Just as we speculated, instead of ending the international war on terror and domestic police state, the death of Osama Bin Laden has sparked a full retaliation effort by Al-C.I.A.-da. That's right, you thought the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would end now that we killed the boogie man? You thought the Military Commissions and Patriot Acts would be repealed? You thought the domestic wire-tapping would cease, Habeas Corpus be reinstated, and body scanners taken out of airports? No, Mr. naive Joe Public, I'm afraid quite to the contrary, the war on terror is being expanded into Pakistan, the police state is being ramped up, and you're not getting any of your precious freedoms back.

Since they've finally, officially, probably for the last time, killed Osama, our government fear-mongerers and their puppet news anchors are now saying that we're actually less safe from terrorism than we were when Bin Laden was alive. You heard correctly, after a 10 year manhunt and international war on terror, thanks to the amazing strategizing of the U.S. government, they've managed to kill millions of innocent people, wreck the economy, take away our freedoms, and make us less safe from terrorism. Not only that, but we are to expect an inevitable ("not if, but when") retaliation from Al-Queda, and the inside intel is that they will be striking "soft targets" like malls, train stations, and sports stadiums. In other words, Al-Queda doesn't want to strike and kill hard military targets, they want to kill YOU! So be very afraid, bend over, and accept the ever-encroaching totalitarian state into every aspect of your life.

-On Apr. 19th News 8 reported on US health officials doing drills for possible Anthrax outbreaks in America
-On Apr. 26th the Daily Telegraph quoting WikiLeaks noted that Al-Queda is either plotting a nuclear or biological attack, including Anthrax, if Osama Bin Laden is killed"

-On May 2nd, the US government ordered millions of fresh Anthrax vaccines
-On May 3rd, the media reported that though Anthrax vaccines have never been tested on children, they would be the first to receive them. The US government wants to stockpile 75 million doses.

The false flag attacks will never stop. This is one of the favorite weapons of CIA and the Feds...
LOL, nicely put...
The best thing we can all do is give them no attention...
Ignore it all...
Go back out to the garden...
: )
Is this a reply to my post about 9/11/11 and Revelation 9:1-11? http://atlanteanconspiracy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=talk4&action=display&thread=225
after i wrote it; i was watching more videos on future false flag attacks and it seems very possible that it will be a biological attack.
Hey SJNR, I have a feeling something will happen before September, but you may very well be onto something with that numerology. If anyone out there is new to what "False Flags" are, I highly recommend Alex Jones' film...
Mark Knight at WaykiWayki.com just published a good article on this subject:
Obama Initiated in London Before False Flag
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