"First of all, it's nothing against Ron Paul, he's a nice guy, great writer, and a good educator, but philosophically the state is an immoral and criminal enterprise, and you do not get into an immoral and criminal enterprise in order to turn it into something better. If we believe that this is possible, then let's join a local street gang and try to turn them into charity workers. Let's join the Mafia and try to turn them into the United Way. Let's start with something small not the biggest most monstrous tentacled government that the world has ever seen. So no I think it's not possible. If we look at him as someone who can educate people, yeah, education is good. I think there's better ways to do it, but if we think that you can go into the belly of the beast and come out a knight in shining armor, I think that's a fantasy. Liberty activists for 150 years have been trying to get into the government and turn it into virtue. I think we have to be a bit more critical about our approach and start looking for other alternatives."

"There are lots of other alternatives. I come from an annoying entrepreneurial background where if you do stuff that doesn't work for long enough at some point, unlike the government, you have to say, 'let's look at what we're doing and see if we can change it.' There are lots of other ways of changing the world and getting rid of the state other than political action. We're trying to put someone at the top to strip it down? Not gonna happen. Too many people invested, too many people sucking off the government tit. It's not gonna work. But what we can do is recognize that political power is something that is kept aloft by the belief of the masses and we can attack that belief, we can criticize that belief, we can undermine that belief horizontally without having to worry about political power."
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