an opportunity to learn and grow.
Emotional: Learn to love life, be joyful, be radiant, accepting and non-judgmental of yourself and others, and create peace and harmony everywhere you go.
Prayer, meditation, and communication between the self and the Higher Self is one of the most valuable tools to have to live a GREAT LIFE! In each moment we have the choice to love or hate, condemn or encourage, destroy or create. Once we make a declaration to live an incredible life, that declaration then can begin to govern our life. So it's important to ask ourselves, how do I want to live? What am I committed to? How do I want to feel and think? What do I want to believe? How do I want to conduct my life?

The Four Elements of Life:
Sun - Sunlight on your body, 30 to 60 minutes a day for vitamin D, detoxification and more energy. Be aware that if your body is still toxic to go slow with it. Once the temple becomes more lean, clean, and serene, the more you will be able to sun bathe without any ill effects. Skin Cancer is simply toxins coming out of the skin.
Air - Fresh air, long, slow deep rhythmic breathing for detoxification, energy, clarity, peace, harmony, inspiration, balance and strength. There is more to the air than just the oxygen. The ancients have known for thousands of years what scientists are now proving to be an unlimited amount of potential energy existing between the particles that we can see with our naked eye. This energy is called prana, life-force, spirit, chi, ki, kundalini, and so on.
Water - Visit the ocean, drink pure, alkaline, antioxidant, structured water at your best. If you have access to geothermal water created by Mother Earth you are in good shape. However the next best step is to get a powerful ionization device with proper filtration.
Earth - Walk in nature, eat plants from organic, mineral and enzyme rich soil to balance the electro-magnetic matrix of the human body-system. Just standing directly on the Earth without shoes or socks and being present to your breath and the elements around you can recharge your body energy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Above Above Top Secret .Com
While this statement may seem laughable at first, let's delve into the reasons why I would say so. You would think a "conspiracy theory" website like ( would welcome information such as that presented in my free books, The Atlantean Conspiracy and Famous Freemasons Exposed. You would think that a site dedicated to providing a forum for fellow conspiracy researchers to network, would love to have me as a contributing member, would you not?

You'll notice that they deleted my two opening posts and many subsequent posts claiming "Meta-tag spamming" or "Off-topic" which is completely false/unfounded. Springer gave me 5 unwarranted "warnings" regarding some random month-old posts, removed my avatar, moved my thread to "Skunk Works" then banned me from ever posting again without giving so much as an explanation.

If you have spent any time on ATS ( especially in their "Secret Societies" forum, you will notice that there is a troop of Masons (much like's Bury Brigade) who are online ALL day EVERY day. Many of them openly admit to being Masons. Even many of the Site Moderators like Mirthful Me, Skyfloating, and other popular ATS names admit to being Masons! Not only this but they are perpetually online 1) providing a "benevolent"/open face for their secret society, and 2) constantly defending government/establishment positions and their "Brotherhood." I can tell you if I owned ATS, I would not have a troop of admitted Mason Moderators running things - any conspiracy researcher will tell you that Freemasonry is one of the biggest vehicles in implementing the New World Order conspiracy!
If you don't believe me about ATS being Mason-run, try this experiment: Take 10-20 photos of celebrities/politicians making the Masonic "M" hand sign from my "Famous Freemasons Exposed" book. Post a thread on ATS with these and watch what happens! You will either be instantly censored, or the Masonic hounds will immediately descend upon you and detract, denounce, and disrespect you in every possible way. Is this how my research should be received by a "conspiracy theory" forum?
Still not convinced? Check out these other relevant links and the 100+ comments below:
Freemasonry Controls ATS
Banned Again by ATS (Above Top Secret)
Masonic Goat Riders
Above Top is Owned and Operated by Masons
Exposing the Secret Society Network on ATS
Oh, and you wanna know the new quickest and easiest way to get banned from ATS? Start a thread there with this article.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Big John Lipscomb at Brave New Books

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Waking Up to Reality
This week's episode of Max Igan's "Surviving the Matrix" is another must-see! He covers a wide variety of subjects from modern slavery and the fraudulent banking system to FDA-approved cancer and engineered diseases. Please send this to your email lists and help promote this excellent radio show. Peace.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Essene Gospel of Peace

Note, however, that the Vatican also claims that this guy (see picture below) is the holiest of holy men and God's spokesperson on Earth (pause for chuckles and eye-rolling). Seriously though, if you can't feel the abominable evil emanating from this guy, then you've lost the plot, your sixth-sense is non-existent, and your third-eye is wide shut.

I highly recommend reading the short book for yourselves, but the above videos and the below excerpts should wet your whistle for now. Also check out Debbie Took of Raw for Life's great articles on the EGOP here: Article 1, Article 2.
God, Satan, Sin, and Health

"You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all that you pore over dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him who has given you the scriptures. I tell you truly, God and his laws are not in that which you do. They are not in gluttony and in wine-bibbing, neither in riotous living, nor in lustfulness, nor in seeking after riches, nor yet in hatred of your enemies. For all these things are far from the true God and from his angels. But all these things come from the kingdom of darkness and the lord of all evils. And all these things do you carry in yourselves; and so the word and the power of God enter not into you, because all manner of evil and all manner of abominations have their dwelling in your body and your spirit. If you will that the living God's word and his power may enter you, defile not your body and your spirit; for the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spirit is the temple of God. Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him."
Fasting, Detoxing, and True Baptism

"Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore."

Vegetarianism and Murder

And Jesus answered: "It was said to them of old time: 'All beasts that move upon the earth, all the fish of the sea, and all the fowl of the air are given into thy power.' I tell you truly, of all creatures living upon the earth, God created only man after his image. Wherefore beasts are for man, and not man for beasts. You do not, therefore, transgress the law if you kill the wild beast to save your brother's life. For I tell you truly, man is more than the beast. But he who kills the beast without a cause, though the beast attack him not, through lust for slaughter, or for its flesh, or for its hide, or yet for its tusks, evil is the deed which he does, for he is turned into a wild beast himself. Wherefore is his end also as the end of the wild beasts."

Raw Food

"Master, where is the fire of life?" asked some of them.
"In you, in your blood, and in your bodies."
"And the fire of death?" asked others.
"It is the fire which blazes outside your body, which is hotter than your blood. With that fire of death you cook your foods in your homes and in your fields. I tell you truly, it is the same fire which destroys your foods and your bodies, even as the fire of malice, which ravages your thoughts, ravages your spirits. For your body is that which you eat, and your spirit is that which you think. Eat nothing, therefore, which a stronger fire than the fire of life has killed. Wherefore, prepare and eat all fruits of trees, and all grasses of the fields, and all milk of beasts good for eating. For all these are fed and ripened by the fire of life; all are the gift of the angels of our Earthly Mother. But eat nothing to which only the fire of death gives savor, for such is of Satan."
Jesus' Raw Unleavened Wheat Bread
"How should we cook our daily bread without fire, Master?" asked some with great astonishment.
"Let the angels of God prepare your bread. Moisten your wheat, that the angel of water may enter it. Then set it in the air, that the angel of air also may embrace it. And leave it from morning to evening beneath the sun, that the angel of sunshine may descend upon it. And the blessing of the three angels will soon make the germ of life to sprout in your wheat. Then crush your grain, and make thin wafers, as did your forefathers when they departed out of Egypt, the house of bondage. Put them back again beneath the sun from its appearing, and when it is risen to its highest in the heavens, turn them over on the other side that they be embraced there also by the angel of sunshine, and leave them there until the sun be set. For the angels of water, of air, and of sunshine fed and ripened the wheat in the field, and they, likewise, must prepare also your bread. And the same sun which, with the fire of life, made the wheat to grow and ripen, must cook your bread with the same fire. For the fire of the sun gives life to the wheat, to the bread, and to the body. But the fire of death kills the wheat, the bread, and the body. And the living angels of the living God serve only living men. For God is the God of the living, and not the God of the dead."
FKN News Greatest Rips
The FKN News is a witty and biting comedy news show created by Deek Jackson of the Landless Peasant Party. I don't agree with him on metaphysical issues, but as far as political humor and social criticism, I'd say he's top notch. Above is a funny two hour compilation of the FKN News' greatest moments.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Asbestos Head on the Endtimes

One day the flowers simply began uprooting themselves. Soon all Florae followed their example, from rain forests to coral, until the world’s vegetation had committed mass suicide. Grass lay flat on lawns, flowers wilted brown in their death beds, and forests became massive wooden caves of winding roots and piled trunks. Some said plants were communists; their sacrifice stemmed from under appreciation, and was in protest of photosynthesis.
Regardless of reason, Mother Nature was merciless. The air quickly thickened with the breath of billions. Clouds descended and banded together to pour their acid reign over humanity. The sun, moon, and stars disappeared at the speed of darkness, and night consumed all but lightning and fire. Mass subsidence swallowed cities whole, and random earthquakes replaced plate tectonics with theories of chaos once fault lines could not be blamed. The final dream was environmental holocaust complete with open-air gas chambers and high-rise death camps.
During the last days we committed ourselves to your seventh story prison and watched world destruction from out picture windows. The city below was in ruins, smothered in ash and black silence, but the dismal scene seemed strangely serene reflecting in your eyes. Even the horizon had left its imaginary home on the skyline to find itself captured between the green in your eyes and the blue in mine. For hours our lashes kissed butterflies in vast fields of perception. One night entwined in sheets and limbs you said, “If I live longer I’ll have loved you for your forever,” and it hit me like a ton of silk.
Our chests pressed together while breathing in symbiotic opposition set a slow rhythm for the involuntary music of our bodies. Your heart slammed syncopated echoes in off-beat harmony until our hearts’ homophyly helped synchronize the melody. Then your stomach gurgled an impromptu drum solo, and my fingers performed a pick slide down your spine ending in a cadence of dissonant grooves. Lightly strumming a vocal chord, your whisper resolved the progression - A sharp diminished minor with a sustained second that lasted forever.
Trivial divisions of moments like minutes and hours lost meaning without motion. We had laid there inside each other drifting freely between sleep and the nightmare for an indeterminable silence when we entered some collective state like unconscious osmosis allowing us subjective parts in a common dream. I squeezed your hand to make sure you saw me then mistook our sleep for surreality. The world was new again and cast in vast green fields, beneath warm sunshine, we watched butterflies flutter by our eyelids like casual lashes caressing like kisses.
And with one eye open in darkness I saw your subconscious smile.
Then you curled cold toes around mine and I felt your involuntary band play its last number, so my heart gave a bleeding ovation then stopped beating - for you, forever.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Go Raw Now
I've been eating vegetarian for 2-3 years now, eating about half raw/half cooked food, and in comparison to my meat-eating days I have felt outstanding. This past week, however, my girlfriend and I have decided to go 100% raw vegetarian and we are in agreement that this is definitely the next level. Cooking food destroys most of its nutrients and enzymes while releasing toxic free radicals. By cutting out cooked foods and introducing more raw, organic fruits and vegetables into your diet, I guarantee you will notice a huge difference in your health, energy, and happiness. The above video is kind of corny, but the message is spot-on. This guy Markus Rothkranz of is another compassionate, sincere, loving soul (much like Dan the Man with the Master Plan), dedicated to promoting not only raw vegan foods, but solar energy, water-powered cars, self-sustainability, and much more. Have a look and leave your comments below. Peace.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Vimanas, Vailixi, and Vrills
The Book of Enoch says that the watchers from Genesis 6 gave their children, the Nephilim, great technology and many other types of hidden (occult) knowledge. The vehicles that they gave them were anti-gravity craft called Vimanas. There was also another cigar shaped type called a Vailixi. Both types are described in the ancient Vedas and the Holy Bible (Zechariah 5). The Nazis rediscovered this technology at their Base 211 in Antarctica. The above is a History channel presentation about them.
The Nazis discovered that Antarctica was none other than flash frozen Atlantis after they consulted with Tibetan esoteric Buddhists. From their Neuschwabenland Base 211, they retro-engineered the rune covered Vimanas and created their own Nazi Bell, Haunebu, Vril, Flugelrads, and Silver Bugs which eventually led to modern Vimanas like the TR-3B Astra of today. The USA took over the program during Operation Highjump and moved all the Nazi occultists/scientists/war criminals to America via Operation Paperclip. They now work on these evil projects in D.U.M.B.s like Area 51 and S-4 along with the returned Grigori/Watchers/Igigi pretending to be "grey aliens."