This post is dedicated to my friend and martial arts partner, John Masters and all real life heroes like him who have repeatedly put themselves in harms way to help and save complete strangers. People with this level of compassion and courage truly make the world a better place. Thanks to all the heroes out there saving lives and helping a world awash with apathy restore its faith in humanity!
Dr. David Duke's new book and above video "The Secret Behind Communism" does a great job exposing the Jewish Zionist roots of Communism, the most genocidal political ideology in history, responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people. Thanks to Jewish control of the media practically everyone knows about the Holocaust, and almost no
one knows about Holodomor, the Jewish-led Ukranian genocide responsible
for many more millions of deaths just a decade prior. Practically everyone knows the "Hitler killed 6 million Jews" myth, and almost no one knows the "Yagoda killed 10 million non-Jews" fact. That's right, just one of Stalin's Jewish commanders, Genrikh Yagoda, sporting the exact same ultra-chic moustache as Hitler was the 20th century's actual greatest mass murderer and you've probably never heard of him.
Alleged worst mass murderer in history / Actual worst mass murderer in history
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"The revolution occurred in Russia, and although a percentage of Russians participated in it, it was not a 'Russian Revolution.' It was led by an alienated, non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority who hated Russia, Russians, and the Tsar for their alleged anti-Semitism. Their fellow tribalists around the world financed and their shock troops executed the brutal takeover of the Russian government. Upon achieving total power, their deep, psychopathic, racist hatred became manifest in the greatest human slaughter of all time. Any historian who has studied modern communism from its ideological origins in Karl Marx and Moses Hess, through the mass dispossession, forced starvations, and Gulags of the 20th century, is aware that communists are the real world champions of mass murder. There is no historical dispute that communist regimes killed many times more innocents than any other regime in history, including Hitler's Germany. But unlike members of that National Socialist regime, the greatest mass murderers of all time have not been hunted down across the face of the Earth. They have not faced trial for their horrific crimes against humanity. Perhaps even more importantly they have never faced the court of popular revulsion. Why? Because these communist perpetrators have been shielded by their tribal brethren who have an inordinate influence on media, academia and governments. The truth about the Jewish supremacist role in the creation, execution, and maintenance of world Communism, and the 'Russian' Revolution in particular remains little-known. The reason for this is simple: The Jewish supremacist tribalists who influence major media in the West make sure that almost nothing is said about the fact that Jews, along with organized Jewish support worldwide, not only created Communism, but were the leaders who brought it into such grim reality. They were at the nexus of the greatest slaughter and mass human suffering in history." -David Duke
The movie “Star Wars” is famous for
its idea of “the Force” which is described as “an energy field created by all
living things that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.”
Though the Force is treated as fiction
by Hollywood and most Westerners, in fact the concept has a rich history around
the world.In traditional Chinese
philosophy and medicine it is called “Chi.” Japanese mystics and martial
artists call it “Ki.”Indian yogis and
sadhus call it “Prana.”The Ancient
Greeks called it “Pneuma.”Jewish
Kabbalists call it “Nefish.”Christians
call it the “Holy Ghost.”Muslims call
it “Baraka.”And the Polynesians call it
"Qi or chi
is the source of everything, the building block of all things. Human beings are
made of living cells, and when we look into each cell we see a membrane, the
nucleus and so on. Then if you look further into that structure you’ll see
atoms - electrons, protons, and neutrons. And if you look even further,
scientists now tell us that they can see energy there. However, according to
the 5,000-year-old Chinese Qigong theory, if you go beyond scientific
measurement - this is called the chi level. We can communicate with the chi
level using our minds to do different things, such as healing." - Luke
Chan, Chi Kung Master
Chi has
been studied and written about for over ten thousand years in diverse places
such as China, Japan, India, Tibet, Nepal, Hawaii, and South America.It is the foundation of numerous health and
fitness practices around the world including Chi Kung, Falun Gong, Reiki,
Therapeutic Touch, Acupressure and Acupuncture, Reflexology, Orgone Therapy,
Pranayama, Yoga, Feng Shui, and Martial Arts.
“Through scientific experiment they have demonstrated that there may
be such a thing as a life force flowing through the universe – what has
variously been called collective consciousness or, as theologians have termed
it, the Holy Spirit.They have provided
a plausible explanation of all those areas over the centuries mankind has had
faith in but no solid evidence of or adequate accounting for, from the
effectiveness of alternative medicine and even prayer to life after death.They have offered us, in a sense, a science
of religion.”-Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (XXVIII)
Chinese philosophy, the field idea is not only implicit in the notion of the
Tao as being empty and formless, and yet producing all forms, but is also expressed
explicitly in the concept of ch’i. This term played an important role in almost
every Chinese school of natural philosophy … The word ch’i literally means
‘gas’ or ‘ether’, and was used in ancient China to denote the vital breath or
energy animating the cosmos.In the
human body, the ‘pathways of ch’i’ are the basis of traditional Chinese
medicine. The aim of acupuncture is to stimulate the flow of ch’i through these
channels. The flow of ch’i is also the basis of the flowing movements of T’ai
Chi Ch’uan, the Taoist dance of the warrior.Thus ch’i condenses and disperses rhythmically, bringing forth
all forms which eventually dissolve into the Void. As Chang Tsai says again,
The Great Void cannot but consist of ch’i; this ch’i cannot but condense to form
all things; and these things cannot but become dispersed so as to form (once
more) the Great Void.As in quantum
field theory, the field - or the ch’i - is not only the underlying essence of
all material objects, but also carries their mutual interactions in the form of
Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (214)
Qigong (Chi Kung) is the Chinese name for the practice of cultivating
life force energy.Throughout its over 5,000
year history Qigong has been found to have countless health benefits such as
increasing core strength, blood flow, bone density, enzyme activity, serum
lipid levels, cardiovascular, endocrine and immune functions.It reduces stress, hypertension, and risk of
stroke, cures asthma, and has anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.When emitted from a Qigong master, Chi has
been scientifically verified to aid in seed germination, increase the growth of
plants and various cell cultures, and reduce the size of malignant tumors.When measurements are taken between a skilled
Qigong master and receiver, amazingly both show identical blood pressure,
respiration, skin conductivity, EEG, and heart rate variability.(Kenneth M. Sancier PhD “Multifaceted
Health Benefits of Medical Qigong”)
at the Philadelphia Biomedical Research Institute have performed a number of
experiments testing life force energy with fascinating results.Working in conjunction with Japanese Ki
Master Kozo Nishino, the Philadelphia BioMed doctors created several experiments
to test the efficacy of Ki healing.In
their first experiment doctors took control blood samples of 21 volunteers, assayed
the activity of their NK (natural killer) cells, and tested stress levels.Next the volunteers attended a 90 minute Ki
breathing session led by Master Nishino. Afterwards the volunteers were tested again
and the results were significant.The NK
cell activity of 17 volunteers increased and stress hormone levels of all 21
decreased.PBRI doctors concluded that
Ki breathing “can effectively enhance the immunoregulatory system and
reduce stress even after one class which indicates that the method would help
improve the health of its practitioners if they continue to practice it.”
Long term students of
Pranayama/Ki breathing have been found to consistently have higher bone density
rates than the average population.This
fact spurred a second experiment to test the effect of Ki energy on
osteoblastic (bone forming) and osteoclastic (bone dissoluting) cells.First they had Master Nishino send Ki from
his hands into 2 petri dishes of osteoblastic bone marrow cells for 5 and 10
minutes respectively.Next the cells
were seeded in Fetal Bovine Serum, cultured for 72 hours, then counted.The dish given 5 minutes of Ki increased cell
production by 6%, and the dish given 10 minutes of Ki increased cell production
by 12%, both of which are quite significant.For the osteoclastic cells they had Master Nishino send Ki from his
hands into 2 petri dishes of bone marrow for 5 and 10 minutes, then added
parathyroid hormone to stimulate resorption and counted the cells one week
later.This time the difference between
the 5 and 10 minute samples was insignificant, but the difference between the
control dishes and Ki infused dishes was radical.After 7 days the Ki infused dishes contained
approximately 38% less osteoclastic cells.Doctors at Philadelphia BioMed concluded that such results suggest that
Pranayama/Ki therapy can indeed help heal and prevent degenerative bone
diseases like osteoporosis.
a third experiment PBRI doctors tested the effects of Qigong on cancer.This time they used human liver
carcinoma cells, subjected them to 5 and 10 minute Ki sessions, cultured them
overnight, then measured cell numbers, protein concentration per cell, mRNA
expressions and regucalcin synthesis.Compared with the control (non-treated) cells, they found the Ki-exposed
cultures contained 30.3% and 40.6% less cancer cells, and the protein content
per cell in the Ki-exposed cultures were 38.8% and 62.9% higher
respectively.They found that the mRNA
expression for “c-myc,” a tumor stimulator gene, was decreased and regucalcin,
which suppresses DNA synthesis, was increased.
“We undertook this
study to obtain objective and scientific evidence as to whether or not a
'Ki-effect' could inhibit the growth of cultured cancer cells … Our molecular
biological studies and mathematical model analysis demonstrated that Ki-energy
inhibited cancer cell division. The data also indicate that the Ki-effects
involve some form of infrared radiation from the human body. This study
suggests the possibility that Ki-energy may be beneficial for cancer patients
because it suppresses cancer cell growth, and at the same time, it stimulates
immune functions of the patients.”-Onishi T, Nishino K, Tsurusaki Y, Yamaguchi M, “Growth Inhibition of
Cultured Human Liver Carcinoma Cells by Ki-Energy (Life Energy): Scientific
Evidence for Ki-Effects on Cancer Cells”
“Cancer is one
of the leading causes of death among human beings. Most current treatments for
cancer … come with significant drawbacks, including toxicity, costs and
potential harm to both mood and immune function. Therefore, an effective
non-pharmacological therapy for cancer with less cost and no side effects could
have a major impact on cancer treatment. Qigong therapy shows promise in
treating cancer and preliminary studies report immediate improvement without
side effects and even complete remission in patients who engaged in ongoing
practice … Studies on Qigong and it’s curative effect on cancer have
demonstrated consistent results for its inhibitory effect on cancer growth and
metastasis, in both in vitro and in vivo studies, as well as in clinical
observation … Our review suggests that this therapy should be
seriously examined and be considered as an important supplement to conventional
cancer treatment and other chronic diseases … Unlike other
alternative medicines, which are only able to cope with symptoms, Qigong
therapy focuses on the entire body and its health system. Our review suggests
that Qigong therapy may actually stop and prevent cancer growth, and help
patients recover from many different diseases at the same time.”–Kevin Chan and Raphael Yeung, “A Review of Qigong Therapy
For Cancer Treatment”
their final study, the PBRI team designed an experiment suggested by their
Ki-expert Kozo Nishino.Since most Ki
cultivation techniques involve deep breathing and breathe regulation, Kozo
Nishino believed that mitochondria (cells’ respiratory power plants) may play a
key role in maintaining vitality and health.To test the hypothesis the team used isolated rat liver mitochondria and
applied Ki energy as before.The results
showed that Ki had a very beneficial effect protecting mitochondria,
maintaining cellular metabolism, and decreasing the occurrence of unnecessary
apoptosis (programmed cell death).Using infrared and visible range filters they also observed that
Ki-effects involve near-infrared radiation with a wavelength range between
0.8 and 2.7 μm.
are demonstrating that so-called ‘Ki-energy’ is a natural phenomenon, and
therefore, it can be analyzed by rigorous scientific and objective
investigations. A ‘breathing method’ developed by a Japanese Ki-expert, Kozo
Nishino, stimulated immune activity of practitioners and lowered their stress
levels. We then reported that his Ki-energy inhibited cell division of cultured
human carcinoma cells. Since ‘breathing’ is directly related to oxygen
respiration, he has long proposed that mitochondria may play a key role in
maintaining vitality and health. This led us to undertake the project to
explore a possible relationship between Ki-energy and mitochondrial function.”-Onishi T, Nishino K, “Ki-Energy
(Life-Energy) Protects Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria from Oxidative Injury”
More verification for Ki/Chi’s
medical efficacy has come with Harvard professor Dr. Herbert Benson’s recent
studies involving the Relaxation Response and gene expression.The Relaxation Response (RR) is the
physiological counterpoint to the Fight or Flight (FF) stress response.RR is characterized by decreased oxygen
consumption and increased nitric oxide and carbon dioxide elimination, reduced
blood pressure, heart and respiration rate, alterations in cortical/subcortical
brain regions, and low psychological distress; FF is characterized by the exact
opposite. Various forms of meditation, yoga, deep breathing, tai chi, qigong,
repetitive prayer, progressive muscle relaxation, and other techniques all
elicit this Relaxation Response.Acting
through the same underlying mechanism, practitioners of these various
disciplines all share (what would otherwise be) very unique physiological
profiles and gene expression changes.
in the activation of these same genes have previously been seen in conditions
such as post-traumatic stress disorder; but the relaxation response-associated
changes were the opposite of stress-associated changes and were much more
pronounced in the long-term practitioners."-Dr. Herbert Benson, “Genomic Counter-Stress
Changes Induced by the Relaxation Response”
Benson’s team took blood samples and assessed transcriptional profiles from
three groups: long-term practitioners of various RR techniques (5-10 years),
short-term practitioners (8 weeks), and a control group of healthy non-practitioners.They found that the expressions of 2,209
genes were significantly different between the long-term practitioners and the
non-practitioners, and the expressions of 1,561 genes were similarly
significantly different between the short-term practitioners and
non-practitioners.More specifically,
the results showed that long-term (and short-term to a lesser degree)
cultivation of RR changes the expression of genes involved with inflammation,
programmed cell death, the treatment of free radicals, cellular metabolism, and
response to oxidative stress.
is becoming increasingly clear that psychosocial stress can manifest as
system-wide perturbations of cellular processes, generally increasing oxidative
stress and promoting a pro-inflammatory milieu. Stress associated changes in
peripheral blood leukocyte expression of single genes have been identified.
More recently, chronic psychosocial stress has been associated with accelerated
aging at the cellular level. Specifically, shortened telomeres, low telomerase
activity, decreased anti-oxidant capacity and increased oxidative stress are
correlated with increased psychosocial stress and with increased vulnerability
to a variety of disease states.” -Dr. Herbert Benson, “Genomic Counter-Stress
Changes Induced by the Relaxation Response”
“My studies, along with those of several researchers in the USA,
revealed that Transcendental Meditation elicited physiological changes that
were the exact opposite to the stress response. Virtually every indicator of stress,
from heart rate and blood pressure to body chemistry and brain activity,
changed in the opposite direction during meditation. Herbert Benson of Harvard
Medical School dubbed this the ‘relaxation response,’ and almost overnight
meditation became respectable. Doctors began recommending it to patients;
teachers encouraged students to take it up; even city business people took
lessons on the quiet.”-Peter Russell, “From Science to God”
studies of Chinese Qigong, Indian Pranayama, and Japanese Johrei practitioners
have also gleaned similar results.Published in the 2005 “Journal of Alternative and Complement Medicine,”
doctors at the Texas Center for Immunology performed “Genomic Profiling of
Neutrophil Transcripts in Asian Qigong Practitioners.”They found that long-term Qigong
practitioners had enhanced immunity, down-regulated cellular metabolism, and
apoptotic gene alteration in favor of rapid resolution of inflammation.The lifespan of normal neutrophils (white
blood cells) was prolonged while the lifespan of inflammatory neutrophils was
decreased.Doctors concluded that Qigong
practice seems to regulate immunity, metabolic rate, and cell death at the
transcriptional (DNA/RNA) level.
Institute of Medical Sciences published their findings regarding gene
expression profiling of Pranayama practitioners in the 2008 “Journal of
Psychosomatic Research.”Much like the
Qigong study, doctors found that long-term Pranayama practitioners showed
effects on immunity, aging, cell death, and stress reduction through
transcriptional regulation.Compared to
a control group of 42 healthy non-practitioners, 42 Pranayama masters showed
better antioxidant status at the RNA level, higher enzyme activity, better stress
regulation and immune function (due to prolonged life span of lymphocytes by
up-regulation of anti-apoptotic/pro-survival genes).
is a Japanese spiritual practice much like Reiki, Qigong, or Pranayama which
utilizes life force energy as a healing modality.A group of scientists lead by Dean Radin
exposed cultured astrocyte brain cells to repeated Johrei sessions and found
that they flourished and grew much faster than control astrocytes.By doing nothing but focusing a certain type
of intention / concentration onto these cells, they flourished compared to the
non-treated cells.In other words,
cultivation of life force energy results in increased brain cell growth.
on Mind-Body approaches is accelerating. One of a number of characteristics of
Mind-Body practice is the purposeful elicitation of the Relaxation Response
(RR). The various forms of practices which elicit the RR include Tai Chi, Qi
Gong, Yoga, meditation, repetitive prayer, breathing exercises, progressive
muscle relaxation, biofeedback, guided visualization, affirmation, etc. These
methods tend to trigger physiological and perhaps energetic mechanisms that
move the body into a state of deep rest. It appears that this can literally
change how genes behave in response to stress. Mind-Body practices that produce
the Relaxation Response have been used by people across cultures for thousands
of years to prevent and treat disease and generate states of mind that foster
greater performance and intuitive insight. Recently, a number of studies have
turned toward investigation of the effect that Mind-Body practice can have on
genetic expression. In research on natural healing, functional maximization and
holistic, complementary and integrative medicine there has been a growing trend
away from simply studying disease mechanisms and outcomes, toward the study of
the subtle factors that predispose individuals for sustainable wellbeing as
well as for disease. Gene expression is an emerging arena wherein the total
continuum – from wellbeing to disease – can be effectively investigated.”–Roger Jahnke MD, “Researching the Benefits
of Mind-Body Practice by Investigating Genetic Expression”
Did you know the Statue of Liberty was given to America by French Freemasons? There is another statue just like it in France on an island in the Seine. The character propagated as “Lady Liberty,” supposedly derived from the Roman goddess Libertus, is simply a patriotic pseudonym for the public. Lady Liberty has been known throughout history as Isis of Egypt, Semiramis/Ishtar of Babylon, Athena of Greece, Astarte of Syria, Cybele of Rome, Ashtoreth of Israel, and Diana of Ephesus. She is the Pagan mother Goddess of the Brotherhood, nearly always depicted dressed in robe, wearing a crown of thorns, and carrying the torch of illumination. She is symbolic of both the Moon and “dog-star” Sirius, which is why the English word for God is simply Dog backwards. The “dog days” of summer was coined after Sirius and was believed to be an evil time. J. Brady in “Clavis Calendarium” says the dog days were known as a time “when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies.” This hot time was associated with hot-headedness. This is why you’re Sirius when you’re Serious. This is also the occult origin of the all-American “hot dog.” July 4th, America’s Independence Day, just happens to be the 2nd of Sirius’ dog days – an important date to the pre-Masonic Knights Templar.
“It is the date of the Templar's massive defeat by Muslim armies in the Holy Land at the Horns of Hattin on 4 July AD 1187, which was followed by the loss of Jerusalem to Christendom. There could therefore hardly be a more evocative 'Templar' or 'Solomonic' date than 4 July - evocative, that is, of the aspiration to build Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. The reader will also be aware, of course, that 4 July is Independence Day in the US, commemorating the signature of the Declaration of Independence and converting the date forever into a powerful talisman that spells out 'Independence' and 'Freedom" for the New World and, now by and large, for a new world order.” -Graham Hancock and Robert Buaval, “Talisman” (470)
The symbol for the U.S. dollar is $, sometimes with one or two vertical lines. The “S” and “I” have nothing to do with “dollars” and everything to do with “ISIS.” The Egyptian Goddess of the Moon and Sirius was “ISIS” and this is the most common name for her used by the Brotherhood. The dollar sign is actually an occult talisman to this Illuminati Goddess. This is why both the Statue of Liberty/Isis and her dollars are both the same color green. The ancient roots of the word Moon were “mon” and “min” which is why we have “money” made at the “mint.” The very idea of money and symbolic currency comes from ancient secret societies.
“Silver was connected with the moon and therefore with the Goddesses of the moon, the most famous of which was and is ISIS. So her name became the symbol of money. We find this today in the cleverly camouflaged motif - $- which is nothing more than the sigil for the name of I-S-I-S, but fused together in an ingenious manner.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
Thanks so much to Harry for sending this precious video of Luiz Antonio, the world's youngest moral philosopher. With feet dangling from his high-chair, this little Portuguese boy teaches his mother and now millions of viewers on YouTube the importance and simplicity of ethical eating. If the new generation being born to this planet embodies this level of compassion perhaps there is still some hope for humanity and our animal friends.
If given the opportunity, through fasting, cleansing, detoxing, and raw living foods, the human body can and will regenerate and rebuild at the cellular level. However, most people eat acidic meals 3 times a day every day and have never fasted or detoxed even once in their lives. This is equivalent to perpetually running a complex machine 24/7 for years and expecting it never to break down. But over time pipes get clogged, waste backs up, wear and tear take their toll, and the machine ultimately overheats and fails. Only then can repairmen come in, fix the pipes, remove the excess waste, and repair the damage done. It is exactly the same with the human body and our repairmen (self-regenerating cells/tissue) can only clean out and fix the machine when it's turned off. Fasting gives your internal organs the break they need to repair the damage of overuse. See "Detoxification The Art & Science" above and parts 2, 3, 4, and 5 here.
What allopathic doctors refer to as "diseases," Dr. Morse suggests could be more accurately termed "healing crises." The allopathic model merely lumps together a bunch of symptoms, gives them a name based on what part of the body they affect, then offers you unnecessary pills, vaccinations, radiation and surgeries that ultimately do more harm than good. Dr. Morse insists in his book "Illusion of Disease" that all these various medical diagnoses are misnomers which complicate the issue and disempower the patients:
"Medical Doctors simply fit a name to the respective symptom that occurs when acids damage the cells of the body (or set in motion an inflammatory response), and a symptom is experienced. Which is again simply: location, location, location! The location in the body = the name of the symptom ... The concept of diseases is ridiculous! It is fostered by the Pharmaceutical Companies. The concept of disease was perpetrated by the medical community to cast a 'mystique' over the general populous. Controlling man by fear, through the mystery of symptoms coming from the outside world. Setting themselves up as the potential 'life savers' with their bizarre chemical potions of pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation and radical surgeries. The ego, capitalism and totalitarianism consciousness has created a modality that can’t cure anything and conversely hurts and kills the largest number of humans ever seen. They are statistically and factually the largest killing machine of humans ever, including all the wars put together!" -Dr. Robert Morse
I hope everyone takes some time to listen to Dr. Morse and hear some of the incredible stories he has to share. He is a true healer, compassionate, knowledgeable, an amazing resource and inspiration for anyone suffering with health problems. Above is a great Review series, parts 2, 3, 4 here, and I highly recommend browsing through his YouTube channel here. Below are some choice quotes taken from his book The Great Lymphatic System:
One must understand why man is seeing so little CURING of their ailments these days, by most of the so-called “Health” Care Systems that currently exist. This is especially true of the Allopathic. The answer is simple. The focus is on the symptoms – not the causes! You always hear about their potential cures of Diseases, but you never see it happen – and you won’t. When one focuses on ones’ symptoms with the illusionary concept of diseases in mind, then one will never find Health & Vitality. One will never find a cure for what does not exist!
Let’s look at the human body simplistically for a minute. No matter what part of the body one wishes to look at, be it the liver, kidneys, skin, bones, hair, finger nails, etc ... all we are talking about are CELLS! The physical body is said to be made up of approximately 76 trillion cells. So no matter what group of cells called tissue (organs, glands, bones, etc.), the body is simply made up of a whole bunch of cells. Some are so small you can hardly see them. Others are as much as a foot long. So we can say the human body is simply a bunch of cells and two major fluids. Yes, we have a lot of chemistry in our physical bodies as well: minerals (especially calcium,) vitamins, toxins, microbes, e.g. janitorial bacterium, fungus, etc. But simply put: Our physical bodies are comprised of cells and two major fluids (blood and lymph).
Imagine for a minute that there’s only one God and God is all that exists. Wow! Imagine if you or I were the only thing that existed. This could be a little lonely and boring. I would want to experience other things and have endless experiences. To accomplish this I would need to create the illusion of separation from the one to the many, experienced through Duality. I would need to take my Energy and Intelligence (the One), and divide it into two opposite forces which is essential to have creation and it’s seemingly unlimited life forms. Opposites are essential to form action, travel and the like, called: matter, energy, space and time. With these two opposite forces, I now can create endless experiences of action and activity. But now instead of just love, I have its opposite: hate. Instead of just beauty, I now also have ugly. Good and bad, night and day, big and small, near and far, male and female ... follow me so far? Don’t make it difficult. Like in Creation, life always has two sides to it, no matter what, unless you learn the trick of the NOW where there is no time. Where all things become ONE again.
The only reason I needed to cover this is to get to chemistry. Obviously all matter is nothing but chemistry and all of chemistry is just different frequencies of energy. And pure energy has been called God. In quantum physics, they now can prove energy has intelligence ... So getting back to chemistry, all of chemistry, no matter what element, compound, or complex, has only two sides to it. Period! This world is simply chemistry (Energy) in motion! Again, understanding the nature of the two sides of chemistry is vital in understanding what damages or weakens your body, or more specifically, it’s cells (and what strengthens it). It is obvious that each side of chemistry is the opposite of each other in its actions. Understanding which side of chemistry damages the cells (tissues) of the body, and which side of chemistry repairs or regenerates the cells, is vital to understanding life and death.
For the sake of argument, lets give each side of chemistry a gender. Lets say that one side of chemistry is the male side, and the other side is the female side. One could say that the male side of chemistry is the aggressive side and the female side is the passive side. Males traditionally like to take things apart to see how they’re made, while females like to build nests or create things. So male chemistry breaks things down and female chemistry builds things up. The male side of chemistry leads to an endless array of negative symptoms that Allopathic Doctors call: “Diseases.” Before we go on, lets put the actual “names” that chemistry gives to these two sides of itself. The male side of chemistry is called acids. The female side of chemistry is known as the base side or alkaline side of chemistry.
We need some acids in life when aggressive activity is required. However, acids are generally the by-products of activity, e.g. metabolism, respiration, and most chemical activity in general. The body does produce a few acids e.g. for initial protein digestion and in some steroids; specifically estrogen & testosterone. However, obviously, the body also produces their alkaline neutralizer, as well. Acids require alkaline chemistry to neutralize them. One can see from the above how important it is that one’s diet must be predominantly alkaline in its chemistry or one becomes acidic. The importance of the body being predominantly alkaline is seen with the blood. Our blood must be alkaline (approximately 7.3-7.4) or death would be imminent, so when we eat acid forming foods, the blood must find (or steal) alkaline chemistry to keep its alkalinity or pH balance! This constituent is mainly calcium and the blood will steal it out of its own walls, hence spider or varicose veins. As said earlier, when acids begin to build up in our bodies, we begin to have symptoms.
Acids are generally cell by-products, which are dealt with through one’s lymphatic system. At first, simple stiffness, pain and swelling; then deeper problems affecting the function of the cells and tissues will begin. This in turn can affect hormone, steroid, and neurotransmitter production. Tissues can then become hyperactive at first but will always end up hypo-active, which is “under-active” tissue like hypothyroidism. Remember, acids will eventually break down cells, ending in cancer cells. During this process, the respective tissue fails to perform their functions. Remember, this is a simplistic overview. Always keep it simple.
Basically, proteins are acid forming, and carbohydrates are alkaline-forming. However, most grains are acidic in their digestive ash. Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline-forming and most proteins are acidic. Most grains are acid forming, as well as most beans. Raw dairy products are alkaline, but if they are pasteurized they become acidic. Please note that after age 2 or 3 a child cannot digest dairy products any more. He/she is supposed to be weaned! Young children can’t tolerate cows milk at all.
Remember that chemistry has only two sides to it. Basically, the Acid side can damage the cells and tissues of the body. The Alkaline side can rebuild the cells and tissues of the body. To put this all in context, we must look at man’s diet worldwide. Except for Islanders, man has developed a habit of eating high protein diets. Mostly 250 – 450 grams per day of protein. This includes meat or other types of protein at least two to three times per day. At this level of Acid consumption, colon and kidney damage is eminent! The news is always reporting on high protein diets and how it is related to the rise of colon cancer. However, Kidney damage also occurs! Both of these vital lymphatic eliminatory organs affect the efficiency of proper Lymphatic elimination (filtering). A client came to me the other day and she was peeing out parts of her bladder. Come to find out, she had been on the Atkins Diet for 5 years.
In review, the weakening of one’s Lymphatic elimination organs backs up this system, allowing for the retention of cellular wastes, which are acids. These acids create an Immune Response that we call Inflammation. Inflammation is a natural Immune response to what? Mostly acids (proteins). This begins the downhill functioning of the cells’ tissues, organs and glands of the body. This in turn, affects things like sugar metabolism, nerve function, joint function, creates tumors & the formation of cysts, and on and on and on.
The word infection is simply an accumulation of sewage in the body, blamed on the bacterium that is only trying to help you break this sewage down. This is how stupid man has gotten. Because of this stupidity, we have suppressed and toxified the body with pharmaceuticals. The side effects of pharmaceutical drugs are usually far worse than the original problem, not the least of which is breaking down your liver and kidney function! The use of antibiotics is another 'killing machine,' the use of which has killed thousands and damaged millions of people. Antibiotics break down the body’s Immune/ Lymphatic system to the point where it becomes so weak that man’s genetics have gotten to the Chronic and Degenerative Levels! Man is in such serious trouble in his health issues that no treatment-based system can even touch the problem! The Medical Community is way out of its league. One must learn the truth and how one regenerates their body (cells). The Medical Community generally uses Acids (except for normal saline solution) to treat an Acid Condition of the body. The Naturopathic Community uses Alkali’s to cure Acid Conditions of the body. Which one makes the most sense to you?
This brand new documentary "Unveiled and Lifted" featuring some of my favorite voices in the conspiracy community like Stefan Molyneux, Thomas Sheridan, Max Igan, Truther Girl Sonia and Vinny Eastwood is the best I've seen in a long while. It contains some very next-level information and inspiration for people working towards the conscious awakening of humanity.
"This beautiful documentary lit a fire in me - like no other - to
approach freedom and consciousness in a radical way. Too many of the
"awakened" walk around with broken spirits. Sometimes we forget that
true freedom comes from the highest love from within - otherwise, what
purpose do our actions serve? Are we going about resistance the hard
way? Fighting coercion the way puppet masters intended ... What we resist, persists ... but what if we each took our personal power back in our tiny corner of the world, realized our precious worth and it burst forth in a cascade effect that never ended?" -Activist Post