"Fractional reserve banking is very simple. It is simply a special privilege given to a man or group of men to create credit out of thin air; by extending this credit/debt to everyone else in society who does not have the same privilege, and then collecting from society the money plus interest, they become very rich without having to produce anything of value. The basic mathematics behind this system is very clear. If this system is left in place long enough, the man or group who controls this system of debt creation will own all the gold available in the nation. Once the supply of real money (gold) is in his or their hands, this man or group of men becomes the master of the entire nation. Why? Because this man or group of men controls the only source of operating medium (money) available through which the nation functions. Only the man who has the privilege of printing the money and loaning it at interest can determine who gets special funding—his friends and allies. Everyone else is limited to how much money they have access to; therefore, after two or three generations, the friends and allies of this "banker" will own all of the nation—just as America is now owned by a very small cadre of very wealthy men. How long this process takes to work its way through the wealth of the nation depends upon how successful the "banker" is in forcing, through bribery and corruption, the restriction of the formal government's issuance of real money backed by gold or silver. As the supply of real money shrinks, the people of the nation are forced to rely on the creation of a fictitious debt by the privileged few to a greater and greater extent, until finally, the only thing left is a massive amount of "unpayable debt," created from nothing and consisting only of the interest charged upon the fictitious debt, and collecting interest for every moment of its existence. All for the benefit of the privileged, who become the de facto (illegally usurped) government because of the "money power" they wield."
"The elected and appointed administrators of the United States government have been filing certified copies of all our birth certificates in the United States Department of Commerce as registered securities. These securities, each of which carries an estimated $1,000,000 value, have been (and still are) circulated around the world as collateral for loans, entries on the asset side of ledgers, etc., just like any other security. There's just one problem—we didn't consciously authorize it. Now that you know, you can choose to let them use you for collateral and pay interest on the debt or you can take back your power and sovereignty. The United States is a District of Columbia corporation. In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. 1785 we find "The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State" (NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287). Since a corporation is a fictitious "person" (it cannot speak, see, touch, smell, etc.), it cannot, by itself, function in the real world. It needs a conduit, a transmitting utility, a liaison of some sort, to "connect" the fictitious person, and the fictional world in which it exists, to the real world. Why is this important? LIVING people exist in a real world, not a fictional, virtual world. But government exists in a fictional world, and can only deal directly with other fictional or virtual persons, agencies, states, etc. In order for a fictional person to deal with real people there must be a connection, a liaison, a go-between. This can be something as simple as a contract. When both "persons", the real and fictional, agree to the terms of a contract, there is a connection, intercourse, dealings, there is communication, an exchange. There is business. But there is another way for fictional government to deal with the real man and woman—through the use of a representative, a liaison, a go-between. Who is this go-between that connects fictional government to real men and women? It's a government-created shadow, a fictional man or woman, a corporation with the same name as yours. This PERSON was created by using your birth certificate as the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO) and the state in which you were born as the "port of entry." This gave fictional UNITED STATES government a fictional PERSON with whom to deal directly. This PERSON is a STRAWMAN."
"For quite some time a rather large number of people in this country have known that a man or woman's name, written in ALL CAPS, or last name first, does not identify real, living people. Taking this one step further, the rules of grammar for the English language have no provisions for the abbreviation of people's names, i.e. initials are not to be used. As an example, John Adam Smith is correct. ANYTHING else is not correct. Not Smith, John Adam or Smith, John A. or J. Smith or J.A. Smith or JOHN ADAM SMITH or SMITH, JOHN or any other variation. NOTHING, other than John Adam Smith identifies the real, living man. All other appellations identify either a deceased man or a fictitious man such as a corporation or a STRAWMAN. Over the years, government, through its "public" school system, has managed to pull the wool over our eyes and keep us all ignorant of some very important facts. Because all facets of the media have an ever increasing influence in our lives, and because media is controlled (with the issuance of licenses, etc.) by government and its agencies, we have slowly and systematically been led to believe that any form/appellation of our name is, in fact, still us as long as the spelling is correct. This is not true. We were never told, with full and open disclosure, what our government officials were planning to do ... and why. We were never told that government (the United States) was a corporation, a fictitious "person". We were never told that government had quietly, almost secretly, created a shadow corporation, a STRAWMAN for each and every American ... so that government could not only control the people, but also raise an almost unlimited amount of revenue; so it could continue, not just to exist, but to GROW. We were never told that when government deals with the STRAWMAN it is not dealing with real, living men and women. We were never told, openly and clearly with full disclosure of all the facts, that since June 5, 1933, we have been unable to pay our debts. We were never told that we had been pledged (and our children, and their children, and their children) as collateral, mere chattel, for the debt created by government officials who created treason in doing so. We were never told that they quietly and cleverly changed the rules, even the game itself, and that the world we perceive as real is in fact fictional - and its all for their benefit. We were never told that the STRAWMAN—a fictional person, a creature of THE STATE—is subject to all the codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc. decreed by government, but that WE, the real man and woman, are not. We were never told that we were being treated as property, as slaves, albeit comfortably for some, while living in the land of the free—and that we could, easily, walk away from the fraud. We never realized that we were being abused. By knowing the difference between our real self and our STRAWMAN and behaving accordingly, we regain our proper sovereignty over "legal fictions" and the ability to experience true freedom which is our birthright, for the enjoyment of the Divine in us all."
"When in commerce do as commerce does - use the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The UCC-1 Financing Statement is the one contract in the world that CANNOT be broken. The power of this document is awesome. Since the TDA exists for the STRAWMAN - who, until now, has been controlled by the government - WE can gain control and ownership of the STRAWMAN by first activating the TDA and then filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement. This does two things for us. First, by activating the TDA we gain limited control over the funds in the account. This allows us to also move entries, figures and digits ... for OUR benefit. Secondly, by properly filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement we become the "holder in due course" of the STRAWMAN. A filed UCC-1 is public notice of a registered lien by a real human being who is the secured party, upon the STRAWMAN, the government-created, foreign non- registered corporation. With the STRAWMAN under our control, government has no access to the TDA and they also lose their go- between, their liaison, their connection to the real, living man and woman. No longer a subject, you become a free sovereign once again. You declare your independence! You don't have liability for your STRAWMAN. If you do commercial assignments, you have an asset called a Bill of Exchange which you can spend out. The birth certificate represents the body. The SSN represents the commercial account. Behind every birth certificate is a $1,000,000 bond which is pre-paid financing on any activity of the STRAWMAN. Some people have used their TDA to pay off their home or commercial mortgage, bank or student loans, tax liens, or credit card debt.. When you own your STRAWMAN and anyone else charges against HIM, then that is commercial trespassing. If anyone goes after your STRAWMAN and wins any monetary award against the fiction of your STRAWMAN, then you (the real person/ secured party) get the first $1,000,000 of that because you have the first lien. In addition to your own freedom reclaimed, you will remove your collateral and participation from the frauds, manipulations, and extortion that have been perpetrated in your name. When enough people have reclaimed their birthright, we can also reclaim our constitutional republic that was intended to serve us in protecting our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."
Looks like a very in-depth resource of information!
I also looked at the attack on the Animal Liberation Front people in Austria.
If anything reveals the mindset that seeks to enslave us it is what they condone being done to animals. it is exactly the same. Enslave animals--enslave humans. Although the enslavement of animals goes quite a way back in history, it gets 'scientificized' via Rene Descartes and his fukin stupid idea that animals are machines. THTA 'justifies' the huge horrific animal vivisection, and 'testing' industry now with millions of animal victims.
Then in 19th century there was the psychologist Wilhelm Wundt who 'scientifically' claims that humans are machines. This was convenient for the rise of the Industrial Revolution and using 'workers' as 'cogs in a machine', and the awful human 'experiments' that happened in the Nazi concentration camps, and by the CIA, etc etc etc etc.
Great points. Agreed. Thanks for sharing.
I am wondering if this is actually something that we can all do legally or not. After looking up some information on this subject I found this listed on the FBI's website as a fraud scam:
"Redemption / Strawman / Bond Fraud
Proponents of this scheme claim that the U.S. government or the Treasury Department control bank accounts—often referred to as U.S. Treasury Direct Accounts”—for all U.S. citizens that can be accessed by submitting paperwork with state and federal authorities. Individuals promoting this scam frequently cite various discredited legal theories and may refer to the scheme as “Redemption,” “Strawman,” or “Acceptance for Value.” Trainers and websites will often charge large fees for “kits” that teach individuals how to perpetrate this scheme. They will often imply that others have had great success in discharging debt and purchasing merchandise such as cars and homes. Failures to implement the scheme successfully are attributed to individuals not following instructions in a specific order or not filing paperwork at correct times.
"This scheme predominately uses fraudulent financial documents that appear to be legitimate. These documents are frequently referred to as “bills of exchange,” “promissory bonds,” “indemnity bonds,” “offset bonds,” “sight drafts,” or “comptrollers warrants.” In addition, other official documents are used outside of their intended purpose, like IRS forms 1099, 1099-OID, and 8300. This scheme frequently intermingles legal and pseudo legal terminology in order to appear lawful. Notaries may be used in an attempt to make the fraud appear legitimate. Often, victims of the scheme are instructed to address their paperwork to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury."
Read the rest here:
I am just wondering what your thoughts are on this.
I've read a couple other reports like this one exposing/debunking these redemption "schemes." First of all for natural law to have any meaning it must come from each of us individually, our own personal truths and sovereignty which we stand for in and out of court. This means that anyone promoting (especially if selling) standardized "redemption", "tax avoidance" or other such packages is profiting off your ignorance of the law, and moreover they are ignoring the spirit of natural law by promoting some standardized loophole they discovered. I would agree that this is inadvisable because 1) you're not honestly expressing your personal truth, 2) you may simply be attempting to exploit a loophole in the system instead of assert your natural sovereignty, and 3) if you just memorize verbatim a defense that worked for someone else, it doesn't mean that YOU can make it work without the proper education and practice to think/act on your toes when the time comes. So if your freedom is only worth the google checkout bill of someone's online redemption package, then I agree with the opinion expressed in that article... BUT that article is blatantly misinformed with claims such as:
This scheme predominately uses fraudulent financial documents that appear to be legitimate. These documents are frequently referred to as “bills of exchange,” “promissory bonds,” “indemnity bonds,” “offset bonds,” “sight drafts,” or “comptrollers warrants.” In addition, other official documents are used outside of their intended purpose, like IRS forms 1099, 1099-OID, and 8300. This scheme frequently intermingles legal and pseudo legal terminology in order to appear lawful. Notaries may be used in an attempt to make the fraud appear legitimate. Often, victims of the scheme are instructed to address their paperwork to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
Using these instruments, writing up your own documents, using a notary to verify etc. is the point of their existence and your right as a freeman. This article is saying that using these lawful instruments is perfectly fine when the IRS and US corporation uses (and abuses) them, but when YOU, the ignorant impotent masses use them, it's a "fraudulent scheme." Anyway, the point is that sovereignty, redemption, freedom is NOT a scheme! Standing up for your absolute personal sovereignty in every facet of your life is a passionate decision and can never be considered a scheme. There are as many ways to lawfully claim and assert your sovereignty as there are ways to be enslaved. The more people stand up and judicially stake unique freedom claims the looser and lighter the system becomes for everyone.
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