Receiving direct knowledge or perception of the future, Precognition,
is another common psi ability with a long-standing history. Precognition is usually achieved through
prophetic dreams, during deep meditation, or spontaneously received as images
in the mind’s eye. The existence of this
paranormal ability, however, once again goes against the Newtonian grain and
strikes close to the heart of people’s conceptions of time and free will. Because if precognition is real, then the
future must in some sense be pre-written and determined.
is not at all what it seems. It does not
flow in only one direction, and the future exists simultaneously with the past.
The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly
persistent illusion.” -Albert

“When asked to define time, the physicist John Wheeler once
replied that time is what stops everything from happening at once. Scientists are still searching for a good definition,
because the problem of time is that it doesn’t appear to exist!” -Ervin Laszlo and Jude Currivan, “Cosmos” (68)

That and many other precognitive experiences forever changed my perception
of the arrow of time. If time is truly
linear then we can only remember the past and cannot in any way remember the
future. But if it is impossible to
remember the future, then what was my dream?
How was I able to vividly see and remember the entire scenario in
precise detail the night before it happened?
I guarantee anyone who felt my paradigm-crushing déjà vu, would agree
that this synchronicity was far beyond some quirky coincidence.
our most ancient writings pay homage to the premonitory power of dreams, as is
evidenced in the biblical account of Pharoah’s dream of seven fat and seven
lean cows … The proximity the unconscious mind has to the atemporal realm of
the implicate may also play a role.
Because our dreaming self is deeper in the psyche than our conscious
self – and thus closer to the primal ocean in which past, present, and future
become one – it may be easier for it to access information about the future.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”
“One near-death experiencer described what he saw once the
filter of human perception was lifted. He talked of seeing the 'panoramic view
of life': ... everything from the beginning, my birth, my ancestors,
my children, my wife, everything comes together simultaneously. I saw
everything about me, and about everyone who was around me. I saw everything
they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening before, what
was happening now. There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such
thing as limitation, of distance, of period, of time, of place. I could be
anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously.” –David
Icke, “The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy”
President Lincoln dreamt of his own assassination
a week before he died. British
Aeronautics Engineer J.W. Dunne documented several prophetic dreams come
true in his 1927 book “An Experiment with Time.” There are even 19 documented cases of people
who precognitively saw the sinking of the Titanic. Some by passengers who acknowledged their
premonitions and survived, others by passengers who ignored their intuition and
drowned, and others still by non-passengers.

psychic Gerard Croiset was well-known for the several “chair tests” he
accurately predicted. First the
experimenter randomly selected a chair from the seating plan of some upcoming
public event in a large theater, stadium, or auditorium anywhere in the
world. There could be no reserved
seating to prevent possible collusion or trickery. Then without telling him the name, the
location or the event, knowing only the date and seating plan, Croiset
consistently gave accurate and detailed descriptions of the people who would be
sitting in any given chair. Over the course of 25 years numerous investigators
in Europe and America were stunned by Croiset’s accurate predictions including
specifics like gender, dress, features, occupation, and personality.
instance, on January 6, 1969, in a study conducted by Dr. Jule Eisenbud, a
clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School,
Croiset was told that a chair had been chosen for an event that would take
place on January 23, 1969. Croiset, who
was in Utrecht, Holland, at the time, told Eisenbud that the person who would
sit in the chair would be a man five feet nine inches in height who brushed his
black hair straight back, had a gold tooth in his lower jaw, a scar on his big
toe, who worked in both science and industry, and sometimes got his lab coat
stained by a greenish chemical. On
January 23, 1969, the man who sat down in the chair, which was in an auditorium
in Denver, Colorado, fit Croiset’s description in every way but one. He was not five feet nine, but five feet nine
and three-quarters.” -Michael
Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (207)
Dean Radin highlighted the interesting case of Anne Ring in his “Entangled
Minds” book. She sent him the following
in a letter: “Many years ago I had a
very strange dream concerning my father.
I dreamt that he was decorating the house (the way we do in England – or
used to – with paper chains, holly, etc.).
Except the decorations he was using were not the type used for
Christmas. Suddenly he sat down on a
chair and collapsed and he died. I woke
up crying so loudly that it woke up my husband.
I looked at the clock and it was exactly 2 a.m. California time. I told my husband the dream and he just said,
‘Well it’s nothing, you are always having strange dreams, go back to
sleep.’ But the dream had disturbed me
and it took a long while for me to get back to sleep. The
following morning was Thanksgiving Day and as I was preparing the meal the
telephone rang and it was my brother calling from London to say my father had
died. It was a terrible shock because I
had seen him in May of that year and he was in robust health (in fact, he had
not ever been ill or in hospital in his life).
I asked my brother when it had happened and he replied that our
stepmother had just called him and told him it had happened at 10 a.m. London
time: The exact moment that I had the dream (2 a.m. California time). By the way, he was putting up decorations because
it was his wedding anniversary to my stepmother and they were going to have a
party that night.”
“How shall we
interpret this experience? Is it a
poignant coincidence or is it a case of genuine clairvoyance? This was the one and only time Mrs. Ring ever
had a dream like this, and it contained details and timings that matched
real-world events. I’ve been told
similar experiences by professors at major universities, by program directors
at the NSF, and by generals in the Army.
These are not naïve people prone to fantasy. They appreciate the difference between
meaningless coincidence and genuinely exceptional events.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (105)

“In his work at the Dream
laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center, Montague Ullman, along with
psychologist Stanley Krippner and researcher Charles Honorton, produced
compelling evidence that accurate precognitive information can also be obtained
in dreams. In their study, volunteers
were asked to spend eight consecutive nights at the sleep laboratory, and each
night they were asked to try to dream about a picture that would be chosen at
random the next day and shown to them.
Ullman and his colleagues hoped to get one success out of eight, but
found that some subjects could score as many as five ‘hits’ out of eight. For example, after waking, one volunteer said
that he had dreamed of ‘a large concrete building’ from which a ‘patient’ was
trying to escape. The patient had a
white coat on like a doctor’s coat and had gotten only ‘as far as the
archway.’ The painting chosen at random
the next day turned out to be Van Gogh’s Hospital Corridor at St. Remy, a
watercolor depicting a lone patient standing at the end of a bleak and massive
hallway exiting through a door beneath an archway.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”
Other evidence such as psychic “forced-choice” experiments also supports
the idea that we can see into the future.
These entail having participants guess the outcome of future events with
calculable possibilities like what playing card will turn up or what dice
number will roll. In 1989 the Maimonides
Center’s Charles Honorton and Diane Ferrari published a meta-analysis of all
forced-choice precognition experiments conducted since 1935. They found 309 studies with 50,000
participants totaling 2 million trials where the time between prediction and
event ranged from milliseconds to a year.
The results were surprisingly positive with odds against chance of ten
million billion billion to one.
One of the most convincing and astonishing proofs of precognition was
discovered when University of Amsterdam’s Dr. Dick Bierman hooked several poker
players to electrodermal instruments to test learned responses in gambling
addicts. He found that they all registered
rapid changes in electrodermal activity just before being handed their
cards. Not only this but the differences
in EDA corresponded with the type of cards being drawn. When about to receive a bad hand participants
showed physiological activity indicating a heightened fight or flight response.
When about to receive a favorable hand their EDA calmed towards a relaxation
response. This indicates that on a
subconscious physiological level, somehow we already “know” the future.
Building on Bierman’s work, Dean Radin also hooked volunteers up to
electrodermal and other physiological instruments (heart rate, blood pressure,
skin conductivity etc.) to test for recordable physical effects of anticipating
future stimuli. In his experiment volunteers
would click a mouse button, wait 5 seconds, view a random picture displayed on
their monitor for 3 seconds, then watch as the screen went blank for 10 seconds
and began again. The images randomly
shown were either tranquil photos such as landscapes and nature scenes or
disturbing photos such as autopsies and erotica.
“As expected, the participant’s body would calm down immediately
after he or she observed the tranquil scenes, and become aroused after being
confronted by the erotic or disturbing.
Naturally, study participants recorded the largest response once they’d
seen the photos. However, what Radin
discovered was that his subjects were also anticipating what they were about to
see, registering physiological responses before they’d seen the photo. As if trying to brace themselves, their
responses were highest before they saw an image that was disturbing. Blood pressure would drop in the extremities
about a second before the image was flashed.” -Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for
the Secret Force of the Universe,” (169)
idea of presentiment assumes that we are constantly and unconsciously scanning
our future, and preparing to respond to it.
If this is true, then whenever our future involves an emotional
response, we’d predict that our nervous system would become aroused before the
emotional picture appears … As expected, skin conductance reacted 2 to 3 seconds
after the presentation of an emotional stimulus, and the expected differences
between the calm and emotional responses were clearly evident. But the presentiment effect, which was
predicted to occur before the stimulus, was also observed … The
skin-conductance levels were virtually identical before the button press, but
as soon as the button was pressed they began to diverge in accordance with the
future stimulus.” -Dean Radin,
“Entangled Minds” (166-7)
Nobel laureate Kary
Mullis had the opportunity to participate in Dean Radin’s presentiment
experiment and was quite impressed with the results. He went on National Public Radio’s May 1999
Science Friday program afterwards stating, “I could see about 3 seconds into
the future. It’s spooky. You sit there and watch this little trace,
and about three seconds, on average, before the picture comes on, you have a
little response in your skin conductivity which is in the same direction that a
large response occurs after you see the picture. Some pictures make you have a rise in
conductivity, some make you have a fall.
He’s done that over and over again with people. That, with me, is on the edge of physics
itself, with time. There’s something
funny about time that we don’t understand because you shouldn’t be able to do
2004 psychophysiologist Rollin McCraty replicated Bierman and Radin’s
experiments and published his results in the Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine. With odds
against chance of 1000 to 1 he found that heart rate significantly slowed
before future disturbing pictures and that the brain responded differently
before the two different types of stimuli.
“Lest we forget
what’s going on in this experiment, it’s useful to be reminded what these
results mean: The brains of both men and women were activated in specific areas
before erotic pictures appeared, even though no one knew in advance that those
pictures were about to be selected. In
other words, the brain is responding to future events. Given the controversial nature of this claim,
Bierman discussed in detail alternative explanations for these results … He
concluded that the fMRI results were valid, and in agreement with the other
studies based on skin-conductance and heart and brain measures … When you step
back from the details of these studies, what you find is a spectacular body of
converging evidence indicating that our understanding of time is seriously
incomplete. These studies mean that some
aspect of our minds can perceive the future.
Not infer the future, or anticipate the future, or figure out the future. But actually perceive it.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (179)
In ordinary
states of consciousness and without the aid of technology most people are able
to remember the past but not the future.
This has led to the philosophical idea of an “arrow of time” shooting
from past to future with us riding along the present. In altered states of consciousness or with
the aid of technology, however, many people, myself included, have been able to
experience and remember future events in detail. Perhaps then it is more likely that time, as our
ancient ancestors believed, is cyclic and infinite, not straight and
finite. It seems that ultimately, our consciousness
exists outside of this time/space/matter explicate hologram and therefore under
the right conditions has the ability to access and experience anything in the
implicate. Physicist David Bohm concurred
and wrote that, “when people dream of accidents correctly and do not take
the plane or ship, it is not the actual future that they were seeing. It was merely something in the present which
is implicate and moving toward making that future. In fact, the future they saw differed from
the actual future because they altered it.
Therefore I think it’s more plausible to say that, if these phenomena
exist, there’s an anticipation of the future in the implicate order in the
present. As they used to say, coming
events cast their shadows in the present.
Their shadows are being cast deep in the implicate order.”
“Such incidents strongly suggest
that the future is not set, but is plastic and can be changed. But this view also brings with it a
problem. If the future is still in a
state of flux, what is Croiset tapping into when he describes the individual
who will sit down in a particular chair seventeen days hence? How can the future both exist and not
exist? Loye provides a possible
answer. He believes that reality is a
giant hologram, and in it the past, present, and future are indeed fixed, at
least up to a point. The rub is that it
is not the only hologram. There are many
such holographic entities floating in the timeless and spaceless waters of the
implicate, jostling and swimming around one another like so many amoebas. ‘Such holographic entities could also be
visualized as parallel worlds, parallel universes,’ says Loye. Thus, the future of any given holographic
universe is predetermined, and when a person has a precognitive glimpse of the
future, they are tuning into the future of that particular hologram only. But like amoebas, these holograms also
occasionally swallow and engulf each other, melding and bifurcating like the
protoplasmic globs of energy that they really are. Bohm’s and Loye’s
descriptions seem to be two different ways of trying to express the same thing
– a view of the future as a hologram that is substantive enough for us to
perceive it, but malleable enough to be susceptible to change. Others have used still different words to sum
up what appears to be the same basic thought.
Cordero describes the future as a hurricane that is beginning to form
and gather momentum, becoming more concrete and unavoidable as it
approaches. Ingo Swann, a gifted psychic
who has produced impressive results in various studies, including Puthoff and
Targ’s remote-viewing research, speaks of the future as composed of
‘crystallizing possibilities.’ The
Hawaiian kahunas, widely esteemed for their precognitive powers, also speak of
the future as fluid, but in the process of ‘crystallizing,’ and believe that
great world events are crystallized furthest in advance, as are the most
important events in a person’s life, such as marriage, accidents, and death.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”
“Time, then, is
much like a hologram that already stands complete; it’s a subjective sensory
effect of a progressively moving point of view.
There’s no beginning or end to a hologram, it’s already everywhere,
complete – in fact, the appearance of being ‘unfinished’ is part of its
completeness. Even the phenomenon of
‘unfoldment’ itself reflects a limited point of view: There is no enfolded and
unfolded universe, only a becoming awareness.
Our perception of events happening in time is analogous to a traveler
watching the landscape unfold before him.
But to say that the landscape unfolds before the traveler is merely a
figure of speech – nothing is actually unfolding; nothing is actually becoming
manifest. There’s only the progression
of awareness … In fact, this is a holographic universe. Each point of view reflects a position that’s
defined by the viewer’s unique level of consciousness … A hologram, we might
say, is in and of itself a process.
There’s nothing fixed in a three-dimensional hologram. And what then of a four-dimensional
hologram? It would include all possible
instances of itself simultaneously. To
change seems to be to move through time, but if time itself is transcended,
then there’s no such thing as sequence.
If all is now, there’s nothing to follow from here to there.” -David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., “Power Vs.
Force” (232-239)
Ahh, I have since pondered about time and deja vu since kindergarten.
As a youngster, I would be perplexed as to why things got older as time got newer;; why things were newer when time was older.
But as far as Deja Vu goes, I thought perhaps time was like a vinyl record--you could lift the playing needle and plop it anywhere on the disc and it would play from that particular point onward.
Later, upon learning that light from a star travels years before reaching our eyes on Earth, I believe I hit upon how Deja Vu occurs >>> You project yourself upon a star and see events from that star's point of view AND THEREFORE place in time .
And from that star's point of view which is a future point of view where you see that particular event, you then are back on Earth and Earth's point of view and place in time . This is how you see "Deja Vu"
For many years I kept a dream journal, and saw many of them come true, down to the last detail. I don't know how it works or what it's about I just know it's real. This book might be of interest to your readers:
Thanks for the great article.
Hey, thanks guys, I've had dozens of premonitory dreams / deja vu's now to the point that they're a normal (but still amazing) part of my reality. Approx. once a month I live out a section of my dreams and watch it appear in front of my face. It never fails to blow my mind and solidifies my understanding each time that consciousness exists outside of space, time and matter. It must, because I keep experiencing my future in my dreams, it is not just "coincidence," consciousness has the ability to transcend time.
i think this all goes back to how calcified your pineal gland is and how caught up you are in the modern day manufactured reality to tune that out and truly be in tune with your senses.
I've had a war on flouride going for awhile now but am starting to go the extra mile in my avoidance of flouride and other things known to calcify my mojo. I would like to suggest a blog detailing how your pineal gland gets calcified in the modern world!
I thought I was the only one!
When I was in High School, in art class, I approached a double sink to wash out my paint palette.
As I did, I experienced a very clear deja vu, and was able to 'remember' that the girl across from me was going to ask me if I would wash up her palette, too. I said, "Yes" and reached for it BEFORE and just as she asked me, "Would you wash mine, too." The look on her face was shock and awe. She turned and walked away as if she had seen a ghost!
You are the first person that I have read who has experience a similar thing.
(I also had times where I would dream about a friend, and each time I did he would call me that day. After several occurrences, I had the dream again and when the phone rang that afternoon, I just answered, "Hi, John!" He was surprised. This was in the 80's before caller id)
Cool stories Chris, thanks for sharing! This kind of thing happens more often than you'd think, most people don't go around sharing though for fear of people thinking they're crazy :)
Interesting stuff. If it is true that the future exists simultaneously with the past and the present, then it means that it is impossible for a dead person to reincarnate because it is impossible for the same soul to exist as different expressions at the same time.
Hey, good point, though not necessarily the case. Quantum physics has shown that "super-positioning" exists at the quantum level where the same particle, not two similar particles, but the one exact same particle can exist in two places at one time. Also Non-locality and entanglement suggest it's possible for the same thing to exist in different "places" because there really is no here or there, or this and that, him and her, you and me, there is actually, literally only one meta-thing, which is everything, the ONE, and all of us mere expressions of the one meta-being. The Everything! (Makes me think of the "Nothing" from The Never Ending Story... like the opposite of that :) Peace
This is possibly a dead thread but happened across it, very interesting stuff here. I have had dreams of the future from a young age the first significant one was the moments after losing my virginity, a few months before. A few weeks later I had a very powerful dream that I almost misinterpreted but it may have saved my life or at the very least kept me from running into traffic. I had told my family about the dream and that I wasn't sure what was going to happen, it was the only time I knew the exact day the dream presented itself for. The night of I was under the influence and on an overpass that connected to a parking structure. In the distance some random individual started yelling at me. I instantly froze because that's what the dream said to do. This person ran at me yelling and I was terrified. Turned out to be a friend from another town whom I hadn't seen in a long time and he was able to get me home safely. I had a lot of messages waiting for me from worried family when I got home. I had convinced them I would change my plans because of the dream but did not do so.
As I have gotten older I have had very few if any more of these experiences. However there is a different experience I have had since a young child that I still experience when I am brave enough to look.
As a child I once stared into a mirror until I could no longer see me. The reflection became an older man very old to a 3rd grader but may not have been but a 20ish college kid. The image did not last it changed over and over to different people. At least I thought it was different people. Years later I got bored and starred into a mirror and after a few minutes I see the kid I once was. Then I see many different old men, well old to a 20ish college kid but not so much to the man I am today, and on to the old broken down white hair man I may be one day. It is not just the person that changes but the wall behind and details. I wanted to not believe it but I got obsessed for a little while and every bathroom I went near I had to see if it matched a few did. I didn't dare look again for 20 years until last month and sure enough the kid, the college kid and the old man were still there. It may be a while before I look again but maybe not since I am currently in a search for inner peace much as I was some of the other times when I looked upon the mirror. Not many I tell this too believe it, but that does not change the experiences.
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