Friday, July 27, 2012
Will the London Olympics Host a False Flag?
Tomorrow is the official start of the XXX London Zion Olympics. Conspiracy theorists worldwide, including the mysteriously "suicided" Rik Clay, for years now have been noticing signs of predictive programming pointing towards some kind of false-flag "terrorist" bombing and/or messianic UFO event scheduled to take place some time during the 2012 Olympic Games. Much in the same way that our occultic overlords placed omens of 9/11 into various mainstream medias, conspiracy researchers have been collecting voluminous evidence that something big, devious and deceptive has been planned to take place during these XXX Olympic games. If the NWO Zionists don't carry out this attack, then I'd say it's quite a testament to the online conspiracy community for so thoroughly exposing the predictive programming beforehand that it became disadvantageous for them. It's very probable that David Chase Taylor thwarted a 2011 Super Bowl false flag with his work on The Nuclear Bible. If the NWO Zionists do carry out this attack, then I hope everyone reading will spend some time sending this article to everyone you know to show them that those "crazy conspiracy theorists" have been warning us about this for years. Below are some excellent videos from YouTuber TheTruthIsFromGod4 whose entire 40 video channel is dedicated to exposing the coming Olympic false flag.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Spiritual Science Promo Video
I just finished making this promotional video for the new book. Please have a look and do me a favor by sharing it with anyone you think might be interested. The pictures used and concepts explored are all from Spiritual Science and the books presented are among those researched/quoted in the making of it. And yes, the book is just as epic as the music :)
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Spiritual Science
My new book, Spiritual Science, almost three years in the making, is finally finished and for sale on Lulu and Amazon. Spiritual Science is 284 pages of paradigm-shattering science and
mind-expanding spirituality that dares to ask and answer some of the biggest questions facing humanity: Who are we? What are we doing here? What is the purpose and meaning of life? What happens when we die? Do we have souls? Do we reincarnate? Does God exist? Is consciousness primary? Is the material world an illusion? Are we all One? And what would that mean? Spiritual Science explores and answers these and many more questions covering a wide-range of topics including quantum physics,
consciousness, synchronicity, the holographic universe, morphic fields,
the human energy body, psychoneuroimmunology, life force energy, the
chakra and meridian systems, acupuncture, qigong, pranayama, the power of prayer, auras, psi
science, telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, remote viewing,
precognition, out of body experiences, near death experiences,
entheogens, death, ghosts, reincarnation, God, Oneness and much more. I personally read over 150 books and spent hundreds of hours researching and writing to complete this one-of-a-kind metaphysical treatise. I'm really excited about and proud of this book and confident that you will feel the same.
Ever since I could hold a pencil I've had a passion for writing. At 5 years old I was already writing a journal and short stories, telling everyone that I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. Throughout my teens I was constantly writing short stories and poetry, then in college completed a double Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and English with a creative writing focus. After college I moved to Thailand, began teaching English and wrote my first two full-length books. In 2007 upon completing The Atlantean Conspiracy and Asbestos Head I spent many months and hundreds of dollars sending samples to over 200 publishing companies and literary agents attempting to get my work published and mass distributed through the usual corporate channels. Can you guess how many of the 200+ sent back a positive response? Most didn't even bother to write back, and the few who did, while expressing platitudes of interest and sympathy, ultimately refused. In the end, not a single publishing house, nor a single literary agent was willing to take on either book! Considering the subject matter, I can't say I was surprised.
Due to my passion for writing and my zeal for exposing and disseminating this important empowering information, in 2008 I created Atlantean and decided to give away The Atlantean Conspiracy and Asbestos Head for free. The Atlantean Conspiracy became an instant hit online and has to date been downloaded over 500,000 times! Asbestos Head hasn't been as successful with about 30,000 downloads, but still not shabby for a relatively unknown, self-published author. For quite a while I naively thought that with so many downloads hopefully a significant number of people would support me by buying a paperback copy. After 530,000+ free downloads can you guess how many copies have been purchased? To date I have sold exactly 260. Now I'm not saying this to complain, but rather to explain why I will not be offering my new book for free like the others... yet. Instead I've decided to set a target goal first. My modest intention is to sell 10,000 copies of Spiritual Science and if you all help me to meet this goal then I promise to make it available to all for free thenceforth. Compared to the number of downloads my other books have received, this 10,000 target seems very low, but compared to my actual sales history, it could prove to be a lofty goal.
My girlfriend First on Fire and I recently got engaged and will be getting married next year when my parents come to visit Thailand. At the moment we are saving up for the wedding and to buy a small piece of land up-country where we can build our dream yurt and garden our own fruits and vegetables. At the moment (for years), however, we have been stuck in busy bleak Bangkok living in a tiny 8m x 4m studio apartment working paycheck-to-paycheck wage-slave jobs scrimping and saving for our envisioned great escape back to nature. With your help, my target of 10,000 books sold would completely pay for our wedding, facilitate our move out of the city, and allow us to finally quit our jobs! I'd like to quit teaching English and focus totally on my writing and Wing Chun training. First would like to quit her job and also focus on her writing and starting up an organic cosmetics business.
Thanks to everyone who has supported us thus far. We have set high intentions and we're working hard to manifest better lifestyles and a better world to live in. I have overcome many obstacles and threats, put countless thousands of hours into my activism and vowed never to stop. Atlantean Conspiracy receives several thousand hits every day and is one of very few websites on the forefront of the conscious awakening dedicated to exposing the global conspiracy. In fact AC was recently ranked #1 on a Top 50 Conspiracy Blogs survey. With your continued support I promise to keep expanding my enterprise bringing little-known information to light and helping empower people with wisdom. Thanks again and in advance for your support, and as always if I can be of service in any way email me at:
Ever since I could hold a pencil I've had a passion for writing. At 5 years old I was already writing a journal and short stories, telling everyone that I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. Throughout my teens I was constantly writing short stories and poetry, then in college completed a double Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and English with a creative writing focus. After college I moved to Thailand, began teaching English and wrote my first two full-length books. In 2007 upon completing The Atlantean Conspiracy and Asbestos Head I spent many months and hundreds of dollars sending samples to over 200 publishing companies and literary agents attempting to get my work published and mass distributed through the usual corporate channels. Can you guess how many of the 200+ sent back a positive response? Most didn't even bother to write back, and the few who did, while expressing platitudes of interest and sympathy, ultimately refused. In the end, not a single publishing house, nor a single literary agent was willing to take on either book! Considering the subject matter, I can't say I was surprised.
Due to my passion for writing and my zeal for exposing and disseminating this important empowering information, in 2008 I created Atlantean and decided to give away The Atlantean Conspiracy and Asbestos Head for free. The Atlantean Conspiracy became an instant hit online and has to date been downloaded over 500,000 times! Asbestos Head hasn't been as successful with about 30,000 downloads, but still not shabby for a relatively unknown, self-published author. For quite a while I naively thought that with so many downloads hopefully a significant number of people would support me by buying a paperback copy. After 530,000+ free downloads can you guess how many copies have been purchased? To date I have sold exactly 260. Now I'm not saying this to complain, but rather to explain why I will not be offering my new book for free like the others... yet. Instead I've decided to set a target goal first. My modest intention is to sell 10,000 copies of Spiritual Science and if you all help me to meet this goal then I promise to make it available to all for free thenceforth. Compared to the number of downloads my other books have received, this 10,000 target seems very low, but compared to my actual sales history, it could prove to be a lofty goal.
My girlfriend First on Fire and I recently got engaged and will be getting married next year when my parents come to visit Thailand. At the moment we are saving up for the wedding and to buy a small piece of land up-country where we can build our dream yurt and garden our own fruits and vegetables. At the moment (for years), however, we have been stuck in busy bleak Bangkok living in a tiny 8m x 4m studio apartment working paycheck-to-paycheck wage-slave jobs scrimping and saving for our envisioned great escape back to nature. With your help, my target of 10,000 books sold would completely pay for our wedding, facilitate our move out of the city, and allow us to finally quit our jobs! I'd like to quit teaching English and focus totally on my writing and Wing Chun training. First would like to quit her job and also focus on her writing and starting up an organic cosmetics business.
Thanks to everyone who has supported us thus far. We have set high intentions and we're working hard to manifest better lifestyles and a better world to live in. I have overcome many obstacles and threats, put countless thousands of hours into my activism and vowed never to stop. Atlantean Conspiracy receives several thousand hits every day and is one of very few websites on the forefront of the conscious awakening dedicated to exposing the global conspiracy. In fact AC was recently ranked #1 on a Top 50 Conspiracy Blogs survey. With your continued support I promise to keep expanding my enterprise bringing little-known information to light and helping empower people with wisdom. Thanks again and in advance for your support, and as always if I can be of service in any way email me at:
Spiritual Science
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Great Taboo
Thanks to the Zionist mass media and government indoctrination, most of the Western world has been systematically propagandized and inculcated into a sheepish silence regarding what has become one of the greatest taboos, and the elephant in the conspiracy room, the Jewish question. From their mythic version of the holocaust, to constant demonization of Hitler and pre-WWII Germany, to the ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, B'nai B'rith, and other powerful Jewish organizations crying "anti-Semite" at the first sign of anything even remotely critical, a great taboo has most certainly been foisted upon us goyim. Simply questioning the official version of the holocaust will land you in jail in 16 European countries. The following video is in no way an indictment against all Jews. It's purpose is to promote the idea that Jewish people and Judaism should not be exempt from criticism, but rather should be openly discussed and examined as much as any other people, culture or religion.
New World Order,
Monday, July 16, 2012
Skull and Bones Society (part 2)

Major players in Skull and Bones have financed both sides of the World Wars and the Russia n Revolution. They have controlled the left/right political paradigm and helped pave the way for a New World Order. In 1992, George H.W. Bush told White House reporter Sarah McClendon: "If the people were to ever find out what we [the Bush’s] have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched."
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Skull and Bones Society (part 1)

Right down the line almost every Bonesman has proven unbelievably successful in his chosen profession. William Maxwell Evarts, class of 1837, became U.S. Secretary of State, Attorney General and a Senator. Russell Davenport, class of 1923, was editor of Fortune magazine and created the “Fortune 500 list.” Amory Howe Bradford, class of 1934, married Carol Warburg Rothschild and was General Manager for the New York Times. Richard Gow, class of 1955, was president of George Bush’s Zapata Oil Company. Winston Lord, class of 1959, was chairman of the CFR, Ambassador to China , and Clinton ’s assistant Secretary of State. Founder of the National Review and Host of TV show Firing Line, William F. Buckley is a Bonesman and so was Henry Luce, the founder of TIME magazine, Life, Fortune, House & Home, and Sports Illustrated. Percy Rockefeller was a prominent businessman, founder and Vice President of Owenoke Corporation, and sat on the boards of directors for over a dozen large corporations. Alphonso Taft was U.S. Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Ambassador to Russian and Austria . His Son William Taft was President of the U.S. and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Many Bonesmen have graduated with CIA and “intelligence community” jobs waiting for them too. F. Trubee Davison , Howard Weaver, Wi lliam Sloane Coffin Jr., V. Van Dine, James Buckley, Bill Buckley, Hugh Cunningham, Hugh Wilson, Reuben Holden, Charles R. Walker, Robert D. French, Archibald MacLiesh, Dino Pionzio, William and McGeorge Bundy, Richard Moore, and George Bush are all Bonesmen with U.S. intelligence agency jobs.

Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The Raw Vegan Fountain of Youth
Annette Larkins has been eating a raw vegan diet consisting of nothing but fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds grown by herself for almost three decades and she claims she has found the fountain of youth. Annette is perfectly healthy, fit and beautiful for a middle-aged woman... but she is not a middle-aged woman. Annette is 70 years old! Watch this video and see why eating raw LIVING foods, not dead cooked sub-par sustenance, is truly the key to health, wellness, strength, beauty, energy, and longevity.
Mimi Kirk has been eating a vegetarian diet (then vegan, and now raw vegan) for 40 years now and she recently won a "Sexiest Vegetarian over 50" award. Mimi, though fit, healthy, beautiful, and says she wakes up everyday feeling 20, is actually 71 years old! Still not convinced that RAW LIVING VEGAN foods are the best suited for the human species?
Meet Jim Morris, a former Mr. America who has been bodybuilding for over 50 years, still trains 6 days a week, is strong as an ox, and looks about half his age at an amazing 72 years old! Is Jim eating steaks, hamburgers, pizza, and whey protein everyday? No, Jim's diet consists of nothing but nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables. For more information, check out Raw Vegan BodyBuilding and The World's Sexiest Seniors are Raw.
Last but not least, meet the first supermodel in the world, actress and long-time raw vegan Sunny Griffin. She came from an overweight family and was always sick as a young woman, but after finding raw foods, she never again had problems controlling her weight or staying healthy. Now at 70 years old, the owner of her own raw cosmetics company, Sunny says "if you want to look good in your 70s and 80s, start in your 20s! For me, eating raw was like hitting the sweet spot on a tennis racket. I never felt better in my life. Everything felt great, I felt full of energy, my skin glowed, my eyes got clear. It really worked wonderfully for me." Compare these and other raw foodists with your average 70 year-old and I think the distinction is quite clear.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Calendrical & Time Manipulation (Part 3)

Most girls feel embarrassed or at least inconvenienced by their onset of womanhood. First periods are accompanied by tampons, pads, teasing schoolboys and warnings or horror stories from other older women. Zaire tribes’ people, Native America ns, and other “primitive” cultures honor their women’s first periods with puberty ceremonies. They believe each woman has incredible powers as a spiritual being and the gift of life is an important event. During her first period each girl is isolated from the tribe and taken by female relatives and friends to a special “Moon hut” to be taught about sexuality and childbearing. She is taught arts and crafts, stories are shared and wisdom is passed down. After her period of isolation she is welcomed back with a big feast in her honor. In the ancient world it was believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during menstruation so they should not be wasted on everyday tasks. Menstruation was a time women spent meditating and spiritual searching.

The Mayan calendar measures cycles of expanding consciousness and completing one’s purposes in life. Gauging the passing days like this changes the way one thinks of life. Modern societies tend to see time as a ticking time bomb till they die, a clockwork of standardized gears cranking until they get older, rusty, useless and stop turning. The Mayans, like early Christians, believed in reincarnation which fits with their calendar. They believed all of life was a spiritual evolution and an expanding of consciousness/purpose so each day correlates as such. For instance, as I write this, today is the second day of the new “Jaguar Mo on of Intention” (each Moon has a spirit animal and purpose). Today’s Tzolkien is “Skywalker” the 13th, which means “Explore Space, Wakefulness, the Aspiration to Unite Heaven and Earth.” Today’s Power is “Activation, today’s Action is “Bonding”, and today’s Essen ce is “Service.” Each day also has a color, a chakra, and a symbol as well. Now, this may sound odd or appear as some new age foolishness, but this is a method of time keeping used all over the ancient world.

“The Christians set sail westward and ‘discovered’ the New World . In a place called Yucatan, they discovered another people, the Maya. These Mayans also had a calendar, ‘a heathen’ device that was more accurate than the Julian calendar! The Christians learned from the Mayan calendar, that their calendar was ten days off! What to do? The Christians burned all of the Mayan books in 1562. Interestingly enough, ten years later in 1572, there was a new pope. He named himself Gregory XIII and declared that his first act as pope would be to correct the Julian calendar. Ten years later, 1582. Pope Gregory XIII had achieved his aim. If you went to bed on the evening of October 5, 1582, when you woke up it was October 16 - and not October 6. Pope Gregory XIII had made up for this ten days and the Julian calendar was now known as the Gregorian.” -Jose Arguelles, “Stopping Time” (18)

Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now
Monday, July 2, 2012
Calendrical & Time Manipulation (Part 2)

“‘Blue Monday, how I hate blue Monday,’ is how the old Fats Domino song began. Why is that? Because, of course, that is the first day of the five day work week. Fats Domino must have had some clue about time killing us, otherwise it wouldn’t have to be blue Monday. So Monday through Friday, for most employed people, as well as schools and public and government institutions, is the work week. Then comes Saturday and Sunday, the week end. The work week is ruled by the clock, which is why it is also referred to as 9 to 5. So Saturday and Sunday should be soul time. But is it? Well a little bit. There is Sunday church, maybe an hour or so for the soul. Or maybe Saturday synagogue. But what is it really about, these weekends? It’s about killing more time. It’s sports and entertainment. It’s football, and basketball and baseball. Big time. If you are in the rest of the world it’s soccer. Very big time. If it weren’t for television, this stuff wouldn’t be so big. But it all goes hand in hand. Television, the week end, and big time sports. It is all a part of the same thing. I know, maybe you don’t do that . Maybe you do something else. You go skiing or windsurfing. Maybe you go to the movies. Or you go dancing, or maybe gambling down at the casino. Or you watch the Discovery channel. Or you take a self-help workshop. It doesn’t matter, because, then it is going to be Monday again and the whole sequence repeats. The point is your whole show, the time of your life, does reduce down to this weekly pattern. And it is killing you. You are putting your soul in a seven-day strait jacket. When the soul suffocates you only get more bored and need more distractions. Do you see what’s going on? You are hardly even alive. Because it’s your soul that really lives, and if you are not giving your soul the time it needs, then time is killing you. That means the time of the calendar and the clock that is embedded in your mind. But you are now becoming aware of it. That is a great first step. You can now say ‘I admit that I was powerless over the time I have blindly accepted all of my life.’” -Jose Arguelles, “Stopping Time” (10)

The word "calendar" comes from the Roman/Latin, "calends,” which was the name of the account book, the book recording monthly debts and bills to be paid. The first day of each month in the early Christian “Julian” calendar was called “calends” and that was when you had to pay your bills and debts. A quick look at the calendar will present some oddities even to the casual observer. September means seven, but is the ninth month; October means eight but is the tenth month and so on. March is named for Mars, the Roman God of War, and July and August are named after Roman Emperors Julius and Augustus Caesar. The calendar we use is called the “Gregorian” after Pope Gregory XIII.
“Yes, before it was known as the Gregorian calendar, it was called the Julian - after Julius himself. Turns out the Romans had a very faulty calendar of only ten months. And Julius, wanting a way to make a permanent change from republic to empire, with himself as the first emperor, decided to change the calendar. So to make the change during the year 46-45 BC, Julius had to have a year 445 days long. Understandably that was known as the ‘year of confusion.’ Julius didn’t live beyond the ‘ides of March’ of the year 45 BC when he was assassinated for what he had done. But the empire prevailed. Julius was followed by Augustus Caesar who made a further change in the calendar. He saw that Julius had changed the name of the month ‘Quintilius’ to Julius (July), so Augustus changed the next month ‘Sextilius’ to Augustus (August). Not only that, Sextilius only had 30 days, while Julius had 31 days. Augustus wanted to make his renamed month, August, as long as Julius’ month. So what did he do? He took the 29th day off February, already the shortest month, and added it to his month. That is why August, like July has 31 days, and February only 28. So that is how the calendar began. Despotic motives, imperial pretensions and confusion. The Christians began using the Julian calendar around 321 AD, when they added the seven day week to it. The seven day week was borrowed from the Hebrew lunar calendar. The Jews borrowed the seven day week from the Babylonians. The seven day week never correlates perfectly any of the months except when February 1 might fall on a Sunday, then there will be four perfect seven day weeks in one month.” -Jose Arguelles, “Stopping Time” (17)
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