Clairvoyance, or as the intelligence agencies have renamed it, Remote Viewing, is the psychic ability to internally “see” and obtain information on a given target object, person, location or event across both space and time. Mystics, shamans, yogis, meditators, out-of-body experiencers, near-death experiencers, psychedelic users, people under hypnosis, and naturally gifted psychics have all reported the ability of clairvoyance for centuries. More recently however, experiments performed by the CIA, US Army, SRI and PEAR laboratories suggest that given proper training, everyone is capable of cultivating this skill of inner vision.
viewing is broadly speaking a controlled shifting of awareness performed from the normal waking state of consciousness
… Humans are all part of a collective Mind existing beyond the limitations of
physical space and time. Anyone who is
focused into this ‘dimension’, ‘plane’ or ‘state,’ which is a level of energy
or vibration, either permanently or temporarily, can potentially project their
consciousness anywhere within time or space in an instant. Remote viewing works therefore by means of
the ‘remote viewer’ projecting, or tuning their consciousness into this
spaceless and timeless aspect of the universe.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our
Ultimate Reality” (130)
The term “Remote
Viewing” was coined in the early 1970s by Stanford Research Institute’s
physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff.
In their experiments, one person (the “agent”) would travel to a distant
location randomly selected by computer, while another person (the “viewer”)
would attempt to clairvoyantly see and describe where the agent went. In Targ and Puthoff’s initial experiments,
one Soviet psychic was consistently able to accurately describe several
locations, sometimes before the agent arrived, and sometimes before the
computer had even made the selection!
Throughout twenty years of research they carried out hundreds of
successful tests using several different viewers and even demonstrated these
feats on live television including on 60 Minutes and the Donahue show.
these carefully controlled experimental tests spanning two decades, many
different subjects sat in a windowless office, closed their eyes, and explored
the world outside. These individuals
were consistently able to experience and accurately describe distant scenes and
events from coast-to-coast and even continent-to-continent, in both present and
future time. The SRI experiments
demonstrated unequivocal evidence for extrasensory perception and the existence
of the nonlocal mind, outside the brain and body. The ability of human awareness to make
remarkable connections apparently transcends the conventional limitations of
time and space.” -Russell Targ and Jane
Katra, “Miracles of Mind” (6)
day in 1973 Targ and Puthoff were contacted by Burbank, California Police
Commissioner Pat Price who had been closely following their work and wanted to
help. Price said that he had been practicing
clairvoyance for years and successfully using it in his police work to catch
criminals. Whenever dispatch reported a
crime he would sit in his office, close his eyes, and psychically scan the city
looking for someone matching the description. Once he pin-pointed their location
in his mind’s eye, he would send out a car to check, and actually succeeded in
catching several criminals this way.
For Price’s first informal
experiment at SRI, Targ had him remotely view Puthoff who was on vacation. Sitting together in the Stanford lab each
day, using Puthoff as the unwitting agent, Price described what he saw,
recounting scenes of churches, market squares, and volcanic mountains all very
characteristic of Central America. When
Puthoff returned, he confirmed that his holiday was in Costa Rica and he had
indeed visited churches, markets, and mountains on the very days that Price
remotely viewed them.
“Price took over as chief remote viewer. Hal and Russ underwent nine trials with him, following their usual
double-blind protocol of sealed target spots near Palo Alto – Hoover Tower, a
nature preserve, a radio telescope, a marina, a toll plaza, a drive-in movie
theater, an arts and crafts plaza, a Catholic church and a swimming pool
complex. Independent judges concluded
that Price had scored seven hits out of the nine. In some cases, like the Hoover Tower, Price
even recognized it and correctly identified it by name. Price was noted for his incredible accuracy.” -Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for
the Secret Force of the Universe,” (153)

Pat Price died in 1975, but Targ and Puthoff continued their remote viewing
projects and in 1978 met someone they later described as “the greatest natural
psychic ever to walk into our laboratory,” US Army Special Projects
Intelligence Officer Joe McMoneagle. A
highly decorated and esteemed soldier, Joe McMoneagle had survived a near-death
experience and had many out-of-body experiences which piqued his interest in
remote viewing. He said the experience
of leaving and looking down on his own body started him on his psychic journey
and forever changed his metaphysics.
For his first experiment
at SRI, Joe was told only that he would be viewing a “technological” target
within 100 miles of the San Fransisco Bay Area (which is full of possible
technological locations such as military bases, airports, factories, power
plants, cell towers, linear accelerators, radar installations and radio
telescopes). The actual target was the
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the famous hydrogen bomb research facility
directed by Edward Teller. Without
hesitation Joe picked up his pencil and began drawing what he saw in his mind’s
eye: the multipurpose laboratory
complex, segmented one-story buildings nearby, the six-story administration
building, a T-shaped building, a cylindrical roofed building and a large
parking lot. When Joe’s drawing was
finished it was independently deemed as 85% accurate.
“Joseph McMoneagle, remote
viewer #001 in the U.S. Army’s formerly Top Secret project codenamed
GRILLFLAME, STARGATE, and other exotic names.
McMoneagle has been repeatedly tested in numerous double-blind
laboratory experiments and has been shown to have an ability to describe
objects and events at a distance and in the future, sometimes in spectacular
detail. In one experiment, all that
McMoneagle knew was that a person he hadn’t met before would be visiting a
technological target, at a certain time, somewhere that could be reached within
an hour’s drive around Silicon Valley in Northern California. The number and range of possible
technological targets that one can get to in a short drive around Silicon
Valley is gigantic. As it turned out,
the target that the person arrived at was a particle beam accelerator, and
that’s what McMoneagle drew.” -Dean
Radin, “Entangled Minds” (292)
In perhaps his most
impressive viewing session on record, Joe was given absolutely no feedback
whatsoever about where the agent would be traveling and he was able to draw an
astonishing resemblance independently verified as 94% accurate. The target was a windmill farm in the
foothills of Livermore Valley, and that’s exactly what Joe drew: Multiple wind
generators, rotating blades, with poles scattered amongst the hills all
connected in a grid.
“Human beings, talented or otherwise, appear to have a latent
ability to see anywhere across any distance.
The most talented remote viewers clearly can enter some framework of
consciousness, allowing them to observe scenes anywhere in the world. But the inescapable conclusion of their
experiments is that anyone has the ability to do this, if they are just primed
for it – even those highly skeptical of the entire notion … Hal Puthoff
gathered together nine remote viewers in total, mostly beginners with no track
record as psychics, who performed in total over fifty trials. Again, an impartial panel of judges compared
targets with transcripts of subject descriptions. The descriptions may have contained some
inaccuracies, but they were detailed and accurate enough to enable the judges
to directly match description with target roughly half the time – a highly
significant result.” ” -Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for
the Secret Force of the Universe,” (155)
her 1995 CIA funded evaluation of all Remote Viewing experiments conducted
since 1970, Dr. Jessica Utts concluded that: “Using the standards applied to
any other area of science it is concluded that psychic functioning has been
well established. The statistical
results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to
methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found
in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a
number of laboratories across the world.
Such consistency cannot readily be explained by claims of flaws or fraud.”
In addition to SRI’s
studies, Princeton University’s Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
Laboratory also conducted 25 years of remote viewing research with 653 trials
involving 72 participants. Headed up by
Dean of Engineering Robert Jahn and psychologist Brenda Dunne, in a 2003
meta-analysis they summarized their findings regarding the evidence for remote
viewing. Their overall assessment showed
with odds against chance of 33 million to 1, the results were definitely not
due to luck or coincidence. Jahn and
Dunne concluded, “the overall results of these analyses leave little doubt, by
any criterion, that the data contain considerably more information about the
designated targets than can be attributed to chance guessing.”
the 1980s, I worked on a top secret psi research program for the U.S.
government (now declassified). At the
first research briefing I attended, I was shown examples of high-quality remote
viewing obtained under exceptionally well-controlled circumstances. I asked in amazement, ‘Why is psi still
considered controversial by the scientific mainstream? Why not just conduct an experiment of 20 or
30 trials with this type of remote viewing skill? That ought to convince anyone that psi is
real.’ The answer, explained to me
patiently by physicist Ed May, was simple.
He said, ‘You’re making the rational man mistake.’ He meant that we usually assume science is a
rational process, but it’s not … The technical term for one form of this
irrational phenomenon is the ‘confirmation bias.’ This psychological quirk causes evidence
supporting your beliefs to be perceived as plausible, and evidence challenging
your beliefs to be perceived as implausible.
Studies in social psychology have repeatedly demonstrated that journal
reviewers invariably judge articles being submitted for publication according
to their prior beliefs. Those who agree
with a hypothesis tend to judge a paper reporting positive results as an
excellent piece of work, and those who disagree judge the very same paper as a
flawed failure. The former referees
recommend publication and the latter don’t.
The final decision is left up to the editor, so if the editor doesn’t
happen to agree with the paper’s hypothesis then there’s a good chance it won’t
appear in the journal. And then the
evidence doesn’t exist as far as the rest of the scientific community is
concerned.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled
Minds” (101-2)
The ability of remote viewing raises some interesting
questions and serious objections regarding the scientific materialist
paradigm. Traditionally science has
explained the miracle of sight as a purely material process taking place in the
eyes and brain; however, this obviously conflicts with the research done at SRI
and PEAR. Anyone trained in remote
viewing or anyone who has experienced out-of-body travel and witnessed looking
down upon their own sleeping body would have to agree that there must be
something much more mystical and immaterial responsible for vision.

“Despite our unwavering conviction that we see with our eyes,
reports persist of individuals who possess, ‘eyeless sight,’ or the ability to
see with other areas of their bodies.
Recently David Eisenberg, M.D., a clinical research fellow at the
Harvard Medical School, published an account of two school-age Chinese sisters
in Beijing who can ‘see’ well enough with the skin in their armpits to read
notes and identify colors. In Italy the
neurologist Cesare Lombroso studied a blind girl who could see with the tip of
her nose and the lobe of her left ear.
In the 1960s the prestigious Soviet Academy of Science investigated a
Russian peasant woman named Rosa Kuleshova, who could see photographs and read
newspapers with the tips of her fingers, and pronounced her abilities genuine
… Now, because every part of a hologram contains the whole, every
part of the body - the hand, toe, knee - has the ability to pass frequency
patterns to the brain, which it transforms into holograms that we can 'see'.
This means that people really do have eyes in their backsides. I have heard
some people speak of being able to see 360 degrees when they have entered
altered states of consciousness that make them more attuned to these senses by
withdrawing their focus from the five-sense consensus reality. All this is
perfectly explainable from the holographic perspective.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”
Hi Eric,
First off im not a masonic control opposition shill trying to discredit ur work. But please be consistent. I recently read ur book AT conspiracy. What do you really stand for? Post a page for that?
Since im new to this conspiracy theory idea, ur material is misleading. In ur book u quoted David Icke but on ur blog u expose him. In ur book there are anti christian references as well as pro christian quotes. Few of my frens say that ACHARYA S has only a BA in Classics still she cud challenge the historical existence proof of christ versus established scholars. Im not saying a lesser scholar cant outshine the elite. Its just that please add qualifications to your quotes.
If youre against the new world order, then why are you blogging about remote viewing?
Even shamans/witchdoctors here where i live (India) do that for a living. I lose a watch and I go to a shaman and pay him $25 he'd tell me where I dropped it. Its satanic and part of the luciferian new world order.
Please update ur book The AT Conspiracy.
A nice rv video:
If you dont email me id assume ur just selling ur blog.
Thanks! Peace out!
Hi Cipher, as all my long-term readers know, and I've answered ad nauseum, The Atlantean Conspiracy was written in 2007 before information exposing Alex Jones, David Icke et al. came to light. Once I realized they were controlled opposition I quickly got to work exposing them on my blog, however, like with all controlled opposition, 90% of what they say is spot-on. The quotes I have from Icke in my books are still excellent regardless of who he works for. The same goes for Acharya S. I'm not pro or anti-Christian, I'm a-religious and dislike all religions equally. I'm pro spirituality and the scientific method, hence my book Spiritual Science.
Religion is to Spirituality as Indoctrination is to Education. Spirituality is each individual's own quest for truth. I encourage everyone, as I said in Asbestos Head to "wander the world ever wondering why and never decide, because ultimately any system which gives answers to metaphysical questions is suspect because it grants Truth to things we can't know through experience. A more educated approach to the unknown is utter agnostic apostasy: accept you don't know and couldn't even know you're right if you knew it. Spiritual questioning is best left unanswered and simply explored throughout our lives as we all exist in the mystery."
If youre against the new world order, then why are you blogging about remote viewing?
There is no connection between being against a one world totalitarian government and blogging about clairvoyance. My fiance has had the ability to remote view and leave her physical body since childhood. She is not satanic, luciferean, pro-NWO or any such non-sense, she is a wonderful person with an incredible ability. Peace
This is the foundation of remote spirit release therapy. See:
Hi Eric,
Thank you very much for the reply.
I really appreciate your honestly (the rv part) on the personal level. Never meant I didnt learn a lot from ur book ATC. Just needed a few clarifications. Thank for the clarifications.
Im new to all of this, also I think asking questions is the quickest way to learn and clear doubts.
Thanks Cipher, I understand and appreciate the questions. There's so many controlled opposition agents in this field we've gotta ask the tough questions to stay on top of truth. Peace
Interesting blog, it would be important to know this power of clarirvoyance is proactively being suppressed by those in power via, flouride, dental fillings, diet, etc. Its basically your third eye or pineal gland "seeing" the world.
I dont know why david ickes name is ever in this blog these days, your drastically selling yourself short if you think you still need to rely on his quotes, just read them and write something better yourself. I cant see any justifiable reason to keep his name in your blog for purpose other then in a article about controlled opposition.
Again, the posts with David Icke quotes come from already published books of mine, and I'm not going to change or take them out. However I promise not to ever quote him again in any future books, okay!? :) If I quoted him saying the moon is a hollowed out reptilian alien spaceship fitted with mind control beams and soul catchers for the human race, then I'd understand everyone's concern (for anyone new to Icke, yes he "believes" this and wrote a whole book about it). The quotes I've used of his are good and relevant, but thanks to reader backlash I definitely will never quote him again in future books. Peace
Marry your lovely fiance and start churning out some little "free thinkers" bro.
and.... WHY ARE YOU QUOTING DAVID ICKE???...... baby and bathwater..... lol. you will have to answer those same ?'s forever. lol. sorry.
Hey NVRA, we're not interested in having children, nor do I think being a father would increase my influence on the free-thinking world. I'm having a much greater impact with the books, blogs, message boards, podcasts, radio shows, videos, meet-ups and other activism reaching millions of people, instead of concentrating all my time and energy on one or two youngins. And why does everyone give me shit about Icke!? :) Back in the day I used to get shit from people about not promoting/believing in the reptilian alien crap, now it's the opposite. Can't win. Look, they kicked me off for telling people the moon isn't a hollowed out alien spaceship controlling humanity with mind-beams:
David Icke Doesn't Like Eric Dubay
Yeah i hear ya, raising children is a very time consuming lifestyle choice that could potentially limit your activism.
lol, Forums on those sites (VC, AJ,Rense, ITK7, etc...) all have a staff of agent provocateurs..... wait, im preaching to the choir here.
WAIT...what the hell do you mean the Moon ISN"T a hollowed out alien space.............?!?!?!?!
Hi Eric, is there any difference between remote viewing and out of body experience? And is it a worthwhile goal to strive to be able to remote view?
Reading the comments above on controlled opposition like Alex Jones and David Icke, I'm wondering why the NWO would want someone semi-mainstream like Icke promoting conscious developing psychedelics and Jones (sort of) exposing tyranny in the US govt. and throughout the world. I would say some of Jones' documentaries like The Obama Deception got lots of people involved/interested in activism and exposing the tyranny we're witnessing now.
Thanks for your blog, it's too bad there aren't many others like it on the internet.
Thanks Josh, no there's not much difference between RV and OBE, but that RV is targeting select locations and OBEs are just getting outside your physical body. As for controlled opposition, to poison the well you need a majority of good information that resonates with people so that the minority of propaganda slips by unnoticed. Since you like Icke's psychedelic stuff you forgive him for the shapeshifting reptilian overlord hollow moon base mind beams and since Jones made Obama Deception you forgive him for never exposing Zionism, Talmudic Judaism, The Moon Landing Hoax, The Holocaust Hoax and other important issues he'll never touch.
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it" -Vladimir Lenin
eric dubay, if david icke and alex jones are controlled opposition, then why is most of what they say (90% as you said) true? that seems like an awful lot of accuracy to come from the side that wants to deceive us. no judgement, just curious
How do I develop clairvoyance?
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