I am being featured in Spain's QR magazine this month with an interview I gave concerning our flat, motionless Earth. Overall I thought the questions were good, however they chose an odd image from one of my rap videos to represent me, and the magazine's editors interestingly omitted one and only one word from the actual interview: The final paragraph should read "The JEWS, Jesuits, Freemasons and other embedded secret societies," though they decided to take out the word "Jews" because quote, "that leaves us as a company open to attack and highly publicized criticism." As Voltaire said, "to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
Read the entire unabridged interview below, download the full-screen PDF here, or read the issue of QR magazine here.
QR - How long have you been researching the Flat Earth Theory, and what sparked your interest in the first place?
I have been researching the NASA Moon and Mars landing hoaxes, Geocentricism, Flat Earth and other conspiracies for the better part of a decade and have since written 5 books, maintain a popular conspiracy website, and am President of the International Flat Earth Research Society. I never fully bought the spinning ball-Earth model presented to us at school and reading the historical flat Earthers like Samuel Rowbotham, Thomas Winship, William Carpenter, Lady Blount, Gerard Hickson, David Wardlaw Scott, and confirming their experiments and observations for myself, it became overwhelmingly obvious that flat Earth is not simply a theory.
QR - Contrary to all of the theories that the earth is round, why are you convinced otherwise? What evidence do you have to support your arguments?
We have the evidence of our senses and every experiment ever devised to test for Earth’s alleged curvature or motion! The horizon always remains flat 360 degrees around you and rises to the eye of the observer no matter how high you ascend. All amateur balloons and rockets to altitudes of over 20 miles high watch the flat horizon rise with the level of the observer/camera all the way up. On a spherical Earth, no matter how large, the horizon would stay where it was and you would have to look down to see it more and more the further you ascended. You will never look down at the horizon however, and it will always remain completely flat 360 degrees around. Only in NASA’s fake CGI footage or that filmed through a wide-angle lens do we ever see the supposed “curvature” of the Earth. My latest book entitled “200 Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” contains 200 more proofs that the Earth is flat and motionless, along with my previous book “The Flat Earth Conspiracy” which contains many more.
QR - When people have been into space, why is it do you think that they did not identify the earth as being flat?
Outer space is a science-fiction myth woven by lying Freemasons with some rockets, computer graphics, and a multi-billion dollar taxpayer-funded budget. Astro-nots are merely Freemasonic actors playing out their role in propagandizing the public into believing their nihilistic, atheistic, heliocentric cosmology. Astronauts are fully aware of the deception they are participating in and “do not identify the earth as being flat” because they are sworn paid liars doing a job.
QR - How does FE account for planets orbiting the sun?
Everything in the heavens revolves over and around us just as it appears. The Sun and Moon are similar sized discs tracing similar paths over and around the flat, motionless Earth. The “planets” which were always known as the “wandering stars,” are not physical spherical terra firma worlds as presented to us in NASA’s many fake CGI videos, but are merely tiny lights in the sky which differ from the fixed stars in their relative motions only. Polaris remains perfectly fixed directly over the North Pole and all the other stars rotate perfect circles around it, with their constellations not moving out of position for thousands of years, yet another proof of geocentricism, impossible in the heliocentric spinning ball model.
QR - What about the changes in seasons and day and night? How does that work out in FE?
The Sun and Moon are much closer and smaller than we are told (32 miles in diameter, under 3000 miles high, as measured by sextants) and they revolve over and around us creating a spotlight effect creating the day and night. The Sun’s circular orbit expands and contracts every six months, beginning at the Tropic of Cancer at 23.5 degrees North latitude on the Summer Solstice then slowly widening and revolving faster until it reaches the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.5 degrees South latitude on the Winter Solstice then slowly narrowing and revolving slower until it begins the process anew at the Summer Solstice. These changes in the Sun’s path and speed are what cause the seasons.
QR - If the earth is indeed flat, then where does it start and end, and why don’t we fall off it?
I could similarly ask NASA and modern astronomers, “if outer-space is indeed real, where does it start and end, and why can’t we go beyond that?” Antarctica is not the tiny ice-continent found confined to the underside of astronomer’s globes, but is rather a gigantic ice wall/plateau 200 feet tall that surrounds the Earth and holds the oceans in 360 degrees around us. How far the Antarctic ice extends southwards and whether it terminates in an edge, barrier/firmament, or whether it is infinite is currently unknown and unknowable to the public thanks to the Antarctic Treaty which prevents ordinary people from independent exploration of Antarctica.
QR - What happens to the oceans at the ends of the earth?
The oceans are all connected, are completely flat (it’s called “sea-level” for a reason), and are held in by the surrounding Antarctic ice wall/plateau. How far the Antarctic ice extends southwards and how it terminates are still unknown to the public at this time.
QR - Where does the atmosphere start and finish?
This is another question which even NASA refuses to answer. They claim that at some undetermined height, “gravity” becomes weaker and weaker until it magically gives way to “outer-space” which is a vacuum which allow astronauts to free-float forever without falling back down. First of all, it is physically and philosophically impossible for “infinite non-gravitized vacuum space” to exist adjacent to and not separated in any way from non-vacuum, gravitized atmosphere. Secondly, no amateur rocket, balloon, or other technology has ever been able to reach this alleged height where instead of falling back down to Earth like a skydiver, people are able to simply free-float. This is because astro-nots are not in outer-space at all and are simply filming the free-floating effect using camera tricks, green screens, wires, dark pools, and so-called “zero-g planes.” The reality is as the old adage states, “what goes up, must come down,” and not because of “gravity” but because objects always rise/fall based on the relative densities of their surroundings. A helium balloon rises upwards because it is lighter than the oxygen, nitrogen and other elements in the air surrounding it. A rock drops right to the ground because it is denser than the air surrounding it. That is all. The helium balloon doesn’t mysteriously escape “gravity” while the rock is subjected to it, but rather, as was known for millennia before Newton’s silly theory, objects naturally rise/fall towards their own density.
QR - How does the earth’s magnetic field work? Does the reverse side of the earth also have magnetism?
The farthest anyone has ever drilled into the Earth is a mere 8 miles. So in reality no one knows what is beyond 8 miles deep, but our scientific establishment has taken the liberty of providing every school textbook with images showing a ball-Earth with several hypothetical layers going from crust, to outer mantle, to inner mantle, to outer core and inner core where they claim there is hot molten magnetic metal causing Earth to have constantly moving magnetic dipoles on its surface! In reality, they have not even drilled beyond the crust, but claim to know what exists at every layer and their theory of Earth’s magnetism resulting from a molten metal core suggests a type of magnet that doesn’t actually exist. Our flat Earth’s actual magnetism however, works similar to that of a ring-magnet found in loud-speakers, where the North pole is the monopole pole at the center and the “South pole” is actually every point along the outer circumference.
QR – There really is some compelling evidence that the Earth is flat and that we’ve all been deceived for centuries. In your opinion who is pulling the wool over our eyes and, more importantly, why?
The Jews, Jesuits, Freemasons and other embedded secret societies in the current New World Order establishment have been lying about the Earth and many other subjects for centuries. To learn the true history that’s been kept from you and uncover this massive deception, the mother of all conspiracies, read The Atlantean Conspiracy and The Flat Earth Conspiracy, and visit AtlanteanConspiracy.com and IFERS.ace.st
The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - J. Edgar Hoover.
Good interview, keep up the good works Eric. I'm curious, are Europeans more open to your ideas than Americans? Or how about the people around you in Thailand? Are we Americans the most closed-minded? Also, what do you think of flat earth meet ups, such as this one in San Diego? http://www.meetup.com/Flat-Earth-San-Diego/ (I'm still waiting for my invite to the Eric Dubay fan club, may have to start my own).
Have you read The Book of Enoch (lost, hidden books of the Bible), you can download it for free on internet?
Saved to bookmarks....
Keep up the good work and thank you !
Great interview. It answered many of my questions too. Thank you Eric and keep inspiring
Hahaha. It's not the Jews, Goyim.
Hey Tele, I just love it when a certain group has a reputation that they whine about being unfair undeserved and untrue and then they fulfill that reputation. You can't resist! Thanks for using the slanderous word "Goyim." You just proved you are the problem. No one would use that word in the way you did but someone with Jewish Zionist heritage who hides behind the lie that they are "God's Chosen people". ( the rest of humanity has no soul and are cattle.) One thing I would like to add is you are correct in a certain way. It is not all Jews per se, it is Zionism. Zionism is a bed made with Fascist sheets and Communism and Socialism as the pillows. The USA is the bought and paid for blanket that covers it all up. it is individuals with Jewish heritage who actually do not believe in a higher power they are who hide behind the religion of Judaism using the Holocaust and a history of persecution so no one can criticize while they go about their murderous business. It is their little trick. Trotsky's real name is not Trotsky. Why in the world would this group have been kicked out of so many countries throughout history? There must be a reason. Perhaps it is because they lie, murder, cheat and steal and promote slavery. (Check the Talmud...) The territory of Palestine was a gift so to speak, after WWII and decided in advance. I suggest all read the book Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Yuri Lina. Everything from the Holodomor (wow sets off my spellchecker...how can that be?) with over 20 million dead courtesy of the Red Revolution... (which eclipses the so called "Holocaust" in magnitude,) to the Bloody French Revolution can be attributed to this Zionist movement. I also suggest you read Egypt Knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites by Ashraf Ezzat. Nope no israelite slaves and if the exodus happened it was in Yemen not Egypt. Oh and read also all of Eric's books. Murderous lying lot. How many of the Russian Revolution were of Jewish heritage? Check it out. Also just for fun read Every Spy a Prince...It has two Jewish Authors. It is all about Mossad. It's a brag rag. Look in the index and find ISIS. It is actually the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. The acronym of ISIS is actually the proud name of the Mossad. No self respecting Palistinian would ever name themselves after something Israel had its hands on. EVER. This is not obscure it was well known. ISIS is a head-fake. It is Israel attempting to make the world believe someone else is responsible for their dirty deeds. It is 911 all over again. Order this vintage book from Amazon. Dan Rather even wrote a recommendation on the books jacket cover. The Soviet Union's wall falling was not a victory for freedom and democracy. It allowed all of the slime to go out and infect the rest of the world. Ukraine is the same deal. It is all part of their game. Eric calls it out thats all. These are all proven facts. Israel will never have peace because Israel is not PEACEFUL. Signed, "Good lil Goyle" aka Mary Martha
I don´t think it´ll make a big difference being published on some mainstream magazine, American or European, this is not easy, one article is not enough to describe the illusion-deception we´re living, that article i think it´ll be just some "curiosity" for the average reader, slowly some people is awakening to some things, but it´ll take a while, in the meantime Eric and the others :) what´s your take on "there are no Forrest on the flat earth" ?, i think it´s revealing stuff
Mary Martha, my kind of girl, digs deep.
The Book of Enoch (free online) tells you everything you want to know about flat earth from the mouth of our creator in Heaven.
It is hard to trust when most of what I have believed my whole life I come to "know" is a lie. Just watched there are no Forests. I am once more blown away and intrigued. After this video there is M. Sargent in a roundtable discussion which comes up automatically after the "No Forests" vid. Immediately I am suspicious of this roundtable discussion which includes the female narrator of the no forests video. M Sargent makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. It is an involuntary reaction I cannot tell you why. I have not watched the roundtable video yet. I am lost once again with pounds of rubble over my head through which I must dig myself to find the truth. I am separating disinfo from info. Them I find an ad on the sidebar of The Atlantean Conspiracy website advertising Handcrafted Masonic Aprons and Regalia. With as much as the AC website criticizes secret societies why is this ad on the sidebar? I imagine the higher degree masons are the ones I am to be wary of, but then again I am unsure. I look at this website filled with photos of happy customers in their brag book. White doughboy type dudes wearing their creepy masonic aprons. Their smiles like those of a kid who just opened their cracker jack box and getting their surprise toy ring inside. Perhaps they are harmless so this ad on my "go to site for truth" is harmless....Is it a true sponsor ad or is it because of my browsing history that this appears? The exact trellis I have been coveting on Amazon.com is right above "Masonic Aprons R Us" Once again I grab my shovel to dig through the rubble. I have been digging a lot lately. One day my calloused human hands may hold the truth. The tears fall while I grieve the loss of all my former "truths"and my heart aches at the magnitude of the betrayal. It may take my soul separating from my human body to finally know the truth.
Hey Mary, Tele was just trolling for a laugh, he knows it's the Jews :) And Google ads automatically places those Masonic ads because my site is full of keywords related to Masonry. All that means is anyone who clicks the ads is helping take money from the Masons who put the ads up and giving it to me instead :) Thanks for the great comments everyone! As for "No Forests on Flat Earth," it's an interesting possibility, but needs more evidence, and as with Mary, I'm suspicious of how the Hot Potato shill squad like Patricia, Mark, and all the others so quickly jumped on-board with this theory. Peace
Whew! That's a relief! Please forgive me for jumping. On another blog I follow after a comment I made recently, I received a reply that I am just "Goyim for the slaughter"...This experience would make anyone a tad trigger happy. Again my apology as you know who Tele is. With respect to the ads, I am turning 54 soon. I don't get how some of this stuff works. I did send you a donation via that apron wearing regalia website tho as I did click on it heh heh! Seriously tho, I used to live another life and now 98 percent of what I used to believe has changed. I own up to my steeple past. I voted for Bush for God's sake...Twice! Makes my head hurt just thinking about it....For fun tho there is a site you may enjoy in the US called Bmans Revolt. Yes he calls out the problem. He has no qualms about it. NO shill is Buelahman.... I wrote a little guest post titled "MNM Reviews the Blues Brothers." Look it up for a laugh. I wrote it just as I was beginning to understand the problem. Peace, Mary Martha aka Marynotmartha
Clbrto, I find it's much more based on the individual than their location as far as who is more open to my ideas. People who are naturally skeptical, critical-thinkers, open-minded and truth-seekers are much more quickly able to resonate with and understand these subjects. I'm not a fan of "meet-ups" as I'm a rather private person, but for some people I think they could be good. Peace
Regarding No Forests: Mt Meru might as well be the former über-tree, now a huge Mesa-Mountain. Just a thought.
Eric, what are your thoughts on the Mandela effect?
Question: if object rise/fall based of density can you explain why gravity get less as you get higher in elevation instead of more? From my understanding of what you said if you put a rock higher up it should fall easier/faster due to density and possibly slow down as it enters higher density areas.
@Anonymous August 25, 2016 at 12:33 PM
Does gravity get less as you get higher? We are told that the surface has 1g and that 'orbit' has 'zero g', but I have been in a plane at 36,000 ft and have not been 'lighter'. Does gravity trail off on an even gradient, or fall off suddenly at a certain distance? Questioning 'gravity' is such a radical notion, Eric is courageous to do so, and while I do not have any answers I certainly have questions which cannot be answered by scientific orthodoxy, such as why am I not lighter at 36,000 ft altitude?
So presumably the sun, the moon and all the other planets and moons in our solar system are flat as well?
Good interview Eric! Following your "message spreading and groundbreaking work" from Holland.
When watching the video in your article about the fake cgi planets, at the end there is a text which says that they misleaded us by adding a "T" to the word "plane" (it is a plane and not a planet). Now I think I understand the secret message hidden in plain sight by mr. "T" (A-team) and the fact that he hated a "plane" (murdoch made him accidentaly hate the plane). Just one of the ways Hollywood is rubbing it in your "face" and lovin' it when their plan comes together.
I rather hire the D(ubay)-team, because humanity has a problem (problem = not able to handle the truth). Only the truth (with all his/hers uglyness and beautifulness) can set us free, perminent.
Well, gravity as defined by Newton / modern astronomy seems obviously false. The principle of relative density is also quite good in describing observed phenomena. The only question that I have is: What gives things mass? Why are more dense things more heavy? It seems that there is some force similar to gravity, but it needs a better definition (luckily it does NOT need to hold billions of star systems together)
Ok as we say here in MN USA, "I am flopping like a fish on a dock." This is where I am at. My earth is not round. AlQuadia did not take down the twin towers and tower 7, The Titanic did not sink, it was the Olympic. Pearl Harbor was deliberately allowed. The holocaust is a hoax. There are more false flags that I can count. The Diary of Anne Frank was written by her father and some other guy who got in a legal fight over it. (I was the prop master for this play in high school. I cried at every performance stupid dumb blonde Lutheran) I do not and never have lived in a Constitutional Republic, (I am pushing 54 born in 1963) Education day has pushed the noahhide laws of the jews into signed order by a president I voted for (OK i am pro life and against abortion. that is why I voted for him...twice..The other option was pro abortion. I am a fool.) I know about the Tamud. I know about the Federal Reserve. The wall falling in 1989 was a farce which allowed all the communists out to infect the rest of the world as they left Russia for dead. There were no Israelite slaves in Egypt. EVER. There goes every story I ever heard in church about Jerusalem being the holy city. Now I find out it is not so holy. I can no longer be a Christian or a Catholic or a Lutheran because the church is all lies I have come to understand. I know about the NWO and the Jews and the Jesuits and the illuminati Elite. Chemtrails fly above me daily and I cannot get anyone I love or any of my neighbors or friends to believe me. They see what I see and dismiss it. Almost everything I eat or feed my children is infected with GMOs (much of it I purchase I think it is organic and it turns out not to be) My Children have all been damaged by vaccines. Yes all 6 of them. I held them while they were vaccinated for the "common good". I held my children while their lives were destroyed by doctors that I trusted. Have I missed anything? Everyday I find more lies. I am awake and enlightened which sounds wonderful but it is incredibly painful. I am Arjuna on the battlefield. Why am I here? I do not want to fight but then again I cannot stop wanting to fight and expose all of this. My only weapon is love. I have nothing else. How can I apply love to all of the above and those responsible? I am sick of the duality and I want out. What do I do now?
Mary Martha again. The Sun revolves around ME just like I thought it did as a kid! The earth is not a bazillion years old. The moon has it's own light. There is a divine creator there is no evolution. ( I am not a monkey's niece. ) On the other hand...I forgot a few to add to my "newly awake" list. I forgot Israel attacked the USS Liberty, An Israeli tank ran over an American named Rachel Corrie. Daniel Pearl was not beheaded. The Lusitania was a false flag. Prescott Bush financed both sides of the war along with many other "Elites" I forgot No global warming,no dinosaurs, no nukes, no gravity. No moon landing. No satellites. No Zika crisis. I know about HAARP. Ethnic Russians are not bad Communists is bad. The gulf of Tonkin, I know about that now. I as an American, pay taxes to England. Many of the wars and upheaval can be traced back to the same individuals. Henry Ford was right about the protocols.... Now I understand I am a peasant slave...I hatched 6 children (5 are living) while I believed the US to be a good and noble country and now I realize I am and my children are all peasant slaves.They are slaves because I taught them my beliefs. Now I am awake. How do I undo all of this? My country is a terrorist. We are not free. I thought myself to be a "good Person". Can you all fill me in on anything I have missed? Bueller?????Bueller????? What do I do? As a child I knew what to do once I knew the truth. Do you know how difficult it is for a farmer's daughter to decide to be a vegetarian? But I forgot this as I grew up and "assimilated" with steak on my plate and served to my family. My flat world is now all new to me. 5 years ago I knew none of this. Then I come to realize. "They" are me as we are all "one." All that I fear and want to fight against is what I do not want to accept or see in myself. I am the parasite as well as the host. It is my false ego and its multiple manifestations. One cannot exist without the other. It all comes down to love then. Love from the true authentic self. My ego which still survives says, this all "still sucks"...It kicks and screams while I try to become "unlost". Going to the store to buy only vegetables. (you do not have to print all this administrator Eric...It is just cathartic to tell someone.) Peace, Mary
@ Mary Martha
I'm glad Eric did print your comments in full, they are very moving. You are not alone, there are other islands of clarity in a swirling ocean of confusion and ignorance. Be true to yourself, the pendulum always swings back, harmony will always ultimately prevail. Peace to you.
Bush didn't finance both sides. That Alex Jones talk. He did have business connections before, during and after the war. The enemies were very interested in IG Farben's patents. They developed gasoline from sand (Benzin aus Sand). The NS government slowly rid Germany off its Jewish and foreign influence in Germany and because of Bush, the US government enacted the Trading with the Enemy Law that would stop Bush's involvement in German business. Bush never financed the German government but as someone a-ethical, he continued to do business in Germany while the Jews announced their worldwide boycot on German goods. Bush Goy didn't get the memo. His sons made up for his disobedience.
Henry Ford received the German medal of honor by Hitler.
Thank you for your kind words. You remind me to remember the pendulum and what will win in the end. It is hard as I am incredibly nauseous from the swinging! It is helpful to know I am not alone.
Peace to you as well and thanks again!
Mary Martha
Thanks for setting me straight regarding P. Bush. It is hard to sift when I know no one personally in my circle who is anywhere near the heat I find myself in. It is hard to see the smoking guns for all the fire. I cannot have a snippet of conversation, nor is their anyone close to me I trust to bounce all this off of in person. I rely on what I can gather and garner from trusted sources and appreciate help in discerning info from disinfo wherever I can. Speaking of Henry Ford there is a connection between P. Bush, some NY Bankers, and the untimely death of the Dodge Brothers within months of each other. A Star of David appeared as badging on these vehicles only after both brothers were dead and their widows had sold the company. There is an interesting connection as I have done some research. Henry if he were alive today would find Mark Fields (Jew) as the President and CEO of Ford. The Dodge company interestingly enough began running vintage stye TV ads in the US just this summer flaunting that star of david badging on the vehicle along with actors portraying the "rebel" brothers Dodge. Again they were long dead before that logo became stock but they are portrayed simultaneously in the commercial. The Dodge Bros were not Jewish. Here we go again with the element hiding once again in plain sight. They cannot resist even today. Brazen they are and have always been.
Please keep me on your radar and set me straight when needed. I need all the help I can get.
Mary Martha
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