Sunday, January 29, 2012
Max Igan - Total Criminalization
Back from a 6 week hiatus, Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix covers the total criminalization of society by our unlawful legal system, and recommends refusal to pay taxes, global civil disobedience and non-compliance as the solution.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The Degrees of Freemasonry

“When we examine the historical record of the world's most despicable mass murderers and revolutionaries, we find that almost all of them were members of Freemasonry and other secret societies of the Illuminati: Robespierre was a Freemason; Weishaupt was a Freemason; Napoleon was a Freemason; Lenin was a Freemason; Stalin was a Freemason; Mussolini was a Freemason; Truman and Roosevelt were Freemasons; Ariel Sharon is a Freemason; Bill Clinton is a Freemason; Fidel Castro is a Freemason.” -Texe Marrs, “Codex Magica” (43-4)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Mars Faker - Mars Landing Hoax
Here is Jarrah White's Mars Faker: Phoenix Rising. The Mars missions, like the Apollo Moon missions, are Masonic/NASA hoaxes to make you believe their twisted nihilistic cosmology.
Here are the first two parts of the Mars Faker: Seven Minutes of Propaganda series. If you still think we have been to the Moon or Mars, I highly recommend viewing both of these and Jarrah White's other series' in their entirety.
The key anomalies exposed in the documentaries are the following:
1. Mars' atmosphere being thin enough to be considered a vacuum would have rendered the parachutes supposedly used in all Mars missions useless and resulted in crash landings.
2. Joe Kittenger's record (highest, fastest, longest) parachute dive from the Earth's upper atmosphere had him free-falling for 15 minutes at 1235 kph and his drogue chute proved useless and offered no deceleration. NASA would have us believe that Phoenix's parachute managed to somehow slow it down from 20,500 kph to 198 kph in just 2.86 minutes. In other words, NASA is claiming to do something on Mars that we have no evidence is even possible on Earth at 16 times slower speed.
3. The Columbia commemorative plaque in the "Mars" Spirit rover photos/video is not the same one pictured right before launch.
4. The "Mars" Phoenix lander's robotic arm photographed image 896662759 taken at 14:39:37 LST and image 896662868 at 14:41:23 LST only 2 minutes and 46 seconds later. In the first image there is a fallen loose screw visible by the leg which disappears before the second photo's taken. NASA themselves claimed the robot arm didn't touch "martian" soil until the next day, thus it's impossible for the arm to have picked it up. And the topical arrangement of dirt/rocks remains exactly the same, thus it cannot be explained by strong winds. So who picked up the screw?
5. MX News on June 3rd, 2008 featured a picture given to them by NASA of the Phoenix's first dig into the "martian" soil. But on June 6th, 2008 The London Daily Telegraph reported from NASA that "another communications glitch stopped NASA's Phoenix lander again from making its first dig into Martian soil." How could they give the photo to MX news if they haven't made their first dig? Why can't they keep their story straight?
6. Despite all the media hype about trying to find life on Mars, NASA decided against the recommendation of several experts, not to bring life-detection equipment and instead focused merely on finding water. As University of Sheffield professor Dr. Milton Wainwright pointed out: "A few years ago a power struggle ensued at NASA which was won by the chemists and geologists who wanted to 'search for the water' instead of trying directly to detect life on Mars. Some amazing data will doubtless be provided by Phoenix, but at the risk of being accused of being churlish, can I point out that the absence of life-detection systems on this lander represents the greatest missed opportunity in the history of mankind to date."
7. The radiation on Mars from atomic particles shooting through space is supposedly 1,000 times greater than on Earth due to the lack of atmosphere. NASA admits that for astronauts to survive on Mars they would have to live at least 6 feet underground, but their rover can only dig 3 feet, so what life could they expect to find? If finding life on Mars was truly their mission, why fight tooth and nail against expert recommendation to bring life-detection equipment?
8. "Mars" looks exactly like the Australian desert and it appears NASA has simply added a red tint to the atmosphere.
Here are the first two parts of the Mars Faker: Seven Minutes of Propaganda series. If you still think we have been to the Moon or Mars, I highly recommend viewing both of these and Jarrah White's other series' in their entirety.
The key anomalies exposed in the documentaries are the following:

2. Joe Kittenger's record (highest, fastest, longest) parachute dive from the Earth's upper atmosphere had him free-falling for 15 minutes at 1235 kph and his drogue chute proved useless and offered no deceleration. NASA would have us believe that Phoenix's parachute managed to somehow slow it down from 20,500 kph to 198 kph in just 2.86 minutes. In other words, NASA is claiming to do something on Mars that we have no evidence is even possible on Earth at 16 times slower speed.

4. The "Mars" Phoenix lander's robotic arm photographed image 896662759 taken at 14:39:37 LST and image 896662868 at 14:41:23 LST only 2 minutes and 46 seconds later. In the first image there is a fallen loose screw visible by the leg which disappears before the second photo's taken. NASA themselves claimed the robot arm didn't touch "martian" soil until the next day, thus it's impossible for the arm to have picked it up. And the topical arrangement of dirt/rocks remains exactly the same, thus it cannot be explained by strong winds. So who picked up the screw?

6. Despite all the media hype about trying to find life on Mars, NASA decided against the recommendation of several experts, not to bring life-detection equipment and instead focused merely on finding water. As University of Sheffield professor Dr. Milton Wainwright pointed out: "A few years ago a power struggle ensued at NASA which was won by the chemists and geologists who wanted to 'search for the water' instead of trying directly to detect life on Mars. Some amazing data will doubtless be provided by Phoenix, but at the risk of being accused of being churlish, can I point out that the absence of life-detection systems on this lander represents the greatest missed opportunity in the history of mankind to date."

8. "Mars" looks exactly like the Australian desert and it appears NASA has simply added a red tint to the atmosphere.

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Jack White's Apollo Hoax Evidence
They've now deleted the only copy left of Jack White's Apollo Hoax book on Here is a link to all of Jack White's Apollo Hoax Evidence and below are a few examples of his work:

This is NASA image AS11-40-5922 of the lunar lander supposedly taken on the moon. Is that construction paper, tape, and foil!? Can anybody tell me with a straight face that this is a multi-million dollar space craft?

There is no burn print under the lunar lander's 10,000 pound thrusters, nor a speck of dust/dirt on the landing pods (as though it was just set down in place), even though NASA scientists in their own documents were worried about the lander falling into it's massive burn radius.

In these images of Buzz Aldrin we can see his boots and gloves changing colors and shapes. If he was really on the moon then this would mean de-pressurizing his suit time and again for fashion's sake.

In the top image there are footprints all around but the moon rover has no tracks in front or behind it. In the bottom image there are rover tracks in the foreground but the rover has clearly yet to be unpacked. What gives?

These pictures of the "sun" look and act nothing like the sun but rather like a large studio spotlight.

Remember, the astronauts brought no extra lighting to the moon. The only source of light should be the sun. Does that helmet reflection look like the sun to you? It looks like a spotlight to me.

There is studio lighting reflecting off a black background in the top picture. Subtraction of the yellow and blue from the chroma scale shows this clearly. If that was really the blackness of space, then there would be nothing to refract the light. The bottom picture also shows a similar effect from the lander's shadow against the studio ceiling.

These pictures all suggest that NASA has taken the liberty of retouching the perfect blackness of "space" and photoshopped a rectangular Earth image into the composites.

Since they did not bring any extra lighting on the lunar lander, the sun was the only light source, so all shadows should be cast in the same direction like the this:

But in dozens of NASA photos there are shadows being cast in up to 3 directions simultaneously, often at almost 90 degree angles. This can only be the result of multiple light sources not available on the moon.

Last but not least, these Apollo 15-17 photographs prove that the same studio backgrounds were being re-used over and over again even though the astronauts were supposedly moving around to completely different locations on the moon. What do people think of all these photographic anomalies? Does anyone still think NASA's been to the moon? Still trust anything they have to say?

This is NASA image AS11-40-5922 of the lunar lander supposedly taken on the moon. Is that construction paper, tape, and foil!? Can anybody tell me with a straight face that this is a multi-million dollar space craft?

There is no burn print under the lunar lander's 10,000 pound thrusters, nor a speck of dust/dirt on the landing pods (as though it was just set down in place), even though NASA scientists in their own documents were worried about the lander falling into it's massive burn radius.

In these images of Buzz Aldrin we can see his boots and gloves changing colors and shapes. If he was really on the moon then this would mean de-pressurizing his suit time and again for fashion's sake.

These pictures of the "sun" look and act nothing like the sun but rather like a large studio spotlight.

Since they did not bring any extra lighting on the lunar lander, the sun was the only light source, so all shadows should be cast in the same direction like the this:

But in dozens of NASA photos there are shadows being cast in up to 3 directions simultaneously, often at almost 90 degree angles. This can only be the result of multiple light sources not available on the moon.

Last but not least, these Apollo 15-17 photographs prove that the same studio backgrounds were being re-used over and over again even though the astronauts were supposedly moving around to completely different locations on the moon. What do people think of all these photographic anomalies? Does anyone still think NASA's been to the moon? Still trust anything they have to say?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Atlas, 33, & the Tree of Life

Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now

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