Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Pete Santilli Exposed as FBI Informant
Conspiracy Radio Show Host Pete Santilli, much like his pseudo-nemesis Alex Jones, has now been confirmed to be controlled opposition. A telling fax from Santilli to the F.B.I. field office in Sacremento was copied and sent by an insider to Vinny Eastwood who has recently been blowing the lid off Santilli's operation. In the fax, Santilli mentions FBI Cyber Terrorism specialist Daphne Hearn as being his handler/contact and goes on to complain that the FBI hasn't been upholding their original agreement with him. The Fax begins, "You assured me this would not happen and that I would not be made out to be the scapegoat. That is what is currently happening as I am being attacked on all fronts now. Where is my protection? YOU NEED TO UPHOLD YOUR END! I am losing viewership instead of gaining as was assured by Daphne Hearn." Watch the entire exposé below as well as the following links: Pete Santilli Exposed Stealing $500,000 Off Trucker's Ride For the Constitution, Pete Santilli Exposed as a Liar and Sociopath, Why I Quit the Pete Santilli Show, The Rise and Fall of Pete Santilli
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Science of Prayer, Positive Intention and Distance Healing
if they don’t believe in mind over matter, most people behave as though their
thoughts do affect the world. Surveys have shown that the vast majority of
the world’s population prays and many throughout history have witnessed and
testified to the power of prayer. The
majority of such prayers essentially ask for God, the Universe, or Nature to “roll
the dice favorably” in our direction, thus things like prayer and distance
healing are also testable PK techniques.
“Randolph Byrd in 1988 attempted to determine in a randomized,
double-blind trial whether remote prayer would have any effect on patients in a
coronary care unit. Over 10 months,
nearly 400 patients were divided into two groups, and only half (unbeknownst to
them) were prayed for by a Christian prayer group outside the hospital. All patients had been evaluated, and there
was no statistical difference in their condition before treatment. However, after treatment, those who’d been
prayed for had significantly less severe symptoms and fewer instances of
pneumonia and also required less assistance on a ventilator and fewer
antibiotics than patients who hadn’t been prayed for.” -Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for
the Secret Force of the Universe,” (186-7)
“The effectiveness of therapeutic
touch has also been demonstrated in several studies. For example, Dr. Janet Quinn, an associate
professor and assistant director of nursing research at the University of South
Carolina at Columbia, decided to see if therapeutic touch could lower the
anxiety levels of heart patients. To
accomplish this she devised a double-blind study in which one group of nurses
trained in the technique would pass their hands over a group of heart patients’
bodies. A second group with no training
would pass their hands over the bodies of another group of heart patients, but
without actually performing the technique.
Quinn found that the anxiety levels in the authentically treated patients
dropped 17 percent after only five minutes of therapy, but there was no change
in anxiety levels among the patients who received the ‘fake’ treatment. Quinn’s study was the lead story in the
Science Times section of the March 26, 1985, issue of the New York Times.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (173)
In 1998 Dr. Elisabeth Targ and Fred Sicher designed a famous
double-blind study on the effects of remote healing for advanced AIDS
patients. They selected 20 patients with
the same T-cell counts and the same degree of illness, and then subjected 10 of
them to various distance healing modalities for 6 months. Since it was double-blind, neither patients
nor doctors knew who was being healed, and all information was kept in sealed
envelopes. Only the healers themselves
knew their targets, and to remove any individual bias, the healers had a weekly
rotation guaranteeing that the healing effect itself (not one particular
variety of it) was studied.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The David Dees Conspiracy Art Index
David Dees is a visual artist of 20 years who has created a huge collection of conspiracy-related and often humorous collages. Below are some of my favorites with brief descriptions and links to relevant information on these important topics:

Fractional Reserve Banking, the legalization, normalization, and widespread practice of trading worthless paper bills instead of real assets has allowed international bankers to literally enslave the world in a massive web of unpayable debt. The Federal Reserve killed The American Dream by crashing the economy and bankrupting the nation. The Fed's Great Depression that followed was minor compared to what's coming if people don't wake up.

Fractional Reserve Banking, the legalization, normalization, and widespread practice of trading worthless paper bills instead of real assets has allowed international bankers to literally enslave the world in a massive web of unpayable debt. The Federal Reserve killed The American Dream by crashing the economy and bankrupting the nation. The Fed's Great Depression that followed was minor compared to what's coming if people don't wake up.
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Earth is Not Moving

Right up through the 20th century many attempts have been made to try and prove that heliocentricity is true and geocentricity is false. All such attempts have failed and only reinforced geocentricity. The most-well known of these is the Michelson-Morley experiment which attempted to measure the change in speed of light due to the assumed motion of Earth through space. They measured in every different direction in various places on the Earth's surface and failed to detect any significant change whatsoever. The Michelson-Gale experiment also failed to prove heliocentricity but was able to measure the movement of the aether/firmament around the Earth accurate to within 2%. An experiment known as "Airey's Failure" involves filling a telescope with water to slow down the speed of light inside. Usually telescopes must be slightly tilted to get the starlight down the axis of the tube supposedly due to "Earth's speed around the sun." Airey discovered that actually the starlight was already coming in at the correct angle so no change was necessary. This demonstrated that the stars move relative to a stationary Earth and not the other way around; if it was the telescope moving he would have to change the angle.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Moon Hoax Debate - Joe Rogan vs. Phil Plait
Years ago Joe Rogan used to be a very vocal proponent of the moon landing hoax conspiracy. The following videos are excellent examples of genuine questions any diligent researcher should ask themselves. While your listening to the Fear Factor guy win a debate against professional astronomer and NASA shill Phil Plait, please peruse these links and tell me with a straight face that Apollo landed on the moon: Fake Moon Rocks Given to Holland Museum by Buzz Aldrin & Neil Armstrong, Astronauts on Wires, Jack White's Apollo Hoax Evidence, Apollo Moon Hoax Videos, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon, The Masonic Moon Landing Hoax, The Mars Landing Hoax.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Mind Over Matter - Psychokinesis / Telekinesis
of the most well-researched and fascinating branches of psi science is
active-psi or Psychokinesis (PK). Also
known as Telekinesis and mind over matter, PK is the ability to mentally
influence a physical system or object.
The most common method to test for active-psi is to isolate a volunteer
from a target such as an inanimate object or a random system like a coin toss, dice
roll or radioactive decay, then see if the person can mentally influence the
target in a repeatable manner.

When self-professed
so-called rational, logically-minded “skeptics” hum and haw about the amazing
findings in psi-science, I like to visually show them the odds against chance
of various controlled and peer-reviewed studies. Dean Radin and Diane Ferrari’s meta-analysis
of psychokinetic dice experiments yielded a ratio of
to 1 odds against chance. On what
grounds can such “rational skeptics” claim these odds to be mere coincidence?
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Atlantis - Plato's Powerful Myth of Social Control
Having researched the Atlantean Conspiracy for the better part of a decade now, it is clear that Plato's legend of Atlantis is an allegory just like his allegory of the cave. Considering that "Atlas" the so-called King of Atlantis is also the medical term for the 33rd vertebrae of the human spine, it seems the Atlantean Tree of Life references the spinal column, the "world on Atlas' shoulders" is your skull which rests on the Atlas vertebrae, Atlas' mythic 7 daughters Hesperides represent the 7 chakras, and the snake Ladon wrapped around the tree is your Kundalini serpent energy. The 3 concentric rings of land and water in Atlantis also parallels the structure of our brains. Our skulls on the outside covered by a layer of blood represent Atlantis' first layer of land and water, our cerebral cortex and the small pool of cerebro-spinal fluid surrounding the pineal gland represent the second layer of land and water, and our third-eyes, the "bull's eye," at the geometric center of our brains represents the inner sanctum of Atlantis, the temple between your temples.
Certain elements of Plato's story, do however have underlaying literal truths as well, such as the idea of an advanced pre-historic civilization and a massive flood raising sea levels. The existence of huge megaliths and pyramids which still cannot be duplicated with modern technology, and common etymology across world languages suggest as the Indian Vedas and the Atlantean mythos espouse, that over ten thousand years ago the world was in a golden age and in many ways humans were more evolved, more intelligent, more in touch with nature and lived much longer than present day peoples. In the video below, Thomas Sheridan proposes another fascinating take on this ancient allegory as a 2D outline for hierarchical social control.
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