As the former Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, explained: “The Jews rule this world by proxy, they get others to fight and die for them… They have now gained control of the most powerful countries … This tiny community have become a world power.” Dr. Mahathir spoke the truth, and the reality of his words couldn’t be more clear; all one has to do is look around you and observe the terrible power of the treacherous Jews. The Jewish-Zionist terrorist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky (founder of the Jewish terror group Irgun Zevai Leumi) proudly proclaimed: “There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it.” (Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935)
The fact that the vicious crimes of this disgusting criminal’s insidious terrorist organization — such as the King David Hotel bombing and Deir Yassin Massacre — are not mentioned in Western history texts or at all covered in High School and University history classes, is a testament to the veracity of his exultant statement. Jewish power is supremely epitomized by the fact that criticism of Christianity, Islam, or any other major religion is fully permissible in our societies, but criticism of Jews and Judaism, on the other hand, is taboo, off-limits and socially and politically dangerous. As the saying goes, if you want to know where the power lies ask whom you cannot criticize.
It’s quite interesting to note that the researchers of the “New World Order” who endeavor to deflect attention away from the Jews — such as Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, Alan Watt, Mark Dice, etc — are not silenced or suppressed, but in fact promoted by the Jewish controlled press. These purported critics of the New World Order and Illuminati who employ vague terms like “elites”/”globalists”/”the establishment”/”the military industrial complex”, and who regularly invoke a confusing deluge of elusive entities and kosher poltergeists (everything from Satanists, Occultists, Freemasons, Jesuits, Nazis, Fascists, Knights Templar, WASPs, British Royalists, Reptilians, Space Aliens, etc) are free to promote their theories and ideas on radio, television, the internet and in books, uninhibited. Their radio shows are not being cancelled, their books are not being taken off the shelves or blocked from publication, their videos are not being censored or expunged from video sharing websites, their websites and blogs are not being shut down on a whim, they are not being fined or thrown in prison for “hate speech.” On the contrary, we can find these kosher clowns being highlighted on mainstream Jewish propaganda television networks, like the History Channel, and making appearances on MSM talk shows, like The View. Critics of Jewish power, Zionism and the Jewish criminal network couldn’t even dream of achieving that level of notoriety. I wonder why?
Communism is Jewish, Freemasonry is Jewish - Gentile communists and freemasons are nothing more than the cat's paw of the International Jewish Money Power.
Freemasons are often talked about by these people, but what they deliberately conceal from their audiences is the fact that the masons are subordinate and beholden to the Jews, which is admitted in the masons’ own books. On page 249 of “Duncan’s Ritual and Monitor” it states that Masonry is subservient to Judaism, noting that a recipient of the Royal Arch Degree pledges himself “For the good of Masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation in particular.” The undeniable fact that Freemasonry itself is based on the rites and rituals of the Jewish religion and the mysticism of the Jewish Cabala, is also purposefully glossed over by these deceivers.
The Protocols of Zion make clear this intention to use subservient Gentiles (shabbas goyim) as scapegoats,“GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” (The Protocols of Zion, 4:2)
Those of us who name Jews as the prime mover behind the New World Order — which we have dubbed the “Jew World Order” — are ruthlessly suppressed, censored, harassed, terrorized, arrested, imprisoned, and in some extreme cases even killed.
There is no “Jesuit Internet Defense League” that goes around trying to censor YouTube videos that are critical of the Jesuit Order and the Vatican; but there is a “Jewish Internet Defense Force”, a predatory gang of scheming Jews who relentlessly go around sabotaging blogs and websites critical of Jews, Israel or Zionism, and who are responsible for the removal of thousands of videos as well as the banishment of thousands of YouTube channels and users of other video sharing websites. The Vatican doesn’t have a paid army of internet trolls who roam around popular websites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, posting comments glorifying the Vatican and smearing all critics of the Vatican as “anti-Catholic bigots”. But the Israeli government — and its vast network of Zionist lobby organizations like the World Jewish Congress, Anti-Defamation League and B’nai B’rith — has on its payroll thousands of Jew zealots called “Hasbara” roaming the net spewing pro-Zionist propaganda, attacking anyone critical of anything Jewish, Israeli or Zionist, as an “antisemite” and “fascist nazi”. It’s not Catholic Jesuits who are training their pupils to manipulate Wikipedia to favor their causes and ambitions, it’s Zionist Jews who are doing that. Doesn’t that tell you something? Only criminals attempting to evade exposure and censure would have to resort to such depraved, bottom-feeding behavior.
Look at all of the prominent people over the years whose careers have been ruined simply for expressing an opinion or stating a fact that the Jews don’t want the public to hear. For instance, Helen Thomas, a fifty year veteran of the White House Press Corps, was recently pressured to resign after she was recorded on videotape telling the Israeli Jews to “get the hell out of Palestine.” Shortly after the video surfaced Organized Jewry went on a rampage and witch-hunt, unleashing a barrage of hate against the honorable Helen Thomas for her brave remarks, even calling on journalism schools and groups to revoke any honors given to her in previous years. Reflecting on the debacle, Thomas told an interviewer, “You can’t criticize Israel in this country and survive.” In a speech Thomas further remarked,
“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is…We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”
Then there was the incident involving Rick Sanchez, a veteran CNN news anchor with his own show called “Rick’s List”. Sanchez was promptly fired from his position at CNN after he insinuated that the American mass media is controlled by Jews in a radio interview. (“Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A ‘Bigot,’ Jews Run CNN & All Media.” The Huffington Post. 10/1/2010) Why is it that Rick Sanchez — being a Gentile — is not permitted to state the obvious fact that Jews own and control the media when a Jewish reporter from the LA Times, Joel Stein, can freely — without any repercussions — write an article entitled “How Jewish Is Hollywood?” in which he arrogantly brags about Jewish control of Hollywood, the news media, government and finance, stating:
“Jews totally run Hollywood. … As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Conservative journalist and writer Joe Sobran, a long-time syndicated columnist for the National Review until he was predictably fired for “antisemitism,” eloquently explained the befuddling nature of Jewish power. Sobran opined that if you want to make it in American politics you have to know all about it, but, at the same time, can’t ever refer to it openly, for fear of the Jews:
“Talking about American politics without mentioning the Jews is a little like talking about the NBA without mentioning the Chicago Bulls. Not that the Jews are all-powerful, let alone all bad. But they are successful, and therefore powerful enough: and their power is unique in being off-limits to normal criticism even when it’s highly visible. They themselves behave as if their success were a guilty secret, and they panic, and resort to accusations, as soon as the subject is raised. Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial superpatriotism.”
In an essay reprinted in the May 27, 1996, issue of the New York Times Ari Shavit, an Israeli columnist, reflected on the Israeli slaughter of more than a hundred Lebanese civilians the month before: “We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own….” This Israeli simply confirmed what many Americans already knew and had known for decades, which is that the Jewish/Israeli lobby — not Jesuits, Occultists, Satanists or shape-shifting Reptilians — control the White House, Congress and the Senate, like a marionette. Well-known political commentator, and former presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan, once declared: “Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory.” Former US congressman Paul Findley documented the reality of Buchanan’s statement in a book called, “They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby”. On page 161 of Findley’s book, he quotes Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, who, with blunt vexation at the Jewish-Israeli hold on the United States, said:
“I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.”
British MP, Tom Dalyell, echoed these sentiments when he proclaimed, “A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians.” Former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has come out and blamed the pro-Israel Lobby in America (AIPAC, ADL, AJC, ZOA, etc) for ruining her political career. While in congress McKinney refused to sign the pro-Israel pledge and took a pro-Palestinian stance. Because of this, McKinney said “war was declared” on her by the Jewish lobby who eventually ousted her from Congress by funding and supporting her political opponents. In 2009 she told an interviewer that “more than 99% of Congress work for Pro Zionist Israeli interests.” Former US congressman, Jim Trafficant, was also targeted and then destroyed by the Jewish lobby for not being a groveling pro-Israel stooge, and for helping out a falsely accused so-called “Nazi war criminal” named John Demjanjuk who the Jews attempted to crucify for “war crimes” that never happened. (See: Collins, Michael Piper. Target Trafficant. American Free Press, 2005) After serving a seven year prison sentence on trumped-up corruption charges, he fearlessly came out swinging stating in a television interview that,
“…Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [the Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison [...] They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defense manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely, definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.”
University of Chicago Professor, John Mersheimer, and Harvard academic Stephen Walt, felt the perilous wrath of the Jew lobby. A vicious smear campaign was launched against them after they published a study exposing the insidious influence of Israeli lobby groups — principally the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee — entitled, “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”. Fox News reporter Carl Cameron confirmed the capability of the Jewish-Israeli lobby to silence and extirpate anyone they don’t like. In his censored four part series on Israeli espionage against the United States, Cameron stated, “Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying … is considered career suicide.”
The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations lists on its board of members fifty-one of America’s most powerful Zionist hate organizations that wield tremendous influence in American political life. Jewish author J.J. Goldberg, in his book “Jewish Power: Inside the America Jewish Establishment” (pp. 38-39), noted that there are approximately 300 national Jewish organizations in the United States with a combined budget estimated in the range of $6 billion — a sum greater than the gross national product of half the members of the United Nations. (cited in MacDonald, Kevin. The Culture of Critique, Chapter 7) And that doesn’t even take into account the influence of individual wealthy Jews, Jewish families and Jewish Wall Street banking houses like Goldman Sachs, who mete out billions of dollars in campaign contributions to both the Democrat and Republican parties. (See: Collins, Michael Piper. The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme. American Free Press, 2009) Henry L. Feingold, writing in his book “Jewish Power in America: Myth and Reality”, stated that “Over 60 percent of campaign funds collected by the Democratic party and a respectable percentage of Republican campaign funds stem from Jewish sources.” Jews are quite candid about their attempt to manipulate the US political process to their benefit — the New Yorker reported that at a conference, the Jewish supremacist Haim Saban (an Israeli-American multibillionaire media mogul) outlined several ways in which Jews can be influential in American politics: “make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets.” Couple all that with the Jewish death-grip on the mass media and Hollywood, in conjunction with the Jewish stranglehold on world finance and you have total Jewish ethnic domination of America, a virtual slave society reminiscent of the Soviet Union.
This phenomena of Jewish targeting of political opponents is not limited to America, it’s also quite apparent in Canada, Europe, Australia, and in pretty much all nations where Jews live. The ravenous Canadian Jewish Congress had a Liberal Party candidate named Leslie Hughes removed by her party for writing a 2003 article suggesting Israel had foreknowledge of 9/11 (not only did Israel have foreknowledge, they did it). Many Canadian patriots such as Ernst Zundel, Paul Fromm, Terry Tremaine, Arthur Topham, Marc Lemire, and others, have been prosecuted by the tyrannical Canadian government — at the behest of evil Jewish lobby groups like the CJC, B’nai B’rith, Simon Wiesenthal Center, etc — for their internet writings criticizing Jews, Zionism or Israel.
In 2009 an Australian anti-Zionist activist named Brendon O’Connell was arrested and charged under Australia’s Orwellian “racial vilification” law after an altercation he had with two Zionist Jews who photographed him and other pro-Palestine activists at a rally without asking permission. For calling the two Zionist spies “racist, homicidal maniacs” and describing Judaism as a “racist, homicidal cult” (statements totally congruent with the facts), the righteous patriot O’Connell was handed down a hefty three year jail sentence! If the Vatican and the Jesuits — instead of Jews/Israel — were the object of O’Connell’s criticism do you think he would be in prison right now? Of course not.
The brilliant Douglas Reed, Britain’s preeminent WWII correspondent for the London Times, went from being a celebrated, revered author, playwright and journalist with an army of fans, to a non-person scorned in the press and whose books publishers wouldn’t touch with a fifty foot poll. Why? Because he started writing about the Jewish Question, Zionism, and the long-term Jewish conspiracy to impose a world government on an enslaved humanity. (See: The Controversy of Zion)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was the once-famous Russian dissident, a survivor of a Soviet Gulag concentration camp who authored several books about the horrific experiences he, and his Russian countrymen, endured during the communist hell of Soviet Russia (See: The Gulag Archipelago I & II). Then he stopped being famous and now he is a non-person (now deceased). It happened because he told truths about the predominant Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution and the Soviet Regime. (See: 200 Years Together) So the Jews in the media wrote him out of history — he disappeared quicker than the people that Stalin did not like vanished.
Another strong indication of the menacing Jewish stranglehold on the West is the wicked Stalinist-style State repression of Holocaust Revisionists. In a well-organized censorship campaign, International Jewish Supremacist groups — principally the World Jewish Congress — have successfully lobbied over a dozen European governments to criminalize holocaust revisionist research. All around the world holocaust revisionist scholars and ordinary people who dare question any aspect of the farcical holocaust™ dogma have been harassed, vilified, smeared, slandered, fined heavily, jailed, physically assaulted, terrorized, and in one instance murdered. Courageous and esteemed revisionist scholars such as Arthur Butz, Mark Weber, Germar Rudolf, Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundel, Fredrick Toben, Juergen Graf, Carlo Mattogno, David Cole, Ditlieb Felderer, Carlos Porter, and many others, have suffered tremendous hardships because of their brilliant work debunking the holocaust™ myth.
Taking into account these simple observations, we can confidently assert that International Jewry are the cap of the pyramid of world power and influence. Everything else serves as a distraction and convenient smokescreen for this fundamental reality.

lol "the jewish question"? I think someone else used that same line in the 1940's
Yes, and why do you think 99% of Germany voted for him? The Jews have been kicked out of 85 countries in their history, why do you suppose that is? Jews Stalin, Trotsky, and Marx are responsible for 10 times the amount of gentile deaths than Hitler's supposed Jewish "holocaust."
Why the Holocaust Denial?
Your knee-jerk sarcasm regarding someone named Eric talking about the Jews likely comes from too much (Jew-created) Southpark watching, and not enough history reading. :P Haha, just kidding, but no really, Jews run the world. Peace
lol, my comment was that the term " the jewish question" was used by the nazi regime to deal with their complete eradication. So that term should probably not be used.
You'll find the "Jewish Question" term has been around long before Hitler used it. For instance Henry Ford used it often in his turn of the century excellent book on the subject: The International Jew
The International Jew
And as for "complete eradication," contrary to what Jewish propagandists have written since, Hitler never instituted any program of Jewish mass extermination. 6 million Jews did not die in Germany and that number was thrown around over 100 times before WWII even started! The holocaust myth was the bedrock for establishing the genocidal Jewish state of Israel, and remains the woe-as-me defense for anyone daring to ask the Jewish question.
The Six Million Myth
I personally think the actaul NWO is well-explained in this movie.. www.thrivemovement.com
More Jewish propaganda to control the opposition (see comments section):
Thrive 11:11:11 Propaganda
Note: I've copied these previous comments and replies from my facebook page so others could benefit from them here.
Huh? they base this on the idea that aliens dont exist though.. but the indigenous people have told about them forever.. doesnt seem like a proper analysis to me.. sorry
You did notice how halfway through that Thrive movie they said something to the effect of "some people think the New World Order is run by the Jews, but there is no evidence to back that up." LOL! Expulsions from 85 countries, owning over 90% of Western media, all the top banking families are Jewish, their own writings constantly talk about establishing a One World Jewish order, and that Thrive movie has the gall to completely dismiss the Jewish question in one non-chalant sentence.
That could be... but that has nothing to do with the alien question though.. I could understand though that at the top there are a lot of jews.. banks after all
This article is about the Jews, why do you keep talking/asking about aliens?
It was in that 11;11:11 propaganda link, there was a HUGE bit about debunking the alien existence.. that is why
Yeah, I know, I wrote it. But the Jews run the world dude, not aliens. Are you convinced it's aliens?
Even the Pope and his cardinals all wear a Jew hat (yarmulke). The entirety of Christianity and Islam are founded upon Judaism, so small wonder the Vatican is run by crypto-Jews, the Jesuits were started by a Jew, the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by a Jew, the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and most every other secretive subversive group throughout history.
Who were the world's original racists? Ask "God's chosen people." The Pope, world royal bloodlines, and world jewry claim divine right from their old testament God to rule over everyone else.
to "anon"
there is a long list of people besides hitler who had a negative opinion of these "people"
there is a long list of countries that have decide to get rid of these "people" through out history.
@ eric. your convo with "anon" kinda reminds me of this clip from IDIOCRACY. i just dont think he is ever going to "get it".
Thanks for the comment nvra. Good points and links (Hitler's got electrolytes!). Those anonymous comments came from two different people, but hopefully they'll come around to using water instead of Brawndo eventually :P
Maybe the "religious" text was in fact a "playbook" no doubt rewritten to strategically place power in the hands of the controllers in their game of world conquest :)
Ehm no eric.. I was not saying aliens run the world.. i was opposing the theory that the alien presence is a human military one
Gotcha. Well, I'd say any physical "UFOs" or "Aliens" are government technology and genetic hybrids. As for non-physical, a strong dose of Ayahuasca, Peyote, DMT, Iboga or other entheogen will show that non-physical "UFOs" and "Aliens" most certainly exist, and these are the UFOs/Aliens referred to by the indigenous people you mentioned.
haha no, i was sober, and so were they, the entire village is when they see them altogether... they exist.. Im not to be dissuaded, sorry
I have seen a UFO while sober as well. And I've seen "aliens" while not sober. DMT is produced inside our pineal glands anyway, so there's actually no way to know how sober we are. Also there's no way for you to know that what you and your village saw MUST be extra-terrestrial in origin.
Some say the yehud symbol, the Star of David, is evidence some vestige of Judaism owns freemasonry.
The star is comprised of 2 triangles. Each with three points, thus 33.
My question is who are the major players on the Jewish side? If the freemasons (smokescreen) serve the order of the garter, (Britain) who played an important role in forming Israel...who are the chief zionists?
There is truth to the zionists movement that cannot be figured out and i think this conspiracy sounds a little off beat. Do not get me wrong, there are powerful zionists, just like their are powerful western powers, Just like their are powerful christians, powerful asians, powerful muslims, and hindus, and satanics, and bankers, and Africans, and all sorts of gangs but when it comes down to it... Jewish people are not the blame. Yes i understand you might say i am anti-anti-sememtic but the real fucking truth is that no single humnan ethinicity or major religion is the creator of the New world Order. There is always a small group in all different corners of reality trying to do bad things and are constantly uniting with other groups for the New World Order. To say jews or isrealis are the highest puppetmasters in the New World Order is like saying muslims are terrorists or that asians are racist or even christianiaty seeks to destroy every religion. To some extent every different group in the world is connected and feeds the corruption of powerful groups but jews are not the blame...? If anything jewish people are usually very hardworking in every thing they do and it just happens to be appealing to everyone trapped in the matrix to make alot of money and to get as high up in the system as possible... Jews tend to excel in that. Do not get me wrong the holocaust's purpose was to have western powers gain control in the middle East by gaining world apathy. It worked and isreal's government is almost as bad as USA's. But it is not the actual isrealis that are the bad people. They work hard and many of them are trapped in a terrible matrix that was created by zionists so that jewish people could work as their slaves since they are very productive slaves. My moms family is jewish which makes me jewish and i personally can say jews are not fucking evil. LOL, they may for the most part be annoying but the simple working class jew is not the evil. If anyone is behind the NWO, it is a diverse group of people who have inified in order to maintain a monopoly in both the old world and the new world. This group cleverly uses different matrix's to keep both worlds confused from the hidden truth. The group keeps us fighting eachother with a variety of systems and uses law and media as a diversion from what we are missing so we can run around clueless slowly solving puzzles while they create more problems systematically. As far as who the perp. is, it really does not matter, having a culprit is only so people can be personally comfortable on who to blame. Lets blame ourselves for once and create systems that are more efficient and independently accomodating to achieve healthy lifestyles... Peace-AG
"There is truth to the zionists movement that cannot be figured out and i think this conspiracy sounds a little off beat. Do not get me wrong, there are powerful zionists, just like their are powerful western powers, Just like their are powerful christians, powerful asians, powerful muslims, and hindus, and satanics, and bankers, and Africans, and all sorts of gangs but when it comes down to it... Jewish people are not the blame."
nah, plenty of people through out history have figured it out. once they figure it out, they almost always get rid of the Jews at that point. time and time again.
feel free to check the link:
"Jewish people are not the blame. Yes i understand you might say i am anti-anti-sememtic but the real fucking truth is that no single humnan ethinicity or major religion is the creator of the New world Order."
you are using the term New world order as a blanket reference word. To put it bluntly, as a group: zionist, ashkanazim jews have been responsible for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY the likes of which have not been duplicated by any other "group" of "humans" in this paradigm of existence.
the very elements that makes one a zionist, ashkanazim jew are the very elements that make them enemies of humanity. this is why they get kicked out of every country they migrate to.
"If anything jewish people are usually very hardworking in every thing they do and it just happens to be appealing to everyone trapped in the matrix ."
rotflmao. is this a comedy hour?
hard working jews.....wtf are you smoking?
dude, i lived in brookly, ny amongst many zionist, ashkanazim and they pride themselves on not being "schleppers like the goy"
i will admit that i know many jews who are industrious and honest individuals but getting a college degree is not "hard work". it could be considered difficult work but not hard work. fire fighting is hard work, deep sea welding is hard work, becoming a jeweler or a dentist...not so much.
"My moms family is jewish which makes me jewish and i personally can say jews are not fucking evil. LOL, they may for the most part be annoying but the simple working class jew is not the evil. "
we are not refering to the "simple working class jew" we are talking about the zionist psychopaths that are raping this planet and its inhabitants.
Yes i understand you might say i am anti-anti-sememtic but the real fucking truth is that no single humnan ethinicity or major religion is the creator of the New world Order.
You're right about there being powerful people of every ethnicity and background, and it's also true that not every Jew is bad or to blame. However, it's a fact that the original racist ideology in recorded history, and the original progenitors of the idea of a one world secular order, are none other than the Jews.
And it is a concerted group of Jewish bankers, politicians, businessmen, and media moguls who run things... no group of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, or Hindus can claim the amount of wealth, power and influence these Jews have. And there's only about 15 million of them in the world! Considering there are about 2 billion Christians, 1.5 billion Muslims, and 1 billion Hindus, you've got to be blind not to see the amount of concentrated wealth, power and influence the Jews have worldwide in finance, business, politics and media.
By claiming to be God's chosen people, they instantly create a two-party division amongst humanity, just as crypto-Jew world royalty have done. You're born either a Jew or a Goy. You're born either royalty or a commoner. In actual fact, however, we're all the same. We are all the same and Jews and royalty conveniently ignore that fact so they can maintain their superiority complex over those who weren't "born special" like them.
And when you point this out to most Jews they will, say, "yes that's an integral belief in our religion, but personally I don't believe that I'm better, more special, or more chosen by God than anyone else." To which I say, "then you're not a Jew!" (or you're lying) because if you don't hold that fundamental belief then the entire religion, it's history, and the Talmud, Judaism's holiest book, make no sense. The whole book is devoted to separating Jews from Goys. Judaism has it's own separatist language of terms like shiksa, goyim, gentile, and other terms of inferiority for non-Jews.
If you don't believe in that, then don't call yourself Jewish. Soon other people told they are "born special" will get the picture too and renounce any such secular division. That's what Buddha did. He was born "royalty" and he was like "royalty? That's bull, we're all the same" and left the palace.
Do not get me wrong the holocaust's purpose was to have western powers gain control in the middle East by gaining world apathy. It worked and isreal's government is almost as bad as USA's. But it is not the actual isrealis that are the bad people. They work hard and many of them are trapped in a terrible matrix that was created by zionists so that jewish people could work as their slaves since they are very productive slaves.
So what religion are zionists? Jewish! Zion is just another name for the new world order which Jews throughout history have been writing about, talking about, and actively working towards. As you noted, they may use other Jews as productive slaves, but that doesn't change the fact that Zionism is a Jewish ideology.
As far as who the perp. is, it really does not matter, having a culprit is only so people can be personally comfortable on who to blame. Lets blame ourselves for once and create systems that are more efficient and independently accomodating to achieve healthy lifestyles
I definitely agree with you here. It's much more important to take back responsibility, educate ourselves, step away from the system, and get self-sustainable than it is to sit around trying to point the most accurate finger at who is the most to blame. Peace.
Two things -
Firstly, I listen to Alan Watt and he's broken things down very simply for people to understand what's really going on. However to say that he tries to deflect things away from the Jews is rather a stupid thing to say. If you listen he has mentioned the only nation that will be allowed to be which is Israel. He's spoken of the negative MSM portrayal of the arabs/muslims. He's spoken of the Jewish controllers of the Germany sex shows which was there before Hitler's rise to power, giving links to good documentaries. He's spoken of the jewish connection to freemasonry..... The bottom line is simple. Were he to go into depth about jewish power he'd be booted off of RBN & this would be a loss to many people waking up. He also doesn't want to end up like Zundel. Anyone who's done enough research into the NWO knows of the Jewish control within. Which leads me to my second point.......
Secondly, the controllers are ALL freemasons and where does freemasonry come from? There's your answer. Not all jews control the world but all those controlling the world are Jews. My last blog was removed by blogger, along with my googlemail and Youtube channel, after threats from a member of the Unite Against Fascism, another jewish created/controlled NGO. I spoke alot about Jewish control and put up articles questioning the holocaust. I wrote of the appalling treatment of the Heretical Two, Simon Sheppherd and Stephen Whittle (aka Luke O'Farrell) turned into hate figures by the British press for questionihg the holocaust amongst other things such as immigration (another Jewish plan) into the UK to destroy what's left of the indigenous and their culture.
One of the most insidious actions of the Jews was the creation of 'therefore you are' meaning if you question something that the Jews agree with (planned) therefore you are a racist, a Nazi, a fascist, a hater, a.....etc etc etc. It was the creation of liberalism and liberal slur words that have destroyed liberty and freedom, ironically in the name of liberty and freedom.
The control of the world is overwhelmingly in the hands of one group. To deny this merely shows ignorance on history and the creation of the NWO. Anyone who's done enough research and joined the dots will ultimately conclude to the Jewish question. To use that well known saying - 'if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... I mean, come on people - 'we are God's chosen people'?? Therein is your answer.
Great comment Harbinger, thanks for sharing.
Okay my question is somewhat controversial but i have heard that being jewsih is not just a religion. Supposively it is an ethnicity as well. So my question is are we talking about the religion or ethnicity... or both if being jewish in any way means your helping the NWO?- AG
Judaism is a religion which likes to masquerade as a race. They do this by stating that the children of Jewish mothers are lifelong Jews regardless of belief, and giving them dual-Israeli citizenship. But Judaism is a set of beliefs that can be followed by people of any nationality, any ethnicity can be a Jew, therefore it cannot be called a race. Calling Judaism a race is like calling Asians the Buddhist race. Isms are beliefs, not ethnicities.
Here is a lecture by Dr. Ray Hagins called the Illegitmacy of a people called Jews. Very informative lecture that is worth watching.
The Jewish maternal link may possibly have something to do with mitochondria DNA which is inherited only from the mother, and supposedly from 7 female origins (maybe a breed or "race" thing)
In high school studying genetics, I wondered maybe the male Y-chromosome came from a female that happened to break off a "leg" of the "X" chromosome to form a new "mutation" called male...
Because females are often stronger where genetics are concerned, than males.
Maybe there is something specific/"special" about their female ancestor that the Jews are claiming?
This is what Im thinking...For my backround as an example... My mothers family come from a long line of non orthodox jewish roots. They are not hardcore temple visitors nor do they believe in most beliefs of judaism. Really, how many religious people believe every spec of their belief.? They know hebrew since they lived in Isreal for 2 years and they have always accepted being typical jewish people(characteristics, family history, somewhat religious). They are hardworking middle class people who have only made the world around them better. As much as i want to believe that judaism is the foundation of the NWO, i simply dont understand how being jewish means your the opitomy of the world.... There are alot of annoying pro-segragation physcopathic people out there for every single religion/belief... If someone wants to be a judgemental ass and play the numbers game than Christians seem to have the worse amount of physcopaths and so on but really... Real jews are not the greedy jewelry seller, lawyers, and bankers. You cannot easily spot a real jew... The real jewish person image has been completely diluted and turned into disgusting swine of the world. People out claiming they are real jews and making all kinds of nuissance are not reall jewish(get it?). Poser jews who demand holocaust apathy are only full of themselves because they lack any understanding of true pain. Being Jewish should not make anyone better than another and only the fake jews think and say that jews are gods chosen people and expect people to treat them better than others?. The Jews that stand out are zionists, they are unlike the majority of Jewish people who usually have an actual consciousness(shocker, jewish people can be conscious too)! And yes people if your American, the overzealous jew you know down the street that you think is swine is not really jewish(if you get what i mean). Religion, Religion...ahh when will the world sit down, take a break to smoke some medicinal weed, and stop listening to that little demon in our heads telling us what to believe... Let me know if i sound like a shmuck ;) Peace-AG
Being Jewish should not make anyone better than another and only the fake jews think and say that jews are gods chosen people and expect people to treat them better than others?
One of the main tenets of Judaism is that it's followers are God's chosen people. Who you're calling "fake Jews" are of course the real Jews since they're following the Talmud, and someone like yourself who claims to be Jewish but doesn't believe he's God's chosen or many other Jewish tenets is more like a fake Jew. Don't get me wrong, I much prefer a sane fake Jew like yourself who believes in equality than these deluded orthodox folks. But I've got to ask, if you don't think you're God's chosen, you don't go to temple, and you don't believe many of Judaism's tenets, why do you still identify with Judaism and call yourself a Jew? My entire family is Christian, but since immaculately conceived babies, talking snakes, and a commandment-making vengeful God have never made sense to me, I've never called myself a Christian. Something tells me you find some benefit in identifying yourself with Judaism otherwise you'd never call yourself by a label with which you fundamentally disagree.
In every religion there are followers who do not use their holy books. There is no one certain way to follow any belief or religion. A religion is only how it is interpreted by its followers... Suppose jewish is an ethnicity... Why not?, jewish people come from long lines of jewish people who happen to have common characteristics. Curly/waivy dark hair, dark skin tone, and the famous large nose. There is no mistake why people are jewish whether their hardcore orthdodox or people who barely give a shit. In Isreal just about everyone is born into jewish families and are labeled as jews. And yet most of them could care less about their title of being jews. Most Isrealis dont go to temples or have dumb American barmitsvahs and dont give a shit about the books and their teachings. Thats how it is. Yet Isreal is still labeled as the jew capital of the world. You know why? Its because there are alot of dark skin toned, dark waivy curly haired, large nose people who live there. Those people, just like all the other people born into jewsih families are known as jews... Are you seriously implying that the only jewish people are the idiotic zionists greedy demons? Even though the holocaust's historical coverage was a mass corrupt illusion, their is no denying that Nazi's were not supposed to give a shit about whether they were killing orthodox jews or people born into jewish families that simply do not care about judaism. Most of the jews killed then were not zionists, just good jewish born people. Most of the zionists exploited the people who were born into jewish families and who dont care about judaism... Thousands of years of generations who call themselves something and who only breed with their kind is not only an ancient jewish trait. Reptillians who have only bred with reptillians for a long time are still known as reptillians whether they want to be or not. If jew is not an ethnicity than reptillians are not a race. Both the reptillians and jews can step out of their families ancient history and not give a shit about their family connection but they would still be a descendant of reptillians or jews. There is no escape from being caucasion if you are born into a white family. There is no escape from being a paledian if your families ancient bloodline goes back thousands of years(+) but one does have the coice to not have the same integrity as they did. The only choice someone born into an ancient bloodline can make is to be conciously different than their predecessors... The only thing i really want to get out is that zionist are not jews. They are an ancient family bloodline of disgusting reptillians who long ago simply called themselves jews and gave real jewish descendants a terrible role in religion wars that were set up a long time ago... As for you comment that "any ethnicity can be a jew", i think that any ethnicity can believe in Judaism(even though its a pretty crappy religion). As for this Jew World Order...Hmmm my mom was jewish born, perhaps i should kill her just like how Hitler killed his mom. Yes, that makes alot of sense because she is a zionists!? If i did that i would be buying into this (whole jewish people are zionists) matrix. That is the way i see it(as a fake jew).- Peace AG
So you are saying that all the jews and other unwanted people that survived the deathcamps are liers? Allied soldiers who found those camps are liers too? German soldiers were all ofcourse tortured into lying about what happened? German civilians that have admitted knowing what went on in those camps lied?
Every picture off deathcamps and body piles is a fake? All of the bodies found were not bodies at all? All the deathcamps were and are just props?
So was there even a 2nd WW?
If you think about it just for a little while, you begin to understand that it would have been much easier to make it than to fake it.
Is there any proof to back up your holocaust denial? Because I haven't heard any.
Jewish people come from long lines of jewish people who happen to have common characteristics. Curly/waivy dark hair, dark skin tone, and the famous large nose.
The belief in Judaism or any other religion has nothing to do with race, appearance or genetics. You cannot look at an Indian person and say "they look Hindu." You cannot look at an Asian and say "they look Buddhist." The majority of people who believe in Hinduism or Buddhism do look similar because of their background and geography, but their look does not in any way determine their belief system. The caricature dark-haired big-nosed Jew is no different.
If jew is not an ethnicity than reptillians are not a race.
Right, Judaism is not an ethnicity and shape-shifting Draco reptilians are characters from David Icke's wild imagination, not a race.
There is no escape from being caucasion if you are born into a white family
Of course not, because caucasian is a race, Judaism is not.
So you are saying that all the jews and other unwanted people that survived the death camps are liers? Allied soldiers who found those camps are liers too? German soldiers were all of course tortured into lying about what happened? German civilians that have admitted knowing what went on in those camps lied? Every picture off death camps and body piles is a fake? All of the bodies found were not bodies at all? All the death camps were and are just props? So was there even a 2nd WW?
Calm down. Just like with the Moon Landing, 9/11, the JFK assassination and many other conspiracies, you were lied to Kinahmi. No need to lash out at the messenger like the government does. Can you imagine if Moon Landing denial was a crime? In Germany and all over Europe Holocaust denial is a crime and many brave and legitimate researchers have been put in jail for years simply for researching what actually happened during the holocaust.
Why the Holocaust Denial?
The Six Million Myth
All your antagonizing sarcastic questions are answered in these articles.
Well Eric, there is no denying you have strong grounds for every theory you approach. I completely respect that. I guess just about every controversial point i thought i was making became meaningless immediately as you demonstrated truth. It may sound lame but the way you handle information is a beautiful art that i wish to get better at so that i can demonstrate truth and higher conciousness. As for this Jew World order Theory, i still find something to be out of place. I am usually pretty good at finding complex patterns but i cannot seem to find the piece of clarity that i am looking for. A suggestion from one interpreter to another, this information has a chunk missing and without it, this theory can cause more damage than it can heal. All i am saying is that i could just be a total idiot, but as a kid who has broken from the Matrix so young, there is no way out of this JWO theory. There is always a way to reduce, prevent, or rid of every destructive pluasable theory...
Story time... When I began as a conspiracy theorists, I woke up by examining USA's education systems. I began to question if I was growing up in a decent system. I moved from my mom’s house to my dads in a nearby city to begin my journey. This school was extremely diverse with students from over 100 countries. I noticed that the quality of the educators is always different but the curriculums and limitations were the same. After there I moved in alone with my future stepmom who lived in downtown Atlanta. I was really excited to live an urban lifestyle and to get a feel for their education. I was shocked from how strict and limited education was there and the student’s souls were much weaker than of others from the suburbs. I immediately felt the unconscious energy. Besides my crazy ex potential stepmom kicking me out and making it harder for me to stay in that school, I moved to the most rural middle school of all. The quality of educators was much higher than the rest but there was something very strange about these educators. They had become so isolated from righteousness that they literally had no tolerance. They were more like prison guards than educators and through time, their curriculum was just about as limited as all the rest. I was truly outraged by the end of the year. I could not get the experience I had sought for. I moved again and around this time I became conspiracy theorists and took a vow to improve this world with my life and every week I could not continue without smoking some weed. The sacred herb kept my mind on the truth and away from this youth prison system. I was on the edge of anger towards my useless education. But man did I learn a lot from that experience last year- Thanks to the sacred herb (RASTAFARI maan lol). I was not done and this time I went to an alternative charter school because they claim that they can teach whatever and however they want to educate students for a great education... I spent two weeks in Cali sunshine surfing and when I got back for my first day as a sophomore at this school my spirit literally died. I toughed it out for 3 days enduring constant psychopathic brainwash from ex marines, government spies, physcologists and I never went back. To this day, I vow to fuck with that place for what they do to young minds. It is disgusting... to be continued (it gets better)...
I moved back with my mother after enduring the education experience of my lifetime. I had learned more than I could have ever learned if I never left my home city. I had been considering running away and traveling the world for about two years and I was going to go unless I could further my journey. I had found the best educators and the least limited education I had of all my experience and it was all where I previously lived! For a while I was really happy which had become a strange occurrence by that time in my life. There was hope for my education and for my hapiness as a person living in society. It slowly had begun to slip and vanish. I had realized that I was slowly being dumbed down by a bunch of smiling dibshits. Slowly it got worse and worse until I realized all of USA's public schools are relatively the same. There was only one way out in order to save my youth and to escape my sleep deprivation. I with drawled in January and I am in a GED program so that I can be credible in society. I did not give up or give in to my overwhelming position in life. I am now studying, doing as much work as I can, keeping healthy and becoming stronger and smarter than I ever could have in our corrupt education systems. Yes this is overwhelmingly long but in short there is a great formula that I have learned when dealing with conspiracy theories or anything bad. I learned that in order to confirm a theory the research has to be there... of course… Next… Then there has to be open minded critical analysis. Then above all there has to be a positive way out, in, or around the problem (always). My conspiracy theory was what is true education? Also how my education compares to others in order to come to a conclusion. I had many theories over the years but when it came down to the very end of my theory validation... There was an alternative positive resolution. Without resolve my theory as well as all the other theories I have come to believe in could never be proven to be valid. Without the right solution to a problem, there is no way to find out that there is a problem. If a positive solution exists to this theory, than it can be understood by many and specifically it can lead to the improvement of everything in this world and beyond. Lets break free from these matrix’s consciously because if we do not than the future generations will have to suffer even more than we have and will. Peace- AG
@ Kinahmi... my jewish great great grandparents were tortured and killed in a concentration camp in Germany a long time ago. I do not know that from a book. I know that because my grandma who once had grandparents. I know that because she lived to tell the tale to her grandchildren. I know the holocaust happened and I also know that there is almost no way to hide a mass murder in any society that exists today. The truth is always protected by good people in the end. Now as for over-exageration of the Holocaust and multiple matrix's being set up during and after... that is also only possible if one begins to consider how fucking crazy something like that happening in a world behind the lines of proper communication was. Even the people thousand of miles away were pissing their clothes. The world had been molded into the perfect manipulation mechanism. Something huge really happened back then and there are many things that are not for sure. The few things that are for sure, are... The Western world clawed their way into the middle east for the first time in a long time. Sharia law generally mandates that outsiders who attempt to take land from the owners must die... Now lookie there, muslims have no choice whether to fight the invaders or not. Unless of course they give up their belief system and break free from their matrix... Well we can pray to allah for some luck, because the zionists westerners made it much worse than it already was. The jews didnt suffer from Nazi's, they suffered because they were exploited. There is no valid justification that the holocaust was just a good ol Nazi Vs. Jew sparring. It is way more elaborate than the lies and misleading information that is written in history books and told by media. The people who listened to the magicians are the ones that got us here in the first place. So instead of being fooled by these illusionists, lets solve some problems permanently... Peace-AG
It may sound lame but the way you handle information is a beautiful art that i wish to get better at so that i can demonstrate truth and higher consciousness.
Thanks man, that's quite the compliment, I appreciate that a lot.
The sacred herb kept my mind on the truth and away from this youth prison system.
Nice! Jah bless.
My conspiracy theory was what is true education?
Good question. I'd say the Oracle at Delphi had it right about "know thyself." True education isn't memorizing factoids to regurgitate on standardized tests. Education is about knowing ourselves, honing our intuition, and thinking critically. Glad to hear you've been able to maneuver through the public indoctrination system without getting brain-fried or zombified. Peace.
Every jew today claims to have someone in their family who died in a deathcamp and there are plenty of those who claim to have lived through that hell. So either all jews are part of the "jew world order" or holocaust isn't a myth. And then there are those other "unwanted". So if you think logically there must have been some kind of ethnic cleansing going on.
The final death toll doesn't really matter. It could have easily been millions(Germans are after all efficient people)or lot less.
I believe that every man should have freedom to believe and write what he wants and denying holocaust shouldn't be exception.
I can't say if those laws making it illegal are there because some jew conspiracy or because there are still people alive who suffered in concentration camps and some stupid lawmakers think its their job to see that nobody offends them with their opinnions. I'm gonna look in to those links you posted Eric, although that other site at the first clance seems a bit too pro-nazi for my taste.
Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein. What do these three have in common? They're all Jewish, and are 3 of the 4 most influential minds of the 20th century. Strange how .2% of the worlds population makes up 75% of the worlds driving intellectual institutions of a century. (The fourth being Darwin). What about the Judicial system and the true idea of democracy. These are values of Jewish origin.
What about the Jewish contribution to this world? Where would we be without the Jews?
One More Stone Unturned:
jews were tricked and exploited as one above commenter puts it in order to set up fear within jews to obey fake jew zionism. its the same reason those jews who naturally climb the pyramid of success do little against those fake jews at the top because of the holocaust.
in other words the holocaust was a method of mind-controlling jews reminding them that 'even tho we have infiltrated your religion' you will never rebel against us because we will do the same again.
the holocaust did 2 things - strike fear into jewish people and get them to obey a system, even to the point that they get ridiculed sometimes, because they know that the worser punishment - going against the fake jews - is a bigger punishment.
however as someone above also said, this insidious set up of fear and manipulation and setting up one against the other or against ourselves is only that - a set up, that can easily be broken if we unite and speak out against these crooks. after all without the people, they have nothing to control. the division is the only thing that keeps their system working.
ah great, i missed a good discussion...
'Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein. What do these three have in common? They're all Jewish, and are 3 of the 4 most influential minds of the 20th century. Strange how .2% of the worlds population makes up 75% of the worlds driving intellectual institutions of a century. (The fourth being Darwin). What about the Judicial system and the true idea of democracy. These are values of Jewish origin.
What about the Jewish contribution to this world? Where would we be without the Jews?'
Jewish people only know how to lie, deceive and stab people in the back. They created nothing, and they just rewrote every thing behind everyone's back.
The way they took over Europe using "Pretender Kings", and Warping Celtic Civilization into Christianity are just a few of the examples of the massive force of near infinite evil that this "terrorist cult" is made from.
Lets take South Africa for example:
Johannesburg -- this name alone shows that Africa was, and is still being eaten away by Jewish people who invaded this country in the 1830's.
These people have shoved the world into complete depravity which they made it possible with their lies, deception, and backstabbing.
They constantly create lies to feed their anti-semetic barrier and they even teach their kids to lie for generations to come.
Most jewish childern in america are taught that they have "American Indian" ancestry so they can hide their true roots.
Like the age old saying goes," There is no rest for the wicked" And there is no cult like this one that even begins to compare the ugliness these monsters hide.
Its only a matter of time till the whole world realizes that what this specific cult has done, and that will be the day when every "Zealot" alive will pay the price.
I definitely cant wait for that day, they have hell to pay for what they have done in India.
I believe this comes down to Satan is ruling this present world. The Evil Jews possess by Satan are in control. Mankind in general has their hope in God and their prayers so that God HEARS us. When the time is ripe for picking and after major destructions, HE will save those worthy.
Good job Eric.
The biggest jew country is brazil.
Other countries exist to be destroyed, and this disgusting "alien" make people believe that USA is a jew country to garantee a free way to a curious country that never have a real war, and has a people absolutelly promiscuos, like them.
They will destroy the USA by racial internal war, will destroy the europe and Asia, with a desperate USA "thursty" to bloodwith internal war, and all of them will migrate to brazil and south america, taht they garantee fragile with the apartheid governments.
The Jews are a side issue. The real issue is how this madness originated and when it will end. If you read Deut. Chapter 28, you will discover the key turning point that has brought this whole New World Order issue to the forefront. It describes the victims of the transatlantic slave trade which spurred the development of the wealthiest and most powerful nation in human history - the United States of America.
When will the madness come to an end? Read Gen.15:13, 14 and it reveals 400 years and it will end. The earliest record of an enslaved African being sold into slavery was in Richmond VA in 1619. Connect the dots. Observe the chaos of the nations. Know that it is time. Peace.
You have said it somewhere else yourselves:
"So who really controls America and the world? Quite simply the Vatican (cross), World royalty (crown), and their Masonic secret society network (symbolized by the cross and the crown)"
The jews are their patsies, as the jewish people have always been since their release from Babylon. Even their socalled kingdom of David was controlled by others (Egyptian Pharoas).
Jews have always been STEWARTS as they are to this day. Doing the bidding of their masters.
But they love it!
Hi Eric,
I was hoping you could clarify your thoughts on Hitler. I've been reading some of your older posts such as the ones on Skull and Bones and also the one on Columbus, where you reference both the funding of Hilter by Wall St companies controlled by Bonesman and also show a picture that eludes to Hitler being a Freemason. However I've heard you say in the interview with Sinead McCarthy that those things about Hitler are myths. Would you mind touching on that? Just a fellow Truth seeker here looking to clarify some of my own questions! Thanks and I enjoy your work!
Hey eric are you one of the jewish controlled opposition,why you insisting to promote this nonsense pseudoscientific flat earth model, this has been already refuted by the ancient greeks, that they observed the earth shadow casted on the moon and they conclude that the earth is spherical...
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