If you're looking for a fun, energizing, highly beneficial healthy hobby to enhance your life, an incredible outlet for aggression, depression and self-expression, a practice which increases strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, agility, coordination, concentration, courage and confidence, Wing Chun Kung-Fu, the ancient Chinese science of self-defense, is waiting for you.

Developed over 300 years ago by a Buddhist Nun named Ng Mui, she combined the most important and effective principles and techniques of Shaolin Kung-Fu into a combination hard/soft form, close-quarters, street-fighting style, brutally effective even when used against bigger, stronger, faster opponents.
I have personally been training, teaching and competing various martial arts since receiving my 2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo as a teenager. Since then I have taught both Taekwondo and Wing Chun in America and Thailand, and personally trained several other disciplines including MMA, BJJ, JKD, Kali, Muay Thai, along with various Urban Combatives and Tactical Street Defense systems.
I currently have a dozen dedicated private students around Bangkok regularly training but I would like to share this amazing martial art with as many people as possible. All ages and abilities are welcome, men, women and children can all benefit from and utilize the timeless wisdom of Wing Chun. Please watch the following videos showcasing myself and several of Bangkok Wing Chun's other peaceful warriors. I'm very proud and pleased with everyone's steadily improving abilities. Thank you to all my clients past, present and future for your continued support and devotion to this amazing martial system. If you're interested in training visit BangkokWingChun.com for more details and email me at: ericdubay@hotmail.com
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