The God Of Judaism Is A Psychopath - by Bernard Weckman
Strong words? Yes! Offensive? Only if you find the truth offensive! But don’t just take my word for it! Let us have a look at the “Good Book” itself! This is what we find in Chapter 20 of the book of Deuteronomy: 20:10-16 "When you come to a city to fight against it, then first proclaim peace toward it. If it answers for peace, and opens its gates to you, then all the people found therein shall be your slaves, and they shall serve you. If it won’t make peace, but will make war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the LORD thy God has delivered it into your hands, you shall kill every male inside with the edge of your sword. But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the fortunes inside, shall you take for yourself; and you shall eat all the good things of your enemy, which the LORD thy God has given you. Thus you shall do to every city even faraway which are not among your chosen nations. In these cities, which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance, you shall leave nothing left alive" …
Strong words? Yes! Offensive? Only if you find the truth offensive! But don’t just take my word for it! Let us have a look at the “Good Book” itself! This is what we find in Chapter 20 of the book of Deuteronomy: 20:10-16 "When you come to a city to fight against it, then first proclaim peace toward it. If it answers for peace, and opens its gates to you, then all the people found therein shall be your slaves, and they shall serve you. If it won’t make peace, but will make war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the LORD thy God has delivered it into your hands, you shall kill every male inside with the edge of your sword. But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the fortunes inside, shall you take for yourself; and you shall eat all the good things of your enemy, which the LORD thy God has given you. Thus you shall do to every city even faraway which are not among your chosen nations. In these cities, which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance, you shall leave nothing left alive" …
Remember: it was the Israelites that were the aggressors, it was the Israelites that invaded Canaan with the clear intention of dispossessing and displacing the rightful owners. Any city or tribe or nation that dared to defend itself against these marauders – sorry “God’s Chosen People” – was wiped out. If they surrendered without a fight they were granted the privilege of becoming slaves. Now isn’t that extraordinarily merciful and generous of our Chosenites? P.S.The successors of the Israelites are at it again! Look at what is transpiring in Palestine! You really can’t miss the parallels!

The conquest of Canaan did almost certainly not happen as described – if it at all – and this particular piece of history need therefore not be taken at face value. So why worry about it? It most likely didn’t happen. And anyway, it is ancient history, isn’t it? Not quite! The Bible, the book that contains the toxic teachings and insane commandments of Yhwh, is still being revered by millions of Jews as well as billions of non-Jews as the literal word of God. That bothers me, to put it mildly.
You do not have to be a psychiatrist – common sense is quite enough! – to understand that if Yhwh were a human being brought in for psychiatric assessment he would be diagnosed as criminally insane, a psychopath. Given his track record in history and his character profile he could certainly not be allowed to walk free; he would have to be locked away, never to be released!