I started this thread on David Icke's forum to help expose the breaking Molly-Gate story and it quickly gathered 40 posts and 4,000 views from several researchers sharing critical information exposing Alex Jones. Then yesterday I woke up to find that David Icke forums deleted our entire excellent thread and banned my account from posting anymore! Wouldn't you think this Molly-Gate Alex Jones CIA Stratfor Scandal would be top news on any authentic conspiracy forum!? Why would this thread be deleted and Eric Dubay banned from David Icke's forum for exposing such important information?
One of the first posts I ever made on AtlanteanConspiracy.com was regarding the popular conspiracy forum Above Top Secret.com and how their admitted Freemason moderators censored and banned me for exposing Masonry. David Icke's moderators don't openly admit to being Masons, but just like on ATS there is a band of Freemasons on Icke's forum 24/7 for years (I've been contributing there all hours of the day for 5 years) with tens of thousands of posts each, day-in day-out relentlessly using typical disinfo tactics to denounce, detract and distract from any threads exposing their society. We even caught them signing in to dummy accounts to come back and agree with themselves. Why are Masons with sock accounts allowed to endlessly defend their crooked organization on Icke's forums, but fellow conspiracy researcher Eric Dubay gets censored and banned for just once trying to expose Alex Jones?
David Icke is a regular guest on Alex Jones' radio show, why doesn't David ever drill Alex or expose the other false gurus in the conspiracy community... unless David is controlled opposition himself? Traveling all over the world giving hypnotic 9 hour lectures to packed auditoriums, selling a new book every year, worked for the BBC, the Green party, and professional sports, appeared on the Wogan show twice, claimed he was the messiah, got crucified for it, and then rose again. David Icke's career, like Alex Jones', has all the hallmarks of being a controlled opposition agent. The fact that he's still alive, on television, traveling to over 50 countries "exposing" the "elites" and hasn't been murdered like Bill Cooper, just that fact alone raises serious suspicion as to Icke's authenticity, not to mention all the shape-shifting reptilian hollow-moon mind-control beam stuff!
Years ago, at the edge of the rabbit-hole, I'll admit I looked up to these two men and their work encouraged me to see through the looking glass. However, having researched and dug deep down the rabbit-hole for myself, having met and shared with many other genuine truth-seekers along the way, I can now quite clearly see that beneath their inviting charismas, beyond the 90% of good information they bring to the table, both Alex Jones and David Icke have a disturbing 10% full of distraction and misinfo that completely muddies their waters much like a couple of big turds in the conspiracy punch-bowl.