the 1990s three independent scientific studies brought to light the importance
of DNA and emotions in creating quantum reality. The first major study
performed by Vladimir Poponin and Peter Gariaev at the Russian Academy
of Science was deemed the “Phantom DNA Experiment” and yielded some fascinating
results. First they created a vacuum in a specially designed test tube, and then
measured the location of light photons inside to see if they were clumped at
the bottom, clung to the sides, or dispersed all throughout. As expected, the photons were scattered
randomly throughout the tube. When a
strand of DNA was placed in the tube, however, the particles acted as if drawn
by an invisible force and spontaneously arranged themselves around the DNA
strand! Even stranger, when the DNA was
removed from the tube, the particles stayed in exactly the same shape. This is notable because nothing in
conventional physics allows for such an effect, yet now we have observable
documented proof that DNA, the substance that composes us, can have a direct
and powerful effect on the quantum world around us.
experiment is important for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is that it clearly
shows us a direct relationship between DNA and the energy that our world is
made of. Of the many conclusions that we
may draw from this powerful demonstration, two are certain: 1. A type of energy exists that has
previously gone unrecognized. 2.
Cells/DNA influence matter through this form of energy. Produced under the rigid control of
laboratory conditions, evidence arose of the powerful relationship that ancient
traditions have held sacred for centuries.
The DNA changed the behavior of the light particles – the essence of our
world. Just as our most cherished
traditions and spiritual texts have informed us for so long, the experiment
validated that we have a direct effect on the world around us. Beyond wishful thinking and New Age isms,
this impact is real. The DNA phantom
effect shows us that under the right conditions and with proper equipment, this
relationship can be documented.”
-Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (45-6)
the same time Poponin and Gariaev recorded their Phantom DNA findings, similar
experiments were being conducted by the U.S. Army testing the power of emotion
on DNA and living cells. They hooked
volunteers up to specially designed electrometers then played series’ of graphic
video images (from comedy to torture to erotica) designed to create genuine states of feeling in order to collect a broad spectrum of emotional
fluctuation. Just as expected, peaks and
dips in volunteers’ electrical responses coincided perfectly with changes in
emotional stimuli. The
big surprise came during the next phase in which they took tissue/DNA swabs
from the volunteers, placed them in a vault several hundred feet away, and
repeated the experiment. Strangely
enough, the tissue/DNA samples locked hundreds of feet away still registered
the same electrical peaks and dips coincident with the donor’s response to
emotional video clips.
the DNA and the donor to have any connection whatsoever, there must be
something that links them together. The
experiment suggests four things: A previously unrecognized form of energy
exists between living tissues; Cells and DNA communicate through this field of
energy; Human emotion has a direct influence on living DNA; Distance appears to
be of no consequence with regard to the effect.” -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (49-50)

third relevant study conducted around this time was performed at the Institute of HeartMath
in Northern California. Scientists began by isolating human DNA in
glass beakers then exposed them to “coherent emotion” which is an intentionally
created physiological state achieved by practicing specially designed
mental/emotional self-management techniques such as meditation and deep breathing. Volunteers trained in
applying coherent emotion directed it towards the glass beakers and actually
succeeded in changing both the physical and chemical structures of the
DNA! Different directed intentions
produced varying effects on the DNA molecules causing them to wind or unwind,
change shape or even separate atomic/chemical components.

In further studies The HeartMath Institute found that our hearts
actually have the strongest magnetic field in the body and that field has an
effect well beyond our own bodies. When
we feel love or joy the heart’s magnetic field relaxes and unwinds DNA, but
when we feel anger or frustration it tightens and winds up. Furthermore, when tested for immune response,
researchers found the relaxed DNA performed far more proficiently than the
control group while the tightened DNA performed far worse. This proves scientifically that
positive/negative emotions alter both our DNA and our immune systems, which
means our emotional states are significant contributing factors in our physical
health and wellness.

these experiments suggest two similar conclusions, which are the crux of this
book: 1) There is something ‘out there’: the matrix of an energy that connects
any one thing with everything else in the universe. This connective field accounts for the
unexpected results of the experiments.
2) The DNA in our bodies gives us access to the energy that connects our
universe, and emotion is the key to tapping in to the field.” -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (53)
quantum physics was first becoming accepted as the mechanisms by which the
universe operates, the physicists had trouble with this themselves. They could
say, ‘Well, I can see these ideas working at the level of atoms and molecules
but I can’t bring that kind of weirdness into my life.’ So there was an
arbitrary decision back in the 1920s to say, ‘Let’s restrict quantum mechanics
to the world of atoms and molecules and use Newtonian physics to describe the
rest of the world.’ That is why biology went on its merry way using Newtonian
physics. Yet we are today beginning to see work by very reputable scientists
that says the universe is created by our observations; we create the field and
the field shapes the particle. The big lesson is that what you think or ask for
is what you are going to get. It is not a coincidence; we are actively involved
in physically shaping the world that we experience.”
-Dr. Bruce Lipton, “How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology”
Download the Spiritual Science 284-page E-book
Wow This is really freaky if you think about it. Imagine if everyone thought and believed that there could be peace on earth it would really happen.
There was a experiment called Atlantis experiment,sound of heart. I am a Christian,and seen lots of things I won't even talk about that would make me sound crazy. But what I will tell you is although I see my kids I feel them missing me and it's horrible to say but I've seen children jump spiritual which sounds crazy too. I remember being in a car wreck and noone knows what Im talking about, I see my kids (other people) older and younger. I started looking into to how that could be and found information on Isaac Newton patent diagram. I just want lots of prayers for everyone especially my kids,I will forever love you!!
I have always believed that the power of positive thinking does make an effect on the world. How we think now has a lot to do with the media. Violence sells. People want to see sadness and destruction. I do not watch television. Everything today is about money. That is what will destroy us. Greed. There are few of us who just enjoy life for the little things. This is just my opinion, take it for what it is :)
Take Care :)
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