This is a good documentary about the myths of college education in America. With tuition rising through the roof, quality of education plummeting, banks giving student loans to anybody, millions of jobs being lost every year, with inflation here and hyper-inflation coming, getting yourself in massive debt right out of high-school for a mediocre indoctrination experience is becoming less and less beneficial for more and more people. The College Conspiracy does a good job explaining the myths and facts of post-secondary education in the USA.
Four Dharmic ideals which I constantly strive to embody, embrace and express are Truth, Freedom, Peace, and Love. I think of these four ideals as the immutable pillar stones necessary for an impeccable moral foundation. Morality and Dharma are on the decline in our current age (Kali Yuga) and the only way to change and improve things externally is to change and improve ourselves internally. To manifest the ideals of Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love, first we must stop manifesting Lies, Enslavement, Violence, and Fear.
Lies are broadcast daily from our governments, mainstream media, big pharma, the public education system, pundits, politicians, lawyers, actors, and advertisers all making a living from lying. To take our power back from the liars we must be devoted 100% to honesty and integrity in our own lives. We must make a 24/7 habit of absolute sincerity, standing strong in our truth, striving to express as eloquently and articulately the truth as we know it. We must refuse to believe the lies and help to expose the liars. Refuse the temptation to lie to make our lives easier and never cheat on our spouses / partners because that is a form of lying too. We must refuse the notion that some lies are acceptable because "the truth would hurt" too much. If there is ever to be an actual "Truth Movement" it can only happen through radical, unconditional honesty and integrity.
Slavery is practiced by governments, corporations, banks, private prisons, insurance companies, factory farms, bankers, politicians and lawyers who all make a living from enslavement. To take our power back from the slave drivers we must be 100% free and sovereign in our own lives. We must quit our wage slave jobs, stop paying taxes, stop obeying unlawful legislations, get free of debt, learn self-defense, acquire tangible assets, get off the grid, grow our own food, create our own jobs, become entrepreneurs and freemen on the land, start our own interest-free banks and local currencies. We must completely refuse to be enslaved, refuse to enslave others, and help one another achieve true freedom.
Violence is practiced by governments, corporations, militaries, police forces, private security, prisons, gangsters, mafias, mercenaries, factory farmers and butchers all making a living from violence. To take our power back from the bullies we must be 100% peaceful in our interactions. We must refuse to be employed as a soldiers, police or mercenaries. We must end the animal holocaust. We must stop domestic abuse and practice peaceful parenting. We should never hit, harm or even raise our voices to others, especially our friends and family. All interactions between parents, children, siblings, friends, and strangers alike should be free of all force; even passive-aggression is still aggression which we must personally refuse to manifest.
Fear is employed by governments, corporations, militaries, police, banks, insurance companies, factory farms, mafias, private prisons, politicians, and lawyers who all make a living off victims of fear. To take our power back from the fear-mongers we must practice unconditional love. As Jesus, John Lennon and many-a-martyr will agree, no one word, no one concept is so powerful and unifying as Love. Love is the main immutable pillar for a truly moral foundation. If you have developed true unconditional love, then you already have the other three pillars of Truth, Freedom and Peace as well, because love is certainly honest, free and peaceful. Cheating or lying is not true love. "Loving" a bird enslaved in a tiny cage is not truly loving the bird. And forceful or "violent love" cannot be called true love at all, in fact it's called rape or domestic abuse.
So before saying or doing anything, remember the four pillars: Is it true? Does it promote freedom? Is it peaceful? And is it loving? Or if you're short on time just check the fourth: Is this a loving thing to say? Is this a loving thing to do? Adhere to these and we will be on the Dharma fast-track through morality to another golden age. All we need is Love.
"We’ve been lied to by every institution. What makes you think for one minute that the religious institution is the only one that’s never been touched? The religious institutions of this world are at the bottom of the dirt. The religious institutions in this world were put there by the same people who gave you your government, your corrupt education, who set up your international banking cartels.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Zeitgeist”
“Investigations into the beginnings of religion have accumulated steadily throughout the past half-century. It is only by great efforts of censorship, by sectarian education of an elaborately protected sort, and the like, that ignorance about them is maintained.” -H. G. Wells, “The Fate of Homo Sapiens”
“The most heinous and the cruelest crimes of which history has record have been committed under the cover of religion or equally noble motives.” -Gandhi
The literal MANipulation of HIStory which took us away from our HERitage, began with the Christian churches promotion of Father/Son worship, and their suppression of Mother Nature’s religions. The Brotherhood (notice it’s not the “Sisterhood”) was well aware of the patriarchal/fraternal reverence in the Bible and has always used it to suppress the feminine. The Bible follows primarily male figures, allows only male priests, calls God a “He,” and defines Him as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is little room for worship of the feminine Moon energy in a religion devoted entirely to the Son/Sun. As you will see, the fact that all major religions in the world today (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism) are focused on the male aspect and suppress the feminine, is not a coincidence.
“The sixth century Christian philosopher, Boethius, wrote in The Consolation of Philosophy, ‘Woman is a temple built upon a sewer.’ Bishops at the sixth century Council of Macon voted as to whether women had souls. In the tenth century Odo of Cluny declared, ‘To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure...’ The thirteenth century St. Thomas Aquinas suggested that God had made a mistake in creating woman: ‘nothing [deficient] or defective should have been produced in the first establishment of things; so woman ought not to have been produced then.’ And Lutherans at Wittenberg debated whether women were really human beings at all. Orthodox Christians held women responsible for all sin. As the Bible's Apocrypha states, ‘Of woman came the beginning of sin/ And thanks to her, we all must die.’” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (115)
In 312 AD Brotherhood psychopath Constantine, a man who murdered his son and boiled his wife alive, was made Emperor of the Roman Empire. He spent the rest of his life using Christianity as a tool to achieve political domination. One day during a battle at MilvianBridge, Constantine claimed to have seen a vision that converted him to Christianity. He said he saw in the sky a picture of the cross and the words "In this sign thou shalt conquer." In reality he worshipped the Greek god Apollo and Sol Invictus, never converted to Christianity, and remained Pontifex Maximus of the PaganChurch until the day he died! He did, however, use Christianity and the sign of the cross to conquer his enemies, just as his alleged vision suggested. In a book called, “The Heretics,”Walter Nigg wrote: “Constantine, who treated religious questionssolely from a political point of view, assured unanimity by banishing all the bishops who would not sign the new profession of faith. In this way unity was achieved … Not a single bishop said a single word against this monstrous thing.”
“Anyway, as one persecution ended another was soon to begin, as the Roman Church persecuted, burned and tortured anyone who refused to believe in the Christian faith, or even their version of the faith. Tens of millions of people have died in the name of the so-called ‘Prince of Peace’. Appropriately, Constantine murdered his wife and elder son before making the journey in 325 AD to his palace at Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) to decide what Christians to this day must believe.”
After Constantine, Emperor Theodosius continued in his footsteps. In 380 he passed laws making it illegal for anyone to disagree with the Church. In 388 he made a prohibition forbidding any public discussion of religious topics. Then in 391 Christians burned down the great library of Alexandria effectively destroying the entire history of the pre-Christian world. 700,000 papyrus rolls of ancient knowledge/history including Porphyry’s 36 volumes, rolls from 27 Mystery Schools, and all the Gnostic Basilides were lost in a day.
“To get rid of the damning fact that there is no historical basis for their theological fictions, the Christian priesthood have been guilty of the heinous crime of destroying nearly all traces of the concurrent history of the first two centuries of the Christian era. What little of it they have permitted to come down to us, they have so altered and changed, as to destroy its historical value …In the third to sixth centuries, whole libraries were burned, schools and universities destroyed and citizens’ books confiscated throughout the Roman world, on the pretext of defending the church against paganism. Under the early Christian emperors, people were framed by ecclesiastical investigators who planted ‘magical writings’ in their houses, then legally confiscated all possessions. After the Council of Nicea, per the murderous Constantine’s orders, the Christians turned up the heat on censorship, leading to the centuries-long orgy that obliterated millions of texts. One of the greatest crimes in human history was the destruction in 391 of the library at Alexandria perpetrated by Christian fanatics under Theophilus bent on hiding the truth about their religion and its alleged founder. Because of this villainy, we have lost priceless information as to the true state of the ancient world, with such desolation also setting back civilization at least 1,000 years … At some point, a death penalty was enacted for reading unapproved books …Pope after pope continued the assault on books and learning …With all important documents assembled in the monasteries, and the lay public rendered illiterate, Christian history could be forged with impunity.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (250-1) quoting Graham and Walker
“The Fourth Council of Carthage in 398 forbade bishops to even read the books of gentiles. Jerome, a Church Father and early monastic in the fourth century, rejoiced that the classical authors were being forgotten. And his younger monastic contemporaries were known to boast of their ignorance of everything except Christian literature. After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the preeminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, ‘Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth.’ Monastic libraries, the only libraries left, were composed of books of devotion. Even the most significant monastic libraries carried little aside from books about Christian theology.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (48)
Another method of manipulation is the old Hegelian Dialectic – control/create both the proper thesis and antithesis to get the desired synthesis result. In the corporate sphere there is Coke/Pepsi, McDonalds/Burger King etc. creating the false dichotomies, the illusions of choice. In the political sphere the bloodlines / secret societies put members on both sides to control the spectrum. In the media it is no different. Both parties have long used the media to build the perception of opposing positions on key issues, meanwhile building consensus on other non-debated issues critical to social change. This is verified in the Congressional Record for 1917, when Congressman Callawayx reported that:
"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press ...They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.” -U.S. Congressman Oscar Callawayx, 1917
"J. P. Morgan and his associates financed the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, conservative groups, liberal organizations, communist groups and anti-communist organizations." -Dr. Stanley Monteith, “Brotherhood of Darkness”
“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.” -Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope”
By creating false dichotomies and maintaining the illusion of opposites, it is easy to herd human thought, to dampen intuition and lateral thinking. For instance, they say the far left is communism, and the far right is fascism, both meaning dictatorial government control. Then through this false thesis/antithesis they promote the synthesis: socialist democracy, a perceived middle ground, which in reality is just another system of dictatorial government control. Where is anarchy on such a scale? Where is a constitutional republic, as America is supposed to be, on that scale? There is no place for non-establishment ideas when the establishment creates false dichotomies that the public perceive as polar opposites. They suppress dissent through omission and promote both sides of the coin they own.
“Every day on television stations all over the world, journalists and correspondents give their viewers the official version of the event they are reporting. ‘White House sources say this..., the Prime Minister says that..., the FBI say the other...’ In all my time in journalism I cannot recall a single conversation in a newsroom that didn’t reflect the official version of life and the world. Most journalists are not manipulating, they are simply stunningly uninformed and often incredibly arrogant. They believe that if anything of magnitude was going on they would know about it because they are ‘journalists’. In truth they are the last to know.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (271)
“While the media obviously cannot dictate how we are to think, they certainly set the agenda on what we are to think about. Who has time for tedious stories of government conspiracies and financial manipulations when the newspapers and airwaves are filled with crime, accidents, and celebrities? Who bothers to notice when a prime-time TV network ‘news break’ contains nothing but sports scores?” -Jim Marrs, “Alien Agenda” (xii)
Nephew of Sigmund Freud, known as the Western Goebells, the master-mind of modern American Propaganda, Edward Bernays was 104 when he died in 1995. In his century behind the scenes, Edward Bernays worked with many corporations and the government to advertise and propagandize the American public into different group-think patterns. Among others he was top advisor to William Paley, the founder of CBS. He wrote in his 1928 book “Propaganda”:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country … We are governed, our mind’s are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of … we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind and who harness social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world …It remains a fact in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by this relatively small number of persons… As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented.”
“I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. Americans are wired into their television sets. Over the last 30 years, they have come to look at their television sets and the images on the screen as reality. You put something on television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the television set contradicts the images, people start changing the world to make it more like the images and sounds of their television. Because its influence is so great, so pervasive, it has become part of our lives. You lose your sense of what is being done to you, but your mind is being shaped and molded.” -Hal Becker, Futures Group think-tank veteran
“These individuals, they do go back a long way and they have understood completely your psyche, they’ve had generations, centuries to study it. Their type of sorcery involves different kinds of techniques but it’s still the same effect: Tele-Hypnosis, Metacontrast, Hemisync, Synaesthesia, Embedding, new names, new terms for a very old, well-known practice to get you into group-think, into subservience, to get you to embody dialectical divisions of which there is no end in our society, to fashion your allegiances for you, to implant associations that your mind might not normally associate, to purvey escapism, rampant escapism and projection of fantasy into reality, to inflate false personas so you don’t have to be you, you can live it out through the person on the screen, and the excessive eroticization especially of the female.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003
The word “media” comes from Media, an ancient place in the middle-east near Libya. The Medes were an ancient cult involved in the same activities practiced today by the modern media:
“In Media were the sorcerers and astrologers, not necessarily negative people but a tribe, a very adept cult from the ancient world who specialized in the use of talismans, amulets, mantras and sorcery. And the kings of the world knew that if battle hadn’t worked, or if legal means hadn’t worked to get rid of an enemy, or you didn’t want it known that you were getting rid of your enemy, you simply called on the Medes. And you bring the representative of the Media into your court and he will take care of the problem because he is going to put the spell on your enemy, the hex, because they know how to do it. And that’s where we get the word Mediterranean, Mediation Meditation, and Medication, the Medics. Study this alone and a whole interesting subject will open itself up, because we still have the sorcerers and the voodoo and the witch doctory, we still have it today only now it’s the Techno Shamanism, it’s the Silicon Sorcerers, it’s the Ivory Tower Witchdoctors and they’re still very busy at what they’re doing up at Madison Avenue and behind the other great corporate giants who are only too happy to tell you what to think.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003
These Median sorcerers and other wizards of old often carried magical wands as well, wooden staffs from which to cast their spells. These were always made of just one certain kind of wood: holly. Hollywood.
“Merlin and the old magicians of Celtic England always used their magic wands and these magic wands were always made out of holly wood. And that's why today we still have Holly-wood, working its ‘magic’ on us — showing us in movies how to view things, what we should think, or just offering us a big box office diversion.” –Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
“So we still find that those magi in the movie business are putting their ‘spells’ on us. The makers of cinema know all about the libido, sexuality, desires and drives of the human beings that they are trying to pacify and control. The fact that ‘programs’ are called ‘programs’ is fascinating in itself. Programs are what one puts in a computer. They see the human mind as a computer and have been putting in their programs every day for decades.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
As explained in my recent article, The Most Important Thing in Your Life, there is literally nothing whatsoever more crucial to your health, vitality, longevity and well-being than your breath. You may survive several months without food, a couple of weeks without water, but you won't survive more than a few minutes without air. More specifically, it is the oxygen in the air that your body so desperately and consistently needs. Just a few minutes without re-oxygenating the bloodstream through regular respiration results in immediate and certain death.
Did you know 90% of our energy comes from oxygen and only 10% from food and water!? Nowadays due to pollution, de-forestation and other environmental issues we're breathing in only about 19-21% oxygen. Not only this, but research has shown that each decade of regular aging humans lose approximately 5% of their lung capacity and elasticity which directly translates to less oxygen. Considering how vitally important breathing and oxygen are to our lives and well-being wouldn't it be a good idea to learn and commit to a daily practice of proper and effective deep breathing?
Proper oxygenation through Pranayama / Qigong breathing heightens concentration alertness and memory, calms the mind and stabilizes the nervous system, improves digestion, absorption and elimination, strengthens the heart, lungs, and abs, aids in recovery, immunity, longevity and weight control, cures headaches, hangovers, and asthma, moves the lymphatic system, relieves general body aches, pains, stress, depression and anxiety, increases stamina, lung capacity, and mindfulness, internally exercises and massages your organs, improves sleep, posture, poise and patience, boosts energy levels, releases happiness endorphins and elicits the relaxation response in every cell of the body.
For the past several years I have been diligently
learning, practicing, and teaching Pranayama / Qigong and I can say from daily
personal experience that this kind of internal exercise is by far the most
important, over-looked and under-appreciated, energizing, invigorating,
strengthening, purifying, balancing, meditative, relaxing, revitalizing activity possible. Below are several videos I've made to help people get started with a regular deep breathing routine. Please try these techniques for yourselves, share them with everyone you can, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more future tutorials.
The Yogi Complete Breath or 3-Part Circular Breathing is one of the best Pranayamas to include into your daily routine as it trains the lungs to completely expand, completely contract, and utilizes the entire respiratory system properly and effectively. It improves concentration, alertness and sleep, digestion, absorption and elimination, reduces anxiety, stress, and anger, builds stamina, expands lung capacity, and fully oxygenates the bloodstream. Begin by exhaling every bit of air from your body then inhale through your nose completely filling up your lungs in 3 steps. 1) Fill up your lower lungs by inhaling slowly and deeply pushing your tummy outwards like you just finished a big meal. Imagine a string attached to your belly button slowly pulling out as you fill up the lower lungs. 2) Once the lower lungs are filled, the mid-lungs will begin to fill up which will expand your chest outwards while pulling the tummy back in. Imagine a 2nd string pulling on your sternum, expanding the rib cage, while the 1st string on your belly button has been released. 3) Once the mid-lungs are filled, the upper-lungs will quickly fill up like the top tapered part of a water bottle. Just lift your shoulders a little to get the last bit of air that you can, hold for a second (or several seconds if you can) then exhale through the mouth squeezing the abdominals to push out every last bit of carbon. Do this for at least 10 minutes a day every day and you will notice many substantial positive powerful effects!
Reverse Circular Breathing or "The Chi Cultivator" is especially good for strengthening core abdominal muscles and cultivating life force energy (prana/chi/ki/qi) in your lower dantian. First exhale all the air from your lungs and really squeeze your abdominal muscles forcing out every last bit. Begin slowly inhaling through your nose bringing the air as deep into the lower lungs as possible filling them from bottom, middle, to top. Now instead of letting your belly bubble up full of air as in traditional low-breathing, actually pull your belly inwards towards your spine as you inhale. There is a vacuum vortex point behind your belly button called the dantian in Chinese medicine, and that is the point that will be sucking in, the destination point for the air being inhaled, and the main storage point for life force energy in the body. Once the inhalation is complete relax your abdominals letting your belly bubble out full of air then exhale slowly out your mouth. As you relax, practice and lengthen the breath there will come a sound from your throat like a cat purring or Darth Vader's mask. This is the sound of pranic/qigong ocean breathing which I've exaggerated a bit in the video to make it more audible.
Ujjayi Pranayama or Ocean Breathing is a very important deep breathing technique to master because it is so often used in conjunction with other breaths like the Yogi Complete Breath or Reverse Circular Breathing. Ujjayi Ocean Breathing warms and slows down the air being inhaled allowing for safe, full lung expansion and optimum oxygenation. The heat created helps release toxins and builds internal fire, enhances the digestive and nervous systems, elicits the relaxation response, and eliminates phlegm in the throat. The "ocean" sound comes from the glottis rapidly flapping against the vocal cords and acts as a regulator so you can drastically slow down and deepen your inhalations.
The Nadi Purification Breath or Alternate Nostril Breathing is one of the best ways to clear your sinuses if you have allergies, cold, stuffy/runny nose, snoring, asthma or other breathing problems. Inhale slowly and deeply into the
abdomen through the left nostril while plugging the right. Then plug
the left nostril and fairly forcefully exhale the entire breath out your
right nostril. Squeeze your core muscles to expel every last bit of
air, keep the left nostril plugged, inhale through the right then exhale
through the left, and continue alternating back and forth like this. Alternate Nostril Breathing reduces
stress, boosts energy, clears the sinuses, cleanses the lungs, increases
oxygenation of blood, improves sleep, calms the mind/emotions, and has
been scientifically proven to improve brain function. When used in conjunction with a Neti Pot cleansing it's like a complete enema for your head/sinuses!
The Yogi Cleansing Breath is the perfect detoxification breath for cigarette smokers and anyone with chronic respiratory issues or halitosis. I personally smoked cigarettes from approximately age 18-26 and beginning daily pranayama practice is what helped easily and effortlessly ween me off cigarettes forever. All addiction experts will agree that you need a new positive hobby/activity to replace your old destructive habit, and with smoking addiction (an unhealthy respiratory activity) what could be more relevant and advantageous than a new healthy respiratory activity like deep breathing!? Within weeks of starting my daily practice I became sensitive enough to feel the negative effects of smoking even just 1 cigarette per day. I slowly ramped up my pranayama and cut down my smoking, consciously improving my health, expanding and detoxifying my lungs, until the act of smoking became so counter-productive that I truly haven't wanted to smoke another one. To perform the Yogi Cleansing Breath first sit, stand or lay with your spine straight and inhale slowly and deeply through the nose until your lungs are filled. Make an "O" shape with your mouth and force the exhale out in 3 or 4 quick bursts pushing every last bit by clenching your abdominals.
The Pranayama Breath of Fire detoxifies and purifies the entire bloodstream which in turn feeds every cell in our body. It improves digestion, helps regulate the pituitary, glandular, and nervous systems, increases vital energy and lung capacity, expels carbon dioxide and other stagnant toxins, and is an excellent abdominal workout for increasing core strength. To perform Breath of Fire, first sit, stand or lay with spine straight, and exhale all the air from your lungs. Then in forceful 1 second bursts tightly squeeze your abdominal muscles and exhale out your nose. A slight vacuum effect will automatically and involuntarily inhale a tiny bit after each exhale allowing you to continue breathing like this for several minutes with practice. Start by doing 1 second exhales for about a minute and work your way up to faster breaths and longer sessions. If you feel nauseous, dizzy or light-headed stop momentarily and take several deep breaths.
Shitali Pranayama or The Cooling Breath, like all mouth-inhalation techniques, is only to be used sparingly in situations where the body feels over-heated. By rolling your tongue and inhaling through the mouth as shown in the video you will feel the air being cooled as it passes. Breathing like this for several minutes will cure heat exhaustion and cool the body down from the inside out. It is very important to note that mouth-breathing is something to be completely avoided except in extreme circumstances where the nasal passages are blocked or you're gasping from lack of oxygen. Mouth breathing is directly responsible for the contraction of many contagious diseases like colds and catarrhal infections. Experiments have been performed on hundreds of soldiers and sailors showing that those who slept with their mouths open were much more likely to fall ill and contract contagious diseases than those who breathed properly through their nostrils. During one of the Navy experiments a smallpox epidemic broke out resulting in many deaths among the mouth-breathers, yet not a single nose-breather suffered.
"The organs of respiration have their only protective apparatus, filter, or dust-catcher, in the nostrils. When the breath is taken through the mouth, there is nothing from mouth to lungs to strain the air, or to catch the dust and other foreign matter in the air. Moreover, such incorrect breathing admits cold air to the organs, thereby injuring them. Inflammation of the respiratory organs often results from the inhalation of cold air through the mouth. The man who breathes through the mouth at night, always awakens with a parched feeling in the mouth and a dryness in the throat. He is violating one of nature's laws, and is sowing the seeds of disease. On the other hand, the nostrils and nasal passages show evidence of the careful design of nature in this respect. The nostrils are two narrow, tortuous channels, containing numerous bristly hairs which serve the purpose of a filter or sieve to strain the air of its impurities, etc., which are expelled when the breath is exhaled. Not only do the nostrils serve this important purpose, but they also perform an important function in warming the air inhaled. The long narrow winding nostrils are filled with warm mucous membrane, which coming in contact with the inhaled air warms it so that it can do no damage to the delicate organs of the throat, or to the lungs." -Yogi Ramacharaka, "The Science of Breath"
John Swinton, former editor of The New York Times shocked an audience of journalists during a banquet speech when he said: “There is no such thing in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it ... The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his county and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
“It is a fact that most editors and newsmen on the staffs of Life, Look, Time, Newsweek, etc., and most editors, reporters, and commentators at NBC, CBS, and ABC take their news and editorial cues from the New York Times. . Technically, it is a great newspaper; but it reports much of the news in conformity with its editorial policies. The late Arthur Hays Sulzberger, chairman of the board of the New York Times, was a member of the CFR, and today there are at least 11 people in high positions with the Times who are CFR members. Sulzberger's son-in-law Orvil E. Dryfoos (CFR) succeeded him as publisher. The current publisher is Arthur Ochs ‘Punch’ Sulzberger (CFR). Other CFR members at the Times are: Harding Bancroft, Executive Vice President. James Reston, Vice President and columnist; A. M. Rosenthal, managing editor; Seymour Topping, assistant managing editor; Max Frankel, Sunday editor; Harrison Salisbury, associate editor; C. L. Sulzberger, columnist; and David Halberstam, columnist.” –Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”
“Running a close second to the New York Times in the prestige race is the Washington Post. Every Senator and Congressman, regardless of his party or political persuasion, has the Post on his desk each morning. Like the Times, the Post is read by the people who count when it comes to running the country. The Post'sowner and publisher Katharine Graham is a member of the CFR, as are other top editors and management personnel. For years the Post has been referred to as ‘the uptown Daily Worker.’ The only time the Post has ever opposed big government- is when it has been used to investigate Communism. When this has happened, the people at the Post frantically start waving the Constitution and babbling about ‘freedom of speech’ - something they regularly suppress when it involves opposition to fascism-socialism or the Rockefellers.” -Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”
The owner/publisher of the Washington Post from 1963 - 2001, Katharine Graham was a member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group! In 1988 in a speech at CIA headquarters, she bluntly stated her contorted view of democracy when she said: “We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets, and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.” Once again displaying the same elite philosophy of classism and moral relativity. They justify their corruption/lying by claiming mental superiority over the masses. Ted Turner has been interviewed calling the majority of humanity “useless eaters.”
“I think we are destroying the minds of America and that has been one of my lifelong ambitions.” -John Kricfalusi, creator of The Ren and Stimpy Show
“The United States has some of the dumbest people in the world. I want you to know that we know that.” -Ted Turner, CEO of AOL/Time Warner
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have." -Richard Salant, former President of CBS News
David Rockefeller said it all in his 1991 Trilateral Commission meeting speech: "We are grateful to The Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
“I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in their times.” -Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson knew, as does any historian, that what passes as today’s News/Current Affairs, rarely remains unchanged when written/remembered as tomorrow’s History. Newspapers present the official establishment position of each days’ events, but this is often not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
President Dwight Eisenhower’s speech-writer Wilson Bryan Key wrote a book called “The Age of Manipulation” allabout his experience writing presidential speeches: "For thirty-six sleepless hours, three writers turned out draft after draft, reviewed by a White House deputypress secretary who offered terse comments like, 'Much too specific!' 'Ease up on factual references!' and'Take it back and fuzz it up!' 'Fuzz it up,' we discovered eventually, meant avoid all clear, factual statementsabout anything more specific than the time of day ... The speech was endlessly discussed for likelyaudience reactions, belief and attitude reinforcements, and implied meanings ... Would anyone take theempty rhetoric seriously? The speech read smoothly, but said absolutely nothing about anything. This wasprecisely what it was intended to say. During audience interviews after the oration, most expressedsatisfaction with the great man's words. 'Ike really gave it to them!' 'He has my vote!' 'I like the way hethinks!' Great speech!'"
Newspaper articles are also very short, often not long enough to address the complexities involved in each issue. This problem is further exacerbated with television “news,” where most coverage consists of 30 second sound-bytes. Furthermore, these articles and sound-bytes are often coming from speeches and spokespeople in the “Spin Room.” They actually call it the spin room, where reporters “get the spin.” Spider’s webs and skipping records are spun. Why is news being associated as such?
“The news is a farce. As is the case with the financial institutions, which are concentrated in the hands of the few, long ago the media was bought and paid for ...What you read and what you see on a daily basis is largely manufactured. You are being lied to each and every day.” -Christopher Mark, “Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World” (16-17)
The mainstream media will lie outright, but more often lies by omission, by suppression of dissent, or casting dissenters in a negative light, often with one-sided editorializing. They lie by giving uneven and incomplete coverage. Most news articles accurately report the event, but due to limited space cannot report on the history of each situation. This creates a quasi-informed populous that is constantly strung along with each day’s events; people who feel informed, but remain confused and unable to piece together the conspiratorial control manipulating their minds daily.
Thanks so much to everyone who has helped me share Spiritual Science on their emails, twitters and facebooks! Also a special thanks to the dozens of you who have already purchased a copy. I really want to share this empowering and enlightening book on a mass scale. If it were to become a best-seller I truly believe Spiritual Science would spark a flame of metaphysical consciousness that would absolutely change the world for the better. (Note: It's possible that I have a slight bias on this matter, but that does not dissuade my conclusions :) The positive comments, feedback and reviews you've all given are really encouraging and appreciated.
"I have the pleasure of knowing Eric personally. He has been teaching me
Wing Chun and Yoga for about nine months now. He has shared with me some
very empowering knowledge not least in regard to diet and exercise. I
have been lucky enough to get a copy of his latest book 'Spiritual
Science'. It is a fantastic distillation of wisdom; a complex
interweaving of knowledge pertaining to what it really means to be human
in this inhumane age. I thank him for sharing his work and recommend
both the book and a juicer(!) to those of us determined to become beyond
the veil. Make that energy exchange and order the book! It is
wide-ranging and erudite, not to mention as exciting, as the 'Golden
Bough' was in its day. Thanks Eric!" ~Shane
"I am on Morphogenic Fields in your book 'Spiritual Science'. Have to say
it is the best book I have ever read. It compiles everything worth
knowing about life and the universe. You did a tremendous job and I
can't wait to read the second half of the book! I'm going to become a
millionaire one day and I am definitely going to pay you back for all
the wisdom you have bestowed upon me." ~Joe
"Good luck with the book I think you've done a very good job in
all chapters. I enjoyed reading it all and will definitely revisit it.
I'm keen to follow up several of the topics in my own research
now. I had already come across the curious ability of consciousness
affecting otherwise random events and the effects also in quantum
theory, this is an ever interesting area. The book
had a nice personal feel with the references and personal stories from
you and the Mrs. which was very nice. I was also flattered to see my own
ramblings in there, thanks for seeing them as valuable to the project. I
took one major lesson from the book too, apart from good enlightening
words on the holographic mind/universe to mull over and research more I
have also decided to open up more of my time to traveling out of my
body. Oh and another thing, I've done this since I was
young but your book made me try again but more scientifically. I hit
people with stares from behind and keep tally on my fingers (left
fingers for fail, right for success) as to whether they react.
I've found a short direct hit is more powerful than a long
stare. Anyway, well done on the book and good luck!" ~Tao Wow
"Eric, I only have great admiration of you as a "human -
actively - being " !!! I have read all your works and books and I
admire you for all your hard work exposing the 'lie.' I place and rate
you at the very top of the list of
truth-searchers in the world. I have learned a great deal from you and I
know this book will be even greater than your other bestsellers or
eye-openers !!! Wisdom & truth are rarely found together, Eric you succeed in
achieving this! Thanx for exposing most of the religious lies, the real
evil rulers of this world and for staying strong .. May your efforts not
only gain strength but gain even more
momentum and the worldwide recognition that it deserves !!! Thanx for
adding this new "revelation" to your superb library or I should say to
your works of pride, and may this new book proudly take its place next
to "The Atlantean Conspiracy" and "Asbestos Head" ... Together they
cause other books to become "pale" when compared !! Much peace to you and your life partner friend and love
may you guys be eternally happy." ~Robbie
In the
18th century a Frenchman named Jean Fourier discovered a
mathematical method of converting patterns into simple wave forms called the
Fourier transform, a process which later led to the discoveries of both
television and holography.When a video
camera captures scenes on film it converts pictures into electromagnetic
frequencies which are then converted back again by your television set.Scientists are now finding that this Fourier
transform process is how the brain works, as an electromagnetic frequency
decoder.We have long known that through
our 120 billion miles of DNA/RNA our entire bodies are involved in a frequency decoding
process.We know our ears are audio
frequency decoders, Nobel Prize winner Georg von Bekesy has proven that our
skin responds to frequencies, and thanks to neurophysiologists Russell and
Karen DeValois, we now know that brain cells in the visual cortex react and
activate based on frequency patterns.
“University of California at Berkeley
Neurophysiologists Russell and Karen DeValois converted simple plaid and
checkerboard patterns into Fourier waves and discovered that the brain cells of
cats and monkeys responded not to the patterns themselves but to the interference
patterns of their component waves.Countless studies, elaborated on by the DeValois team in their book
Spatial Vision, show that numerous cells in the visual system are tuned into
certain frequencies.Other studies have
showed that the human cerebral cortex may be tuned to specific frequencies
… Pribram conjectured that these wave collisions must create the pictorial
images in our brain.When we perceive
something, it’s not due to the activity of neurons themselves but to certain
patches of dendrites distributed around the brain, which, like a radio station,
are set to resonate only at certain frequencies.It is like having a vast number of piano
strings all over your head, only some of which would vibrate as a particular
note is played.”-Lynne McTaggart,
“The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (86-88)
Dr. Pribram has conjectured that wave-interference patterns are likely
not created or received by any particular brain cells, but in the spaces
between them.Dendrites, the tiny nerve
endings of neurons where synapses are fired, communicate with other neurons by
sending and receiving electrical/chemical wave impulses.It is plausible that this is where wave
frequencies are received and transformed into holographic images, because there
are constantly millions of wave-interference patterns criss-crossing here
“The fact that movement could somehow be represented formally in
terms of Fourier equations made Pribram realize that the brain’s conversations
with the body might also be occurring in the form of waves and patterns, rather
than as images.The brain somehow had
the capacity to analyze movement, break it down into wave frequencies and
transmit this wave-pattern shorthand to the rest of the body.This information, transmitted nonlocally, to
many parts at once, would explain how we can fairy easily manage complicated
global tasks involving multiple body parts, such as riding a bicycle or roller
skating.It also accounts for how we can
easily imitate some task.Pribram also
came across evidence that our other senses – smell, taste and hearing – operate
by analyzing frequencies.In Pribram’s
own studies with cats, in which he recorded frequencies from the motor cortex
of cats while their right forepaw was being moved up and down, he discovered
that, like the visual cortex, individual cells in the cat’s motor cortex
responded to only a limited number of frequencies of movement, just as
individual strings in a piano respond to a limited range of frequencies.”-Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (87)
The color “red” in our explicate experience is really just an implicate
wave-interference pattern vibrating at a frequency of 400 THz.The color “violet” in our experience is really
just a wave-interference pattern vibrating at a frequency of 790 THz.Above the spectrum visible to humans are
ultra-violet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays.Below the spectrum visible to us are infra-red, microwaves, and radio
waves.Our brains decode this small
sliver of electromagnetic frequencies and create the perceptions and sensations
we experience in our consciousness.Using the piano analogy, think of the color red as a low note and the
color violet as a high note, a rainbow is a major chord, and a lakeside sunset
is a concerto.
“Our brain is not a storage medium but a receiving mechanism in
every sense, and memory is simply a distant cousin of ordinary perception.The brain retrieves ‘old’ information the
same way it processes ‘new’ information – through holographic transformation of
wave interference patterns.Lashley’s
rats with the fried brains were able to conjure up their run in its entirety
because the memory of it was never burned away in the first place.Whatever reception mechanism was left in the
brain – and as Pribram had demonstrated, it was distributed all over the brain
– was tuning back into the memory through The Field.Some scientists went as far as to suggest
that all of our higher cognitive processes result from an interaction with the
Zero Point Field.This kind of constant
interaction might account for intuition or creativity – and how ideas come to
us in bursts of insight, sometimes in fragments but often as a miraculous
whole.An intuitive leap might simply be
a sudden coalescence of coherence in The Field.”-Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (95)
If you
take a piece of regular film and cut it up, your image is destroyed
forever.However, when you cut up a
piece of holographic film, the image is never destroyed - a smaller scale
version of the image always exists.If
memories were stored locally, like regular film, and you cut out that part of
the brain, the memory would be lost.But
in reality, like holographic film, when you cut out parts of the brain, a smaller
scale version of the memory always exists.So just as a piece of holographic film stores complete images as
interference patterns throughout its entirety, the human brain stores complete
memories as interference patterns throughout its entirety.And just like a laser light focused on a
piece of holographic film creates a seemingly physical three-dimensional image,
the light of our consciousness focusing on quanta creates a seeming physical
three-dimensional world.
“The holographic model offers revolutionary possibilities for a new
understanding of the relationships between the parts and the whole.No longer confined to the limited logic of
traditional thought, the part ceases to be just a fragment of the whole but,
under certain circumstances, reflects and contains the whole.As individual human beings we are not
isolated and insignificant Newtonian entities; rather, as integral fields of
the holomovement each of us is also a microcosm that reflects and contains the
macrocosm.If this is true, then we each
hold the potential for having direct and immediate experiential access to
virtually every aspect of the universe, extending our capacities well beyond
the reach of our senses.”-Stanislav
Grof, “The Holotropic Mind” (10)
markedly holographic processor present in our bodies and the universe is
DNA.Watch any movie or TV series about
crime-scene investigation and notice that the identity of the culprit can be
determined from tiny traces of their DNA.A drop of blood, a fingernail, or a single strand of hair is enough to
positively identify the perpetrator.The
reason for this is that DNA, like our brains, holographically mirrors each part
in the whole and the whole in each part.
(like RNA) emits light-energy in the form of photons to such an extent that it
has been compared by some to an 'ultra weak laser'. They generate coherent
light in the same way that our technological lasers do - the lasers that create
holograms. The [universe] broadcasts its signals in wave, or interference,
patterns and it may be that the laser light emitted by the DNA/RNA is part of
the process of turning them into holographic representations of that waveform …One
mystery of quantum physics is how particles can either express themselves as a
'wave' form (nonphysical) or as a particle (apparently 'physical') and the
waveforms only become particles when they are being observed - when we are looking at them. What is actually happening is that the DNA/RNA/brain is
causing the waveform or interference pattern to project an illusory hologram.
The act of 'observation' - focus - projects the holograms from the waveforms
and when this happens the quantum physicists see the waveform 'becoming' a
particle. Both the waveform and the particle exist at the same time and they
don't move from one state to another. When a laser is shone onto a photographic
interference pattern to manifest a hologram, one does not replace the other.
Both waveform and hologram coexist. It is just that the observer sees the
hologram as the prime reality. The waveform is possibility; the particle is
'physical' experience.” –David Icke, “Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion” (62-3)
evidence overwhelmingly suggests that our brains, bodies, DNA, and the entire universe are non-local holographic transducers incessantly interacting with a
deeper quantum reality.This
“holomovement” is an “undivided wholeness in flowing motion” where all
perceived separation is ultimately illusory like whirlpools in a river. Even the seeming separation of forms and consciousness
into “relatively independent subtotalities” only exists at the explicate
level.As David Bohm put it simply, “deep
down, the consciousness of mankind is one.”
can't understand why subatomic particles can communicate instantly with each
other over staggering distances because they are thinking in terms of space.
But there is no space involved. It is like the droplet of water and the
ocean.There are no particles, plural,
except in the way we perceive them in the illusion. All particles are the same
One. They don't have to communicate between each other because there is no
'each other' and they don't move from one place to another because there is no
space and so there can be no places. Appropriately the word 'Utopia' means 'no
place' - beyond the illusion of time and space. The superhologram appears to
occupy space and we talk of the vastness of space. But it's a hologram and so
that cannot be. If there is no space how come we seem to travel through it?
Once again because that is the illusion our DNA/RNA decodes for us and we
travel through space only as electrical signals interpreted by the brain.”
–David Icke, “Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion”
“Every particle
in the universe is a carrier of knowledge.In other words, in some form or another, every particle can be said to
be conscious. As humatons, we tend to assume that only we are conscious,
because only we seem to be self-conscious …Not only that, we have attributed our consciousness to a single organ
only, the brain (And it is possible we only use ten percent of that organ with
which to deduce all of this).It would
seem to be equally possible, however - and a lot more logical - to assume that
the brain is merely a receiver of information - a tuning dial that picks up
data and translates it into sense impressions and rational thought, images, and
so forth - and that knowledge as such, memory, is stored in every single atom
of our bodies. For organic beings, the 'filing system' provided for every
living molecule is DNA. As such, if we were to tune in with the remaining
ninety percent of our brains, we would be capable of receiving vastly greater
amounts of data than we are presently accustomed to … Just as
knowledge/memory/experience is passed through generations of a given species,
presumably via DNA, in order for the species to evolve as a whole, so
information would appear to be shared freely amongst all the billions upon
billions of particles that make up the physical universe. This is cooperation
on a grand scale. Every particle is conscious. Every particle is potentially
conscious of what every other particle is conscious of. And all particles are
connected together into a single tapestry of consciousness/information/energy
which is, it therefore follows, conscious of what every particle is conscious
of, and conscious of itself as a unified whole; a living, conscious organism.
Ergo, the universe is a superconscious being within which all beings exist and
have life and consciousness. It is God, and every one of its parts and
components - as in a hologram in which each fragment contains the whole - is
also God, the totality, in and of itself.–Jake Horsley, “Matrix Warrior” (90-91)